Going Green: Your Easy Guide Towards Sustainability

Going Green: Your Easy Guide Towards Sustainability

Hey there, eco-warriors and planet-conscious folks! Today, we’re diving into the world of sustainability, breaking it down into bite-sized pieces so you can start making a real difference. Buckle up, because we’re about to embark on a journey toward a greener, cleaner future!

What is Sustainability Anyway?

Alright, let’s get the basics down. Sustainability is like the golden rule for the planet. It’s all about living in a way that doesn’t harm the environment or deplete its resources. Think of it as a balance between taking from Mother Earth and giving back.

How Can You Be More Sustainable?

  1. Reduce Your Carbon Footprint: Your carbon footprint is like your environmental shadow. The smaller it is, the better. Start by driving less, carpooling, or using public transport. Better yet, switch to a fuel-efficient vehicle or go electric. Every mile you don’t drive solo makes a difference.
  2. Save Energy: Turn off lights, unplug chargers, and switch to energy-efficient appliances. You’d be amazed at how much energy you can save by simply being mindful of your usage. Plus, it’ll save you some bucks in the long run!
  3. Cut Water Waste: Fix those leaky faucets and opt for a low-flow showerhead. It’s not just about saving water but also reducing the energy needed to heat it. Double win!
  4. Waste Less Food: Did you know that a significant chunk of our food ends up in the trash? Plan your meals, buy only what you need, and get creative with leftovers. Composting is your best friend here too.
  5. Embrace the Three R’s: Reduce, reuse, and recycle! Buy products with less packaging, reuse containers, and recycle everything you can. It’s a small effort that adds up.
  6. Support Sustainable Brands: When you shop, look for products from companies committed to sustainability. These businesses are often doing their part to reduce waste and carbon emissions.
  7. Grow Your Own: If you have a bit of green space, consider planting a garden. Even if it’s just a few herbs on your windowsill, every little bit of home-grown produce counts.
  8. Go Digital: In this digital age, we can reduce paper usage by going digital with bills, documents, and even books. E-books and e-readers are game-changers.

Sustainable Living in the Kitchen

Your kitchen is a sustainability goldmine! Here’s how to make it work for the environment and your wallet:

  1. Ditch Single-Use Plastics: Swap out plastic bags and containers for reusable ones. Glass, stainless steel, and silicone options are fantastic.
  2. Shop Locally: Supporting local farmers and markets not only boosts your community but also reduces the carbon footprint of your groceries.
  3. Meal Planning: Plan your meals for the week to minimize food waste. It’s like a budget for your kitchen!
  4. Energy-Efficient Appliances: When it’s time to replace appliances, opt for energy-efficient models. They may cost a bit more upfront but will save you money and energy in the long haul.

Eco-Friendly Home Improvements

Going Green: Your Easy Guide Towards Sustainability

If you’re up for a bit of a project, consider these eco-friendly home improvements:

  1. Solar Panels: Install solar panels on your roof to generate clean, renewable energy. Some places even offer incentives and tax breaks for going solar.
  2. Insulation: Properly insulate your home to reduce heating and cooling costs. You’ll stay comfortable and save money while cutting down on energy usage.

Sustainable Transportation

Going Green: Your Easy Guide Towards Sustainability

Let’s talk about how you get around. Your choice of transportation has a big impact on the environment.

  1. Carpooling: Share rides with friends or coworkers. Fewer cars on the road mean fewer emissions.
  2. Public Transport: Use buses, trams, or trains when possible. They’re often more energy-efficient than private cars.
  3. Biking: If you live close to work or school, consider biking. It’s not only eco-friendly but also a great way to stay in shape.
  4. Electric Vehicles (EVs): EVs are becoming more affordable and accessible. If you’re in the market for a new car, explore the electric options.

Getting Your Community Involved

Remember, you’re not alone in this journey towards sustainability. Get your friends, family, and community involved:

  1. Educate: Share what you’ve learned about sustainability with others. Knowledge is power!
  2. Group Efforts: Organize community clean-ups, tree-planting events, or eco-friendly workshops. Together, you can make a bigger impact.

The Power of Small Changes

Now, you might be thinking, “What difference can these small changes really make?” Well, here’s the thing: when millions of people make small changes, they add up to something enormous. Every eco-friendly choice you make reduces your impact on the planet and inspires others to do the same.

So, there you have it – a simple guide to help you kickstart your journey towards sustainability. Remember, it’s not about being perfect but making progress. Start small, and as you get comfortable, challenge yourself to do even more. The Earth will thank you for it, and so will your future generations.


Are Starbucks Cups Recyclable?

Are Starbucks Cups Recyclable?

Previously, we used to live in a world where human impacts on the environment were constantly changing the face of our planet. Today, we live in a time when awareness of climate change has altered our lifestyle choices and has driven us to find ways for everyone to live lighter and better. The way we bathe, what we buy, what we use, how we travel, and spend our free time and work – all are now controlled by the philosophy of “sustainable living.” In fact, even global companies are shifting their priorities to also become more environmentally aware. Large corporations like Google, IKEA, Unilever, and Panasonic are known for their sustainability efforts in adopting sustainable business practices.

But, what about Starbucks?

As the largest and most famous coffeehouse chain, Starbucks uses more than 4 billion single-use coffee cups each year and studies have revealed that 99% of these cups are not recycled. But, the question that needs to be asked is: Can Starbucks cups be recycled?

Let’s find out!

Can Starbucks Cups Be Recycled?

Can Starbucks Cups Be Recycled?
It’s no secret that the world adores coffee. So much that it’s estimated that 2. 5 billion single-use coffee cups are discarded globally every year. While coffee is everyone’s favorite beverage, it is also important to remember that if you throw away one coffee cup per day, it adds up to 23 lbs of waste per year.

The only way to prevent “coffee pollution” is to recycle coffee cups. However, this is not possible with standard disposable coffee cups because they usually have a plastic liner. In Australia, for example, compostable coffee cups are used as a sustainable alternative to conventional coffee cups and yet the country’s existing composting facilities cannot process them effectively. This means that some coffee cups cannot be recycled and are, therefore a huge burden on our environment. On the other hand, experts have proved that Starbucks cups can be recycled.

Starbucks coffee cups are made of both plastic and paper. The material used to design Starbucks cups is called “polyethylene.” This polymer is a common plastic material used in toys, packaging film, grocery bags, squeeze bottles and many more. The good news is that this plastic material is recyclable, just like paper. So, recycling Starbucks coffee cups after use won’t be a problem.

As a consumer, you need to know that when your Starbucks coffee is recycled at the recycling center, it will be mixed with other types of products. For this reason, it is advisable to get rid of any food scraps or liquids and rinse the cup before putting it in the recycling bin.

Are Starbucks Cups Compostable?

Contrary to popular belief, Starbucks coffee cups are compostable because they are made up of polyethylene, a biodegradable material that can be broken down by microbes in a compost pile. Also, these coffee cups are compostable since they are made from polylactic acid (PLA) generated from corn.

Many people think that paperboard is challenging to recycle, but this is not true. When not contaminated with water, food or oil, paperboard is highly biodegradable. Some paperboard products can be specially treated to increase their biodegradation.

So, when composting Starbucks coffee cups, always remember that they should be separated from other plastics as they are not designed with the same materials.

Are Starbucks Cups Reusable?

Are Starbucks Cups Reusable?

The term “reuse” has become somewhat trendy and its usage has increased over the last couple of years or so. Like recycling, reusing items can cut down on the amount of waste produced and help us in reducing our environmental footprint.

Since many need Starbucks coffee to start their day, it is only fair for these coffee cups to be reused. If you want to learn more about how to reuse Starbucks coffee cups, click here!


Recycling Demolition Materials In France: What Do You Need To Know?

Many of these wastes contribute to environmental pollution. Among these are demolition materials. There are entities that are specialized in the recycling of these materials. Would you like to know how it goes? Find out everything you need to know about recycling demolition materials here. So, without further ado, let’s dive into this blog and learn some of the things you need to know about the subject at hand.

Some benefits of recycling demolition materials


The rules in force require that inert waste that cannot go to landfill must be recycled by companies specializing in the collection and treatment of waste from inert demolition materials. Although inert waste presents no risk of pollution or danger to humans, illegal dumping is a source of visual pollution.

However, demolition materials after construction work constitute a potential source of raw materials, and as such, they must be valued more. Their recycling has the main objectives of preserving the environment, saving exhaustible resources from quarries, and increasing the competitiveness of recycling companies. In addition, this contributes to the reduction of surfaces for the storage of waste. This makes better use of the land.

Classification of recycled demolition materials

Demolition materials from recycling are generally waste. These are classified into several categories. First, there is inert waste which does not undergo any modification during storage. They do not burn and cause no chemical or physical reaction. In other words, these materials are not harmful to human health or the environment. These materials include tiles, glazing, concrete, earth, and other types of waste without hazardous substances.

Then, non-hazardous and non-inert wastes present no danger. These are non-toxic or explosive. They come from the packaging of all kinds, insulation, untreated wood, hardware, etc. Finally, hazardous waste represents 2% of waste. They pose a risk to health and the environment. Among these wastes, you have asbestos, electrical equipment, chemicals, etc.

Recovery of demolition materials

In many countries, there is no regulatory provision defining the acceptable conditions from an environmental and technical point of view relating to the use of waste as a secondary raw material in the construction of buildings or civil engineering works. However, certain regulatory texts have been created in order to supervise each project for the recovery of certain materials. These include foundry sand, bottom ash from the incineration of household waste, and ash from coal-fired power stations.

Then, certain wastes have been used for years given their particular technical characteristics and make it possible to bring a particular property to the building materials in which they are incorporated. For this, technical standards make it possible to control the technical suitability of some secondary raw materials for recovery.

These concern the use of demolition waste in road engineering and silica fume in the production of high-performance cements. It is also fly ash from coal in the production of cement and blast furnace slags.

Texts relating to the storage of demolition materials


The storage of waste from demolition materials is governed by texts. Indeed, the decree of December 30, 2002, relating to the storage of hazardous waste, provides for the storage conditions of hazardous waste. The storage conditions for non-hazardous waste, in particular the storage of bound asbestos and plaster waste, is defined by the decree of 09/09/1997.

According to the decree of September 22, quarries in progress or at the end of operation can be backfilled with external materials. First, sorting must be done beforehand. With regard to the storage of inert waste, the decree of October 28, 2010, provided for the possibility of adapting the behavior of a precise quantity of waste in a given storage facility and the impact on the environment and health.

Sound off in the comments section below, and tell us what you want to read next and if you want to read more about recycling building material.


Top 3 Things To Know About Waste

Every day in the United States alone, 268 million tons of waste are buried. How can we, individually, rectify this situation? It is important to know that the waste that pollutes the least is the one that we do not produce. We are always ready to explore opportunities for a more sustainable and environmentally friendly lifestyle.

Changing the way we do things to better protect our planet is not that difficult. Are you recycling as much as you can? So, without further ado, let’s dive into this blog and learn some of the things everyone ought to know about waste.

What is waste?


Existing in several forms, the waste designates globally all that we do not use anymore and wish to get rid of. It is food scraps that we throw in the trash, bottles, and packaging that we put in special containers. We take bigger objects, old damaged furniture, mattresses, and broken bicycles, to the waste disposal center. But it is also materials, products, and residues linked to companies, agriculture, and various industries.

We produce an average of 350 kg per inhabitant per year, a figure that is close to 14 tons per year if we take into account the entire French population and all professional sectors. They are then landfilled or incinerated, depending on their nature or their hazardous nature, but are also increasingly recycled to limit the environmental pollution they cause. Responsible management of waste is one of the major thrusts of the ecological transition.


As a result, the mass of waste is growing faster than any other source of environmental pollution, including greenhouse gases. Each year, the world is faced with 2.1 billion tons of solid waste, 33% of which is not managed environmentally sound. And the figure is expected to increase by 70% to 3.4 billion tons by 2050.

From an economic point of view, we note that high-income countries account for only 16% of the world’s population but produce almost a third of the world’s total waste. East Asia and the Pacific are the worst performers, but each inhabitant still produces an average of 590 kg of waste per year in France. And the production continues to grow by about 1% each year.

In low-income countries, only 48% of garbage is collected in cities and 26% in rural areas. Much of the waste is simply burned on-site or left in the open, leading to respiratory infections and other diseases. High-income countries, of course, have much better collection and management systems, but they are inadequate. For years, thousands of containers full of waste to be recycled have left Europe and the United States for Southeast Asia, where treatment is much cheaper.

Until recently, France itself sent 50% of its sorted plastic waste to China. Things are still going on today, but Beijing, Malaysia, Indonesia, and the Philippines, have tightened their import conditions so that they are no longer the dustbins of Western countries. As a result, there is no more garbage to manage on our territory, and recyclable waste is simply burned or dumped due to a lack of adapted equipment.

In spite of this, countries continue to develop and often forget to equip themselves with essential systems to face the progression of waste and its evolution. For this reason, middle-income countries should be closely monitored, as they are expected to experience the largest increase in waste in the coming years. It is expected to triple in sub-Saharan Africa and double in South Asia by 2050.

Environmental impact


With, of course, disastrous consequences on the whole biodiversity. As a reminder, a simple tissue thrown in nature takes about 3 months to degrade, while chewing gum takes an average of 5 years. Other wastes, such as batteries, contain highly toxic products that infiltrate the soil and the water tables from which we draw our water. Human waste is the primary cause of freshwater pollution.

And if 80% of the current pollution of the oceans comes from the land, it is because many of our wastes, badly managed or abandoned in the middle of nature, will end up in the waters of the planet. Carried by the winds, carried by the rivers, this is the long road that will lead our everyday objects to leave the treatment system.

As for plastic, it represents today 90% of marine waste, and its production could tomorrow represent 15% of greenhouse gas emissions in the world. Unmanaged or badly managed waste contributes to soil erosion and air and water pollution. It poisons the fauna that populates the habitat in which it is found, and it is a real brake on economic growth for countries since it is necessary to clean up pollution, improve the drinking water and boost the attractiveness of degraded areas. This inevitably has a cost. And yet, there is no lack of waste management resources.

Looking for help?

For all your garbage disposal and skip bin needs, you ought to call RONCO MINI BINS/SKIP HIRE. This Australian family-owned business has over 20 years in the garbage disposal industry and is at the top of its games. They also offer expert rubbish removal and waste management services to residents and business owners in Melbourne.

So what are you waiting for? Give them a call now, and they will offer their expertise in garbage removal to both business owners and residents in the Eastern and Northern suburbs of Melbourne. If this hasn’t convinced you yet, check their website and look at their more than competitive prices!


Top 4 Simple Tips To Reduce Your Waste

What if you tried to better manage your waste and recycle at the office? Thanks to a few simple gestures and tips, you could greatly improve your environmental footprint and that of your company! Recycling is a fundamental tool to improve our environmental impact, and yet it is still not practiced enough. In the United States, 87% of the population says they recycle, but only 44% do so regularly. Moreover, if recycling is widespread at home, it is much rarer than it is practiced at the office.

All the good habits that we try to put in place when we are at home, we tend to forget when we arrive at work. And for a good reason, we are not alone in the office (and therefore not alone responsible). Waste accumulates, and recycling is forgotten, and it’s a pity because, with a few simple gestures or tricks, recycling and better managing waste at the office can be child’s play. As part of the No Impact Week, we suggest you discover how to do it. Here are 4 tips and tricks that you can easily implement in your company.

1. Organize an animation on the rules of recycling


Let’s start with the basics. In many companies, there aren’t even specific garbage cans for recycling. As a result, once lunch is over, all the garbage goes to the same place: plastic bottles, food waste, and cardboard… Then, many citizens still don’t know exactly how recycling should be done, what the rules are and how to easily respect them. So the first thing to do is to have the basic conditions in place to allow recycling at work! Here is a simple to-do list to follow:

    • Install or have installed specific garbage cans
    • Make sure that these garbage cans are taken care of by your company’s maintenance staff.
    • Organize an event to train employees on the rules of sorting. Indeed, the rules of waste sorting are sometimes complex: did you know, for example, that plastic yogurt cups cannot be recycled? Or that broken table glasses do not go in the glass garbage can?

Clearly display the rules of recycling on your garbage cans. So, no more excuses: everything is clearly indicated.

2. Install a composter

This is a simple way to manage food waste in the office. Whether you have a company restaurant or a simple canteen, installing composters to recycle your food waste is possible.

The principle is simple: they are bins in which you store certain organic waste. Then, depending on the type of composter, specific worms are added to transform this waste into compost, which can then be used to fertilize plants, for example. For those who are worried about it: when a composter is used correctly, it does not emit any smell.

However, hiring a master composter to install a composter or a worm composting machine and educate/train the employees is ideal. Once installed, all that is left to do is to fill it and handle it regularly to obtain quality compost.

3. Learn about the circular economy for your computer equipment


Did you know that when a company’s computers need to be changed, there are specific channels that recover this equipment and take care of refurbishing it so that it can be reused by individuals or associations?

This is one of the links of what is called the circular economy. This part of the economy tries to promote recycling and reuse, which wants to avoid waste. By getting closer to the various structures of the circular economy, and in particular, the associations involved in reuse, we can drastically reduce our environmental footprint.

4. Install specific recycling bins

Another possibility to improve the management of waste in the company: call upon service providers to install specific recycling bins for certain waste. Batteries, light bulbs, batteries, or cigarette butts, for example, can be treated and recycled in specific channels. And it is quite possible for companies who wish to participate in the citizen dynamics of recycling to install in their premises bins to facilitate the sorting and recycling for their employees. Here is a list of waste for which you can install sorting bins:

    • Batteries, bulbs
    • Cigarette butts
    • Coffee capsules

Once these kiosks are installed, nothing could be simpler for employees: they simply drop off their waste, which is then collected by partner service providers. In addition to allowing the recycling of waste produced in the workplace, it can also serve as a collection point for employees’ domestic waste and thus encourage recycling.

Looking for help?


Do you live in Botany? Are you in search of a rental bin or waste management solutions? Then look no further because Empire Bins is here to solve all your problems. So, relax and give them a call on their wide range of rental bins and waste management solutions; they have a bin for whatever your needs are, be it for garbage removal, storage, or even if you have a large event coming up.

Renting a bin, hook bin, or even skip has never been easier than with the help of Empire Bins. Their motto is no job is too big or too small for them, and they deliver on their promise. What are you waiting for? They are only one phone call away!


The Different Types Of Recycling

Several methods have been deployed to preserve the environment with the piling up of waste and their long degradation time. In the waste reduction framework, they are sorted according to their categories and recycled for the manufacture of new products. So, without further ado, let’s dive into this blog and learn some of the things you need to know about recycling.

Recycling plastics


Lightweight and easy to use, plastics are essential to our daily lives. They are, however, used for a short period of time, but once thrown away; they do not degrade easily. Therefore, restrictive measures have been imposed to limit plastic consumption. In the meantime, some have chosen to opt for recycling for optimal use. To do this, manufacturers have marked a triangular logo indicating their level of recycling.

Indeed, some plastics, such as yogurt pots and plastic bags, are not profitable for recycling, as the quantities of materials that make them up are very small. On the other hand, recycling opaque containers such as milk bottles and transparent bottles such as water bottles are both economic and beneficial.

Classified as HDPE or high-density polyethylene, opaque plastics are strong and resistant to chemicals and other impacts. Transparent plastics are classified as polyethylene terephthalate or PET. They are light, waterproof, and gasproof, but also strong.

To recycle, a large number of bottles must be collected. You can rent a dumpster to facilitate collection and processing. After collecting the plastics, the PET bottles are ground into flakes, washed, and stripped of their labels. Then they are subjected to a high temperature for a homogeneous assembly.

This component can be used in manufacturing new bottles or in manufacturing polyester fibers, including fabrics, carpets, and synthetic cottons. As for HDPE, the recycling process is almost the same as for PET, but it can be used to make watering cans, chairs, or even pipes.

Paper and cardboard recycling

Paper, juice cartons, and cardboard also make up a large part of the waste stream. Fortunately, they are perfectly recyclable. To do this, they are crushed and immersed in a large tank to remove impurities, including staples, glue, etc. After grinding, the inks and water contained in the pastes are extracted. The pulp is then processed into new paper, cardboard, toilet paper, and gift wrap.

Recycling of metal materials

Like wrought iron, cans and tins can be recycled in several ways. Steel is widely used in the manufacture of household appliances, automotive parts, and new cans. Aluminum is used in the manufacture of trays, automotive parts, kitchen utensils, and windows. The recycling steps are crushing, thermal cleaning, melting in a 1600°C furnace, and processing.

Glass recycling


Glass packaging is very popular for serving and storing food. It is heat and gas-resistant and preserves the quality of the food. Moreover, it is almost intact and without wear after use. This characteristic gives it a very special second life, including the manufacture of bottles, flasks, and jars. To do this, start by gathering a pile of glass in the trash. Since it is sharp and difficult to work with, it is essential to hire a skip-hire service to help you with the collection and recycling work.

Once collected, the glass containers are sorted and stripped of caps and other accessories. They are then crushed to obtain a cullet. At a very high temperature of 1400°C, the cullet is melted and mixed with other components such as silica and soda, colorants, and limescale. These components prevent the crystallization of the glass in order to obtain a tight and solid material. The melted paste is then blown and cooled to produce new products.

Sound off in the comments section below, and tell us what you want to read next and if you want to read more about recycling.

How Are Cans Recycled

Top 5 Tips For Reducing Waste

Every day in the United States alone, 268 million tons of waste are buried. How can we, individually, rectify this situation? It is important to know that the waste that pollutes the least is the one that we do not produce. Here are five tips to reduce the amount of waste you produce at the source.

We are always ready to explore opportunities for a more sustainable and environmentally friendly lifestyle. Changing the way we do things to better protect our planet is not that difficult. Are you recycling as much as you can? So, without further ado, let’s dive into this blog and learn some of our best tips to start reducing waste and living a more sustainable lifestyle.

1. Avoid food waste

Tips on Choosing Your Sorting Garbage Can

In 2017, a study by the National Zero Waste Council indicated that nearly 2.2 million tons of edible food are thrown away each year in Canada. For the average Canadian household, that’s 140 kilograms of food thrown away per year or an annual loss of $1100! Vegetables and fruit account for a large proportion (45%) of this food waste.

To remedy this, it is advisable to plan your meals in advance. Make a grocery list and buy only the amount of food you need to cook your meals. Learn how to store your food properly so that it will last longer, and don’t hesitate to freeze any surplus.

2. Recycle your organic waste 

A majority of Americans still send their food waste to landfills rather than to the brown bin. Only half of the municipalities in the province currently offer this type of collection. However, there are many alternatives to the brown bin! First of all, conventional composting, using micro-organisms, or vermicomposting, using earthworms. Composting is not one of the most glamorous activities out there, but it is something that all of us ought to do.

If these organic processes don’t appeal to you for one reason or another, you should know that there are small appliances that can transform your organic waste into fertilizer. This machine dehydrates and grinds organic waste in a few hours, reducing its volume by nearly 90%. The fertilizer can then be used for plants and vegetable gardens.

3. Limit the use of single-use plastic


In Quebec alone, an estimated 500,000 tons of plastic are landfilled annually. By the end of the year, the federal government will ban six types of single-use plastic items, including bags, straws, and utensils. So why not adopt sustainable practices today? These include bamboo or stainless steel straws, reusable cotton, canvas or polyester bags, or reusable water bottles.

Take-out meals have become increasingly popular during the pandemic. They are great for storing food or sharing cookies with family and friends! Feel free to wash and reuse these plastic containers. So, be conscientious when eating out and ordering takeaways, don’t create more waste than is necessary, and do your part to keep waste away from landfills.

4. Buy food in bulk

The zero waste movement is growing, and there are now many grocery stores and boutiques across the province that offer their products in bulk. How does it work? You must bring your own reusable containers (cloth bags, jars, etc.). Airtight containers will be weighed before you store them. A wide selection of fresh products (fruits, vegetables, meats) and dry products (legumes, spices, flours, coffees), but also non-food products (household and hygienic products) are available in bulk, without packaging, plastic film, or trays. So much superfluous which will not end up in your household waste.

5. Use a “no flyers” sticker


According to the non-profit organization Ville en vert, 900,000 advertising bags are distributed each week in Montreal. How many of them end up in the recycling bin unread? To reduce the amount of paper that ends up in the recycling bin, you can put a “No Flyers” sticker on your mailbox. You can also find these flyers digitally on Google.

Helping clean beaches or residential areas near you is the bare minimum and is something that all of us should start doing. You should be the change you want to see in the world, and one small step that you take can create a snowball effect and create major change later down the line. So, join a cleaning group, get out there, and take care of mother Earth because, so far, it is the only habitable planet that we know and have.

Looking for help?

For all your garbage disposal and skip bin needs, you ought to call RONCO MINI BINS/SKIP HIRE. This Australian family-owned business has over 20 years in the garbage disposal industry and is at the top of its games. They also offer expert rubbish removal and waste management services to residents and business owners in Melbourne.

So what are you waiting for? Give them a call now, and they will offer their expertise in garbage removal to both business owners and residents in the Eastern and Northern suburbs of Melbourne. If this hasn’t convinced you yet, check their website and look at their more than competitive prices!


Pyrolysis, A Process For The Transformation Of Plastics Into Fuel

At the moment on earth, plastic has invaded almost every surface, whether on land or sea. In our daily life, we use this material quite often. And once we don’t know what to do with it, we throw it away. However, it is a material that takes years, even centuries, to degrade. It is, therefore, necessary to find ways to collect, treat and reuse this waste as soon as possible. Plastic pyrolysis is a method that scientists have found to reuse this material as fuel. So, without further ado, let’s dive into this blog and learn everything you need to know about pyrolysis.

A nanoporous material


Research is therefore focusing on optimizing the pyrolysis process to increase the amount of oil with a petroleum cut- that is, the composition of the hydrocarbon mixture according to the number of carbon atoms in the molecules close to that of diesel-type s. This allows for a one-step conversion of the plastic into fuel without having to subject the hydrocarbons to a further “cracking” step.

Researchers at California Polytechnic University have designed a new process based on a catalyst and a new reactor architecture. The catalyst used is a mixture of nickel and tungsten deposited on a zeolite substrate, a nanoporous material. The latter is a crystalline aluminosilicate (SiO2-al2O3) sieve with microscopic pores that increase the exchange surface to increase the efficiency of the process but also facilitate the dewaxing process. This property allows for obtaining cuts between C9 and C22 (between 9 and 22 carbon atoms), typical of common diesel.

How to learn about pyrolysis?

Certainly, there are people who have not yet heard of this method. In fact, it is not a new technique at all. However, its concept is developing. You should also know that pyrolysis is not only for plastics. It is the thermal decomposition of organic materials to obtain a carbonaceous solid, an oil, or a gas.

For plastics, distillation allows them to transform into fuel. In any case, this process is accessible to everyone. You need to have the necessary materials such as stainless steel tanks, copper tubing, copper wall passes, butane or propane gas, and of course, plastic waste. It is best to use polypropylene or polyethylene plastics. First, the plastics are crushed and then hermetically sealed in the first tank.

The last two tanks must be heated to condensate the gases at a high temperature. Then the plastics are heated to 450 degrees. This oxygen-free combustion will produce diesel, kerosene, gasoline, and gas (1 kilo of plastics yields 800 grams of fuel). After about an hour, turn off the system and let it cool down before opening the tanks. These fuels will be useful in many areas; for example, gasoline will be used for electricity. This is the basic idea of how waste should be managed.

What are the advantages of pyrolysis?


The process of distillation of plastics has many advantages for people and nature. From an environmental point of view, pyrolysis offers better control of the degradation of plastics, as they will not disappear for centuries. On the other hand, fuels from plastics also show secondary reactions. However, it does help to reduce the ever-increasing numbers of plastics. So there is a way to help get rid of these environmentally harmful materials. But the plastic will not cease to have an effect no matter what form it takes or what transformation it undergoes.

A pyrolysis is also a new form of recycling. With tons of plastic constantly covering the earth, recycling is one of the best ways to combat this. They can be reused in the home, for gardening, and many others. Yet only a handful of these plastics are recycled. Even if some plastics contain substances that are extremely dangerous to the environment, recycling is never a bad thing. It is necessary to know in any case that not all plastics are recyclable.

Pyrolysis allows for the transformation of these non-recyclable materials. Moreover, it is an energy recovery of plastic waste. In the past, the landfill was preferred because it was the simplest and cheapest. However, landfill is not a better solution because storage space and capacity are limited. Fortunately, pyrolysis avoids huge stocks of plastics. It not only gets rid of plastic waste but also gives it a new use in everyday life. This is generally called waste recovery or waste reclamation.

Sound off in the comments section below and tell us what you want to read next and if you want to read more about pyrolysis.


Top 5 Reasons To Recycle Car Batteries

Electric vehicles are often criticized for having problems with battery recycling. The industry does exist and is developing as the number of end-of-life units increases. So, without further ado, let’s dive into this blog and learn some of the things you need to know about car battery recycling.

Recycling lead batteries


The battery recycling process is not new. The operation already aims to limit the pollution of soils and waterways with products that would sometimes cause serious problems to living organisms until they ultimately reach human beings.

This is the case for lead batteries, whose main element is particularly toxic and can seriously destabilize the nervous and digestive systems. Lead is classified as carcinogenic, mutagenic, and reprotoxic. Because a battery of this technology is abandoned in nature, lead particles can poison the water and the soils. The liquid electrolyte, in the form of acid, is also very corrosive to the skin; the vapors at the end of the charge are irritating to the respiratory tract.

Recycling of cadmium batteries

Since a certain European directive (2002/95/EC), the sale of new NiCd batteries to private individuals is forbidden. Reason: cadmium is particularly dangerous for the environment and toxic for human beings when it reaches its gaseous form, carcinogenic.

This is the case at the end of the charge of these batteries, characterized by the emission of vapors which, in addition to containing hydrogen, present traces of cadmium dangerous for the respiratory system. Another danger of NiCd batteries is that the potash used as electrolyte is very corrosive to the skin.

Recycling of lithium batteries


Today, lithium batteries are used more in electric cars. Without recycling, there is a risk that, in the long term, abandoned batteries of this technology will be carried away by fires, creating large irritating and toxic fumes, which may contain hydrogen fluoride. Lithium is a metal that attacks organic tissue. It reacts with oxygen, nitrogen, and water vapor in the air to form a substance that is also particularly corrosive.

Recovering the components

The other advantage of recycling traction batteries is to recover components whose prices tend to soar, which are not always available in large quantities, and which can be used again. The manufacture of lithium cells requires different materials and a number of metals, including, depending on the technology, copper, cobalt, aluminum, iron, manganese, tin, vanadium, titanium, graphite, etc. Their recovery allows to reduce the costs of battery recycling, tending towards the self-financing of the dedicated structures.



Most battery recycling methods start with crushing. The crushing of lead batteries recovers the electrolyte, polypropylene granules from the shells, and fractions of the metal which, after passing through a furnace at 1,200°C, is freed of impurities and comes out of the line in the form of ingots. The latter will be used to produce new batteries or hunting projectiles.

Two processes coexist for the recycling of lithium batteries, which also start with a crushing:

  • In the hydrometallurgy technique, the ferrous metals are magnetically separated from the non-ferrous. The former are mined in steel mills. The others will undergo a chemical treatment via an acid solution, which will distinguish the different elements for the metallurgy sector.
  • Using the pyrometallurgy method, lithium battery waste is introduced into a furnace with the aim of separating the metals by condensation. Three products emerge the slag that will be used as road fill and for the manufacture of rock wool; the ferrous metals found in luxury cutlery, in the brake discs of high-speed trains, and in anti-stall bars; and the non-ferrous residues to be refined.

Looking for help?

Are you in Campbellfield? Are you looking into buying a solar panel? Then look no further than Battery Shop. With over 2 decades of experience, they pride themselves on being the premier one-stop shop for all your battery needs in Campbellfield. They provide a wide range of services from batteries to solar panels and accessories across Victoria.

So, what are you waiting for? Give them a call to learn more about their services. Solar energy saves you money on your electricity bills and is environmentally friendly. So let’s take steps in the right direction and make a difference for our planet.

How Are Cans Recycled

Top 3 Things To Know About Trash

Now more than ever, more and more people are conscious of their carbon footprint and trying their best to reduce it and their waste. We have only one inhabitable planet in our solar system (or the entire Milky Way for all we know), and we need to start acting like it, and this nonchalant attitude about global warming needs to be addressed.

Waste management is a global concern, and waste is generated from construction sites, households, refineries, factories, and nuclear power plants. We are having a population boom, and with this or lifestyles are also changing, which is an alarming threat to the environment.

When not managed properly, waste can cause serious problems to our health and the environment at large. This is why we all need to get together to solve the issue of waste management. So, without further ado, let’s dive further into this blog and learn more about waste management and what we can do at an individual level to save our planet.

What is waste?


Existing in several forms, the waste designates globally all that we do not use anymore and wish to get rid of.

It is food scraps that we throw in the trash, bottles, and packaging that we put in special containers. Bigger objects, old damaged furniture, mattresses, and broken bicycles that we take to the waste disposal center. But materials, products, and residues are also linked to companies, agriculture, and various industries. We produce an average of 350 kg per inhabitant per year, a figure that is close to 14 tons per year if we take into account the entire American population and all professional sectors.

They are then landfilled or incinerated, depending on their nature or their hazardous nature, but are also increasingly recycled to limit the environmental pollution they cause. Responsible management of waste is one of the major thrusts of the ecological transition.

Understand waste management easily.

For mankind, nature is an extraordinary source of food, materials, and riches of all kinds, which have given rise over the centuries to formidable discoveries. To consume better is to learn to limit our impact on the environment and to admit that despite centuries of evolution, our survival will always depend on nature’s. And then, at a time of massive urbanization, nature is also a way to change the pace and refocus on the essential. However, it is becoming more and more difficult to cut oneself off from our human societies for even a moment.

Visible and invisible pollution from our activities is making its way even to the most remote areas of the planet. And since our development will continue, the management of our waste will become one of the main issues of tomorrow.

What are the management methods used today? What new projects are envisaged? How can we support the transition to more responsible management at the individual level? This is what we will discover in this new topic.

Key figures


Every year, the world is faced with 2.1 billion tons of solid waste, 33% of which is not managed in an environmentally friendly manner. And the figure is expected to increase by 70% to 3.4 billion tons by 2050. As a result, the mass of waste is growing faster than any other source of environmental pollution, including greenhouse gases.

From an economic point of view, we note that high-income countries account for only 16% of the world’s population but produce almost a third of the world’s total waste. East Asia and the Pacific are the worst performers, but each inhabitant still produces an average of 590 kg of waste per year in France. And the production continues to grow by about 1% each year.

In low-income countries, only 48% of garbage is collected in cities, and 26% in rural areas. Much of the waste is simply burned on site or left in the open, leading to respiratory infections and other diseases.

High-income countries have much better collection and management systems, but they are totally inadequate. For years, thousands of containers full of waste to be recycled have left Europe and the United States for Southeast Asia, where treatment is much cheaper. Until recently, France itself sent 50% of its sorted plastic waste to China. Things are still going on today, but Beijing, Malaysia, Indonesia, and the Philippines, have tightened their import conditions so as not to be the dustbins of Western countries anymore. As a result, there is no more garbage to manage on our territory, and recyclable waste is simply burned or dumped due to a lack of adapted equipment.

In spite of this, countries continue to develop and often forget to equip themselves with essential systems to face the progression of waste and its evolution. For this reason, middle-income countries should be closely monitored, as they are expected to experience the largest increase in waste in the coming years. It is expected to triple in sub-Saharan Africa and double in South Asia by 2050.

Looking for help?

Do you live in Botany? Are you in search of a rental bin or waste management solutions? Then look no further because Empire Bins is here to solve all your problems. So, relax and give them a call on their wide range of rental bins and waste management solutions; they have a bin whatever your needs are, be it for garbage removal, storage, or even if you have a large event coming up.

Renting a bin, hook bin, or even skip has never been easier than with the help of Empire Bins. Their motto is no job is too big or too small for them, and they deliver on their promise. What are you waiting for? They are only one phone call away!