
Sanitation By Phytodepuration: Advantages And Disadvantages

Phytodepuration is a method of wastewater treatment without a septic tank. Used for more than 20 years, this ecological sanitation is adapted to grey water and black water. Designed to treat domestic wastewater, this method goes far beyond the septic tank because of its advantages. So, without further ado, let’s dive into this blog and learn some of the things you need to know about sanitation by phytodepuration.


UNESCO’s Declaration of Ethical Principles in Relation to Climate Change (Part 2)

We only have one habitable (as far as we know) planet in our solar system, but we treat it as if we have other backup plans. We need to start treating it properly before it is too late. Phytodepuration allows the collection of water to come straight from the toilet, the bathroom, and the kitchen. 100% ecological, this natural mechanism uses planted filters. Plant species are carefully selected to naturally treat the nitrates and phosphates in the wastewater. The roots of these plants take care of the absorption and digestion of the polluting loads.

With the phyto-purification system, the pollution of the surface and the groundwater is reduced by itself. As no energy is needed, the water cycle is reintroduced into our daily life. Even for watering the vegetation above the pond, you can use the naturally filtered water in the second pond.

Low maintenance

Easier to maintain and less expensive than a conventional septic tank, this device has a long life span: 40 years. Unlike a septic tank that requires annual emptying, it requires only simple gardening work such as pruning, mowing, and weeding. As for maintenance, you only need to remove the sludge composted on the surface of the filter every ten years.

In addition, this type of sanitation is eligible for the eco-loan at zero rates. As this method does not need electrical energy to operate, it is not energy-consuming.

Beautiful to see

As part of the installation of sanitation by phyto-purification, the technician plants a mix of aquatic plants. In the hands of an excellent landscaper specialized in the design and creation of green spaces, your garden will keep its greenery while adding the color of reed flowers, cattail, yellow iris, scented acore, sedge, common rush… These vegetations will ensure the treatment of large particles, pollutants, and composts.

Few risks

As the bacteria work in good condition, there is no risk of smelling bad odors with this sanitation. Installed in the open air, this device even produces organic matter. It is true that you will smell some odors at the beginning of the operation of this installation, but they will disappear once the reeds invade the surface of the filter.

You also won’t attract flies and mosquitoes. Mosquitoes only lay eggs and breed on standing water, whereas in a wetland, not even a drop of water is visible. Since a safety grate is installed on the wetland, there is no risk of children or pets drowning.

Large area required


A septic system is not for everyone, especially for city dwellers whose homes and subdivisions are connected to the sewer system. A small piece of garden, about 3 m², is, in fact, necessary for the installation of the device. However, it takes up less space than a sand filter because the sewage garden requires 10 m² per filter.

Nevertheless, the inhabitants of villages that do not benefit from collective sanitation can take advantage of this individual sanitation device. After two years of use, they even have the possibility to recover the compost from the pond for their ornamental plants. As for the older homes with septic tanks, the presence of a specialist in phytodepuration is essential. Moreover, the installation of a phyto-purification system is ideally placed on sloping ground. If there is no slope, a lifting pump is necessary.

Sound off in the comments section below, and tell us what you want to read next and if you want to read more about sustainability.


Optimize The Comfort Of Your Home By Choosing Solar Energy

Solar energy is among the list of green energies. In other words, they are renewable energies derived from natural resources, such as wind and water. Note that these types of energy provide not only economic benefits for those who adopt them but also ecological benefits for all. We will show you how you can optimize the comfort of your home while opting for solar energy. So, without further ado, let’s dive into this blog and learn some of the things you need to know about solar energy.

Brighten up your day with a solar lighting kit


Just like ventilation, light and brightness inside the house are also very important for the well-being of its inhabitants. However, (natural) lighting can be a real problem for houses and/or apartments in which there is a lack of openings. In order to solve this problem, some owners choose to install roof windows and/or roof domes, while others will increase the number of light fixtures. Note that the first solution requires some work and the second is likely to increase the electricity bills in the long run.

If you are among those who have opted, are opting, or will opt for the second solution to the lighting problem, we advise you to opt for solar lighting. This way, you will be able to enjoy an illuminated interior as well as a more or less well-stocked wallet. In addition, you can also do the same for the lighting of your exterior at night, especially since a wide choice of solar lighting models are available to optimize the decoration.

In short, solar lighting is a good alternative to the problems of lighting and brightness both inside and outside the house.

Feel safe with solar surveillance cameras

“Nothing” is more excruciating than feeling unsafe, even at home. Besides, we all know that malicious people like burglars will not tell us in advance that they intend to come and rob us at such a time.

Furthermore, while “traditional” surveillance cameras may stop working if the power goes out, this is rarely the case if you have a security device that runs on solar energy. To help you understand and shed light on this new surveillance system, here is what My Solar Panel says: “Wireless surveillance cameras are particularly easy to use and install. This device is completely autonomous, operates with lithium batteries, and is rechargeable with solar energy. Depending on the model you choose, you can have access to different features:

    • Lighting triggered by motion detectors 
    • An infrared camera for night vision 
    • A storage capacity more or less important according to your needs 
    • A waterproof camera filming in high definition. 

According to the same source, a solar surveillance camera breaks down less often: the malfunctions are, in most cases, due to a problem with the wire. With a wireless camera, this will never happen.

In short, in addition to the ease of use and installation of the solar surveillance camera, it provides many advantages, such as the possibility of connecting it to a wifi network, to an IOS or Android phone via a specific application, etc.

Other advantages of choosing solar energy

    • Many appliances and equipment work with this free and renewable energy. We can mention, among others, solar boilers, solar heaters, and air conditioners.
    • You can also install an outdoor shower that works with a solar pumping system

Final thoughts


By actively choosing solar and other renewable energies, we are taking active steps to save the only habitable planet in our solar system. This is why more and more people are turning towards green energy. Sound off in the comments section below, and tell us what you want to read next and if you want to read more about solar energy.


Top 4 Simple Tips To Reduce Your Waste

What if you tried to better manage your waste and recycle at the office? Thanks to a few simple gestures and tips, you could greatly improve your environmental footprint and that of your company! Recycling is a fundamental tool to improve our environmental impact, and yet it is still not practiced enough. In the United States, 87% of the population says they recycle, but only 44% do so regularly. Moreover, if recycling is widespread at home, it is much rarer than it is practiced at the office.

All the good habits that we try to put in place when we are at home, we tend to forget when we arrive at work. And for a good reason, we are not alone in the office (and therefore not alone responsible). Waste accumulates, and recycling is forgotten, and it’s a pity because, with a few simple gestures or tricks, recycling and better managing waste at the office can be child’s play. As part of the No Impact Week, we suggest you discover how to do it. Here are 4 tips and tricks that you can easily implement in your company.

1. Organize an animation on the rules of recycling


Let’s start with the basics. In many companies, there aren’t even specific garbage cans for recycling. As a result, once lunch is over, all the garbage goes to the same place: plastic bottles, food waste, and cardboard… Then, many citizens still don’t know exactly how recycling should be done, what the rules are and how to easily respect them. So the first thing to do is to have the basic conditions in place to allow recycling at work! Here is a simple to-do list to follow:

    • Install or have installed specific garbage cans
    • Make sure that these garbage cans are taken care of by your company’s maintenance staff.
    • Organize an event to train employees on the rules of sorting. Indeed, the rules of waste sorting are sometimes complex: did you know, for example, that plastic yogurt cups cannot be recycled? Or that broken table glasses do not go in the glass garbage can?

Clearly display the rules of recycling on your garbage cans. So, no more excuses: everything is clearly indicated.

2. Install a composter

This is a simple way to manage food waste in the office. Whether you have a company restaurant or a simple canteen, installing composters to recycle your food waste is possible.

The principle is simple: they are bins in which you store certain organic waste. Then, depending on the type of composter, specific worms are added to transform this waste into compost, which can then be used to fertilize plants, for example. For those who are worried about it: when a composter is used correctly, it does not emit any smell.

However, hiring a master composter to install a composter or a worm composting machine and educate/train the employees is ideal. Once installed, all that is left to do is to fill it and handle it regularly to obtain quality compost.

3. Learn about the circular economy for your computer equipment


Did you know that when a company’s computers need to be changed, there are specific channels that recover this equipment and take care of refurbishing it so that it can be reused by individuals or associations?

This is one of the links of what is called the circular economy. This part of the economy tries to promote recycling and reuse, which wants to avoid waste. By getting closer to the various structures of the circular economy, and in particular, the associations involved in reuse, we can drastically reduce our environmental footprint.

4. Install specific recycling bins

Another possibility to improve the management of waste in the company: call upon service providers to install specific recycling bins for certain waste. Batteries, light bulbs, batteries, or cigarette butts, for example, can be treated and recycled in specific channels. And it is quite possible for companies who wish to participate in the citizen dynamics of recycling to install in their premises bins to facilitate the sorting and recycling for their employees. Here is a list of waste for which you can install sorting bins:

    • Batteries, bulbs
    • Cigarette butts
    • Coffee capsules

Once these kiosks are installed, nothing could be simpler for employees: they simply drop off their waste, which is then collected by partner service providers. In addition to allowing the recycling of waste produced in the workplace, it can also serve as a collection point for employees’ domestic waste and thus encourage recycling.

Looking for help?


Do you live in Botany? Are you in search of a rental bin or waste management solutions? Then look no further because Empire Bins is here to solve all your problems. So, relax and give them a call on their wide range of rental bins and waste management solutions; they have a bin for whatever your needs are, be it for garbage removal, storage, or even if you have a large event coming up.

Renting a bin, hook bin, or even skip has never been easier than with the help of Empire Bins. Their motto is no job is too big or too small for them, and they deliver on their promise. What are you waiting for? They are only one phone call away!

UNESCO’s Declaration of Ethical Principles in Relation to Climate Change (Part 3)

UNESCO’s Declaration of Ethical Principles in Relation to Climate Change (Part 3)

On 13 November 2017, UNESCO established a declaration with the sole aim of addressing the issue of climate change. So, let’s learn more about this article.

Article 7: Scientific Knowledge and Integrity in Decision-Making

Article 7: Scientific Knowledge and Integrity in Decision-Making

States, according to Article 6 of the UNFCCC and Article 12 of the Paris Agreement adopted under the Convention, and other relevant actors should:

(a) take measures which help protect and maintain the independence of science and the integrity of the scientific process. This includes assisting in maintaining strong scientific standards as well as transparency at all levels with respect to scientific funding, methodologies and research conclusions;

(b) raise awareness and promote literacy in science in all sectors and amongst their populations in order to underpin strong and collective action and understanding of how to respond to climate change;

(c) promote accurate communication on climate change based on peerreviewed scientific research, including the broadest promulgation of science in the media and other forms of communication;

(d) build effective mechanisms to strengthen the interface between science and policy to ensure a strong knowledge-base in decision-making.

Article 8: Science, Technologies and Innovations

  1. Develop strategies to uphold the integrity of scientific research in addressing climate change issues.
  2. Use the best available scientific knowledge and evidence in decision-making that relates to climate change issues.
  3. Develop and scale up carefully assessed technologies, infrastructure and actions that reduce climate change and its associated risks.
  4. Increase as far as possible the participation of scientists from all developing countries, LDCs and SIDS in climate-related science.
  5. Promote access to information and training opportunities, including open data and Open Educational Resources (OER), relevant to the challenge and solutions associated with climate change, so that they are shared across the entire scientific and other relevant communities internationally.
  6. Encourage the development of scientific knowledge that helps transform patterns of production, management and consumption to make them more compatible with environmental sustainability.

Article 9: Risk Assessment and Management

Promote the development of local risk maps, early warning systems, science-based environmental and technology assessments, and the appropriate management of risks related to climate change and natural disasters.

Article 10: Vulnerable Groups

Give priority in responding to climate change to the needs of vulnerable groups that include but are not limited to displaced persons and migrants, indigenous peoples and local communities, persons with disabilities, taking into account gender equality, empowerment of women, and intergenerational equity

Article 11: Education

Article 11: Education

  1. Advance curricula, as appropriate, taking into account UNESCO’s work and initiatives on Education for Sustainable Development and Education for Climate Change, Article 6 of the UNFCCC, and Article 12 of the Paris Agreement adopted under the Convention, so that they build awareness and knowledge about humankind’s relation to the Earth’s climate system and ecosystems as well as about present generations’ responsibilities to future generations, and so that they promote the Principles of this Declaration.
  2. Ensure that, in accordance with national laws, all people, irrespective of gender, age, origin, and persons with disabilities, migrants, indigenous people, children, and youth, especially those in vulnerable situations, have access to life-long learning opportunities that help them to acquire and update the knowledge, skills, values, and attitudes needed to respond to climate change and contribute to sustainable development.
  3. Promote formal, non-formal, and informal education with regard to climate change challenges and solutions, and encourage retraining for professionals in line with these objectives.
  4. Encourage educational institutions and educators to integrate these principles in their teaching activities from the pre-school to university levels.
  5. Promote, in accordance with national laws, at all levels and in all forms of education, that the recognition of cultural, social, and gender diversity is valuable and is an important source of knowledge with which to promote dialogue and the exchange of knowledge indispensable to responding to climate change.
  6. Support developing countries through educational and scientific capacity building, as well as financial means and facilitation of environmentally sound technological development.
Biodegradable Bottle

The First Biodegradable Bottles to Be In Stores Soon

The first fully biodegradable water bottle is coming. Cove Labs estimates that its biodegradable water bottles will disintegrate in water and soil in less than 5 years. 

The Cove water bottle is a slim, sturdy, eggshell white cylinder with a matching lid.

Scientists and companies have spent many years and a lot of money trying to replace everyday packaging with natural materials that don’t pollute the planet. So far, there have been few results beyond compostable straws. But that hasn’t deterred Cove from producing the first “fully biodegradable” water bottle. Cove’s creation will hit stores at $2.99 a pop in the coming months.

Pandemic delays and supply chain bottlenecks have repeatedly delayed the startup’s plans. In February 2019, Totterman said Fast Company Cove’s bottles would arrive in stores. That did not happen. In October 2020, Totterman told the Los Angeles Times that his bottles were coming. Missed again.

But Cove’s investors are still there. The company has raised $20 million since 2018. Cove is now nearly ready to produce 20 million bottles annually to meet the interest of “almost every major retailer and brand,” Totterman said.

The biodegradable bottle manufacturing process

Biodegradable Bottle

Cove’s bottles start in kitchens. RWDC Industries, a chemical supplier with U.S. headquarters in Georgia, first collects cooking oil from restaurants and ferments it into polyhydroxyalkanoates, or PHA, a polymer designed to dissolve in water or soil without any toxic residue. RWDC ships this creation to the Cove warehouse in Los Angeles, where it arrives in tiny round pellets that look like pieces of polystyrene. RWDC adds secret ingredients to its concoction.

The PHA pellets are then transported to the Cove plant, where they are sent through machines to draw out the moisture, sift the metal, and stretch, cut, and mold the material into a water-safe canister. The ink, made from algae, is also intended to biodegrade. According to Cove’s estimates, its bottles will disintegrate in water and soil in less than five years.

If PHA gets too cold, it becomes too brittle. If it gets too hot, it becomes soft. Bottling equipment had to be modified to handle the unstable material, and most took forever to appear. Steel pipes to transport the pellets between machines and a temperature sensor tool didn’t arrive for more than a year. Even today, one of Cove’s 12 employees is still manually sorting the bottles that come off the assembly line. A mechanical sorter is on its way, but it’s coming long.

Biodegradable Bottle

When Cove began production, it shipped PHA pellets to labs to test their physical properties, waiting for the results before forging them into bottles. “That wasn’t fast enough,” said Agnes Steckler, Cove’s research director. So the company built its lab, a room with eight machines to measure PHA’s resilience, melting points, and molecular weight. The lab cost the startup a lot of time and “millions of dollars,” Totterman said. But it was worth it: “We had to step back to take two steps forward.” Even that wasn’t the last hurdle. Once Cove finally started producing bottles, most weren’t strong enough to withstand a tight grip or a few feet of fall.

Meanwhile, every food and beverage giant, under tremendous pressure to get rid of plastic, experimented with natural substitutes. Only some projects have left the laboratory stage. Coca-Cola Co, for example, abandoned plans for 100% recyclable plant-based packaging, saying consumers wanted reusable bottles.

After working with subcontractors, Totterman brought the Cove process in-house, recruiting a small team of materials scientists and manufacturing veterans.

Other obstacles remain. Recent environmental legislation in California classifies PHA as a plastic, limiting the amount of material Cove can use in production. Prices are also constantly changing. Two years ago, Cove promised a $2.29 bottle, but it has since added 70 cents to that rate in response to raw material price increases.



Comparative Study Of Different Renewable Energy Sources

It is curious to note that load shedding is still a problem despite the abundance of natural resources. Whether you are connected to the electricity grid or independent, understanding the different sources of energy will help guide your choice in electricity supply. So, without further ado, let’s dive into this blog and learn some of the things you need to know about renewable energy.

Hydroelectric Power


Available in large quantities, rivers have been widely deployed to meet the massive demands of electricity needs. For this purpose, a hydro dam has been installed at the rivers to transform the water current into electrical energy. This is very costly and requires a thorough study of the environment. In addition, the use of hydroelectric dams reduces the emission of greenhouse gas.

Indeed, its production emits 20 times less CO2 than that of solar photovoltaic energy. The energy yield depends on the water level of the river and the performance of the electrical equipment. Thus, when the low water level decreases in case of water shortage, the production of energy is reduced, which is the cause of load shedding. It is the same when there is a breakdown of hydroelectric equipment or a lack of fuel. This type of energy production is suitable for large-scale operations such as industrial estates and electricity suppliers. But it can be accessible to some individuals. To carry out this operation, you must call on machining specialists to carry out the installation and mechanical assembly of the hydraulic turbines.

Wind power

To take advantage of the wind that blows in abundance throughout the year, wind turbines have been installed either from the top of the mountain or in a spacious place in the open air, near the sea, or off the coast. This device transforms the mechanical energy of the wind into electrical energy. Indeed, the rotary motion of a propeller blade is transmitted to an alternator to generate an electric current. This type of energy is very advantageous because it is non-polluting and is part of the preservation of the environment. Moreover, it is easy to implement and not very demanding in terms of installation.

Indeed, it is not cumbersome and does not disturb any other activity, such as farming. For example, it requires only 2% of the soil surface for installation. Compared to hydropower, this source of energy is inexhaustible and is available in summer and winter. It is also inexpensive to install and accessible to individuals. Thus, it reduces the costs of electricity bills and saves you from load shedding. On the other hand, wind energy alone does not guarantee energy independence, as its performance varies according to weather conditions. Therefore, it is recommended to connect it with another source of energy, such as solar energy.

Solar energy


Solar energy is the production of electrical energy from the sun’s radiant light. To do this, it requires the use of solar panels, inverter, and other accessories. The solar panels capture solar radiation and convert it into direct current. The latter will pass through the inverter, which transforms it into an alternating current. Solar energy is very popular because of its special features. Indeed, this method of production is ecological. In addition, its installation does not require major work because the panels can be placed on the roofs or walls.

In addition, it is an effective way to benefit from electricity during bad weather. Indeed, depending on the panels’ size and the batteries’ coupling, you can produce excess solar energy and store it for later use. Connected to the electrical distribution network, it will be able to cover all your consumption needs without raising your electricity bills. Moreover, it protects you from power cuts.

Sound off in the comments section below, and tell us what you want to read next and if you want to read more about renewable energy.


5 Effective Tips To Reduce Your Heating Bill

The average heating bill of an American exceeded 1500 dollars in 2020. Several factors come into play to make the expenses climb so high: the disparity, the geographical location, and the energy performance of the housing. Rest assured, it is possible to take control of your energy expenses in order to reduce them as much as possible. So, without further ado, let’s dive into this blog and learn some of the things you need to know about reducing your heating bill.

1. Avoid drafts


20% of the energy bill is due to loss caused by airtightness. Simply install door seals and adhesive insulation for the windows to remedy this. To prevent drafts, you can even make your own beading using newspaper.

2. Optimize the insulation in your home

The solution to limiting heat loss is to improve the insulation of the house. Heating a poorly insulated house is a futile effort. With financial aid and insulation materials available to everyone, you will have no trouble insulating walls, roofs, and attics. Moreover, changing a single-glazed window into a double-glazed one will improve the insulation of your home. There’s no need to install triple glazing, which will only cost you money.

3. Program the electric heating


To regulate the heating in your home, invest in a programmer. This device will turn on the heating once you are home, or even before you return. Heating only the living rooms is also a good way to become a financial winner when it comes to heating.

Also, heat it to the right temperature when you turn it on. The ideal is to heat a home to 19° and 17° for the bedrooms. When you are away for a period of 2 days, for example, maintain the indoor temperature at 12°. This will avoid freezing the various pipes.

If you use the heating system collectively, have a heating engineer install a heat distributor to evaluate the heat produced in each apartment. This way, each inhabitant will be responsible for his or her expenses, and this will encourage everyone to watch their consumption.

4. Warm up your home without heating

To warm up the interior of a house without turning on a heater, you can close the shutters when the sun is not shining. Don’t forget to renew the indoor air daily by opening it for about ten minutes. Using thick curtains also helps to limit the cooling in a room because it limits the entry of cold air. Remember that one degree less is equivalent to 7% of the energy supplied by your heating system. If you’re really cold in bed, consider using a hot water bottle before bed. Inexpensive but able to heat for a long time, you can save a ton of money with this container.

5. Invest in new heating equipment


If your heating equipment is getting old, consider investing in maintenance. You can bleed your radiator regularly to ensure its proper function. However, avoid hiding it with furniture or damp cloths. For those who use electric radiators, dusting this appliance helps you save energy. Some people also use aluminum foil to improve the heating in a home. Putting them behind the radiator releases heat throughout the room instead of heating the wall. And why not buy a more efficient heater?

Consider seeking the advice of a heating engineer, so you don’t spend money on a heater that doesn’t suit your needs. He offers heating solutions that can help you save even more. This gas professional will ensure the optimal performance of your appliance. The choice of wood stove, wood or condensing boiler, and heat pump depends on each home and its needs.

Sound off in the comments section below, and tell us what you want to read next and if you want to read more about reducing your heating bill.


Property Protection Measures Against Lightning

Despite the research, natural phenomena such as thunder and lightning are inevitable. Eternal companions of storms are the cause of many tragedies. Among the most relevant are crop field destruction, lightning strikes on livestock, electrical surges, fires, and loss of life. Contrary to popular belief, these natural disasters can strike cities as well as the countryside. In the immediate future, the first preventive measure is to stay at home in stormy weather. However, this reflex is not sufficient. For optimal safety, it is necessary to ensure interior and exterior protection of the habitat.

1. Ensure exterior protection


During a thunderstorm, heating the air to 30,000°C in a fraction of a second causes a very high intensity electrostatic discharge. This electrical discharge is called lightning. The thunder is the noisy sound emitted by this shock. It is a natural phenomenon that occurs between clouds, between a cloud and the ground, or in a thundercloud. Occasionally, lightning strikes occur when a lightning current passes through a tree, animal, or human body.

The installation of a lightning conductor is a preventive measure to protect against lightning. Indeed, it allows us to avoid the tragic effects of this phenomenon in the surroundings of a habitat. The design and manufacture of the lightning conductor aim at trapping lightning. It is composed of a rod generally placed on the roof, which is connected in a wire way to a device inserted in the ground. In practice, the lightning current is directly captured in height. Then, the ground connection allows the energy generated by the lightning to flow directly to the ground. In this way, the risk of external lightning strikes is eliminated. This process must be carried out by a company specializing in lightning protection.

2. Prevent damage to electrical equipment

The electrostatic discharge caused by lightning leads to high electrical surges. Therefore, electrical equipment must be protected to avoid deterioration. The lightning arrester is a solution to this problem. Its mission is to prevent the integration of surges in the electrical circuit. As soon as an electrical surge situation occurs, it evacuates it to the ground. Thus, only electrically stable voltages can be fed into the electrical circuit. This is how the surge protector prevents electrical appliances from being burned out.

To ensure its role, this device is installed on the electrical panel. Generally, it is placed between the main circuit breaker and the differential switches. During the installation, it is necessary to cut the electric current and confirm the lightning arrester’s wire connection towards the ground.

3. Apply the safety instructions in stormy weather


The first two safety measures stated above are to be carried out before the arrival of the storm. However, despite the relevance of these preventive measures, they are not sufficient for optimal safety against the misdeeds of lightning. Therefore, some basic behaviors are to be adopted in stormy weather. It is important to know that electrical installations and piping are conductors of lightning current. Therefore, it is vital to stay away from them during the storm. Given this fact, the actions related to the use of these conductive channels are also to be banned. Thus, washing dishes or taking a shower is not recommended. Electrical appliances should be disconnected.

For optimal safety, the use of electric current should be avoided. Wherever possible, it is recommended that the power supply be disconnected. At a minimum, appliances, television, game console, or electric water heater should not be turned on during stormy weather.

Sound off in the comments section below and tell us what you want to read next and if you want to read more about the weather.

Global Warming

How to Explain Global Warming to Children

There are indisputable facts, and there are embellished facts for children. Many adults don’t know how to talk about global warming with young children. When words are lacking, then the right gestures must be passed on because they often explain better than words.

After years of neglect and opulence, we are living in a world of transition where ecology is now taking an important place. Our children will be the first generation to suffer the consequences of our actions. As such, they need to know and understand what global warming is and what it does. Here is how to talk to them about the ecological emergency.

Don’t scare them, but make them understand the magnitude of things.

Are they aware of the current situation? How do they live it?

Fires are blazing all over the planet; drought is getting more intense every summer; storms are becoming more and more numerous; icebergs are melting in plain sight… Children see it and suffer from it too.

Talking about the end of the world or the extinction of the human race does not make sense. Indeed, to make a child panic will only frighten him and probably make him do nothing. On the contrary, explaining that there are simple steps to take is essential. The ones you already practice in your daily life, for example. Please explain why you sort your waste, why there is so much plastic in the ocean, why it is crucial to avoid single-use plastic, etc.

Books to help parents find the right words

Some parents think that children are too young to understand the importance of global warming. On the contrary, they will be the first to be concerned and must understand the situation’s stakes very early on.

Far from demonizing things, global warming is explained with accurate and straightforward words. Hearing about disasters all the time can also quickly worry children in the wrong way. Positive communication is the key. They respond better to a message, even if it is disturbing when explained with plenty of solutions.

How will you do this?

Global Warming

Tell a story. Ideally, this is the best way to capture their attention and help them put together the puzzle between real life and fiction. For example, you can start by explaining to children the importance of ecosystems. The fact that even though they are different, they work together to create a real balance.

Older kids tend to take it to the next level by directly asking the question, “What is global warming? “. To illustrate, tell them that the Earth is sick and has a fever. So is he when he is in the same situation. The planet has a temperature, so it is scorching; this is called global warming.

It’s a safe bet that the next question will be, “Why?” Again, the answer is to explain that it’s mostly our fault because our lives generate too many greenhouse gases. You won’t have to do a monologue. Children understand very well and often lead the questioning. You have to find stories and metaphors to picture things in their minds.

Reassure children, but make them aware that their behavior is important.

After painting a rather bleak picture of the situation, it’s time to explain that they have a role to play in remedying this and healing the planet.

They also must be reassured that adults and children worldwide are working together to improve things and protect the planet. There are things we can do on our own and things that need to be done on a more significant level.

Drawings to express their feelings

Many children express their thoughts and feelings through drawings. It is, therefore, essential to let them express themselves through this medium.

Remember to set a good example.

Children adore their parents and often take them as an example. In this sense, show them the model to become a superhero of the planet. Sort, compost, limit car trips, pick up paper from the ground, buy less plastic, etc.

UNESCO’s Declaration of Ethical Principles in Relation to Climate Change (Part 2)

UNESCO’s Declaration of Ethical Principles in Relation to Climate Change (Part 2)

Climate change, believe it or not, is a pressing issue, and in 2017, UNESCO addressed it by issuing the “Declaration of Ethical Principles in Relation to Climate Change.” So, let’s learn more about the declaration and the different principles established in this treaty.

Article 5: Sustainable Development

Article 5: Sustainable DevelopmentTo ensure that present and future generations are able to meet their needs, it is urgent that all States and pertinent actors:

(a)promote  the  implementation  of  the  United  Nations  2030  Agenda  for  Sustainable  Development  and  its  SDGs,  especially  by  adopting  sustainable  patterns  of  consumption,  production  and  waste  management;  by using resources efficiently; and by fostering climate resilience and low greenhouse gas emissions development;

(b)work  to  ensure  that  each  person  benefits  from  the  opportunities  of  development,  especially  those  who  are  vulnerable (see Article 10), and in this way, contribute to the eradication of poverty in all its forms and dimensions, including extreme poverty;

(c)tackle  the  adverse  effects  of  climate  change  in  areas  that  deserve  special  attention  due  to  their  humanitarian  implications  and  consequences,  including  but  not  limited  to:  food,  energy,  and  water  insecurity,  the  ocean,  desertification, land degradation, natural disasters, displaced populations, as well as the vulnerability of women, children, the elderly, and especially the poor.

Article 6: Solidarity

  1. Solidarity implies that human beings collectively and individually should assist people and groups that are most vulnerable to climate change and natural disasters, especially when catastrophic events occur.
  1. States and other pertinent actors, and those who have the capacity to address climate change should act and cooperate by taking into account:

(a)the  importance  of  protecting  and  enhancing  the  world  we  share  in  a  way  that  reflects  the  solidarity  and  interdependence  among  peoples  of  different  backgrounds,  and  the  interdependence  of  humankind  with  other  organisms, ecosystems, and the environment; 

(b)the well-being, livelihoods and survival of future generations which depend on our current use of resources and the resulting impacts thereof;

(c)the interconnectedness of the physical, ecological, and human systems of all countries, regions and communities across Earth.

  1. Knowledge related to the causes, modalities and impacts of climate change and responses to it should be shared equitably and in a timely manner in order to increase the adaptive and mitigating capacities of all, and to increase the resilience of people and ecosystems.
  1. Developed States and  other  States,  on  a  voluntary  basis,  as  well  as  relevant  actors  should  strive  to  strengthen  timely  cooperative action in the areas of technology development and transfer, support for the synthesis of relevant information and knowledge, capacity-building, and means and financial resources to developing countries, especially those that are most vulnerable to the adverse effects of climate change, particularly to least developed countries (LDCs) and small island developing States (SIDS).
  1. States, on a  voluntary  basis,  can  also  address  the  challenges  of  climate  change  through  South-South  and  triangular  cooperation.

Article 7: Scientific Knowledge and Integrity in Decision-Making

Article 7: Scientific Knowledge and Integrity in Decision-Making

  1. Decision-making based on science is critically important for meeting the mitigation and adaptation challenges of a rapidly changing climate. Decisions  should  be  based  on,  and  guided  by,  the  best  available  knowledge  from  the  natural  and  social  sciences, including interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary science, and by taking into account, as appropriate, local, traditional and indigenous knowledge. 
  1. In order to optimally aid in decision-making, science needs to meet the highest standards of research integrity by being impartial, rigorous, honest,  and  transparent,  and  should  give  adequate  estimates  of  uncertainty  in  order  to  provide  decision-makers with insight into, and understanding of, the underlying risks as well as opportunities, and guidance to their formulating long-term strategies.
  1. Scientific cooperation and  capacity  building  should  be  strengthened  in  developing  countries  in  order  to  develop  a  comprehensive understanding of climate change impacts as well as potential mitigation and adaptation actions.