
Top 5 Ways To Make The Fashion Industry More Sustainable

The fashion industry, like any other industry, has been concerned with sustainability over the past decades. Since 2016, the term sustainable fashion on search engines has increased by 66%. It is estimated that by 2030, the fashion industry as a whole will increase its water consumption by 50%. Now more than ever, we need to be concerned about our planet, which means we should be concerned about what we are wearing.

The fashion industry has shown seriousness towards sustainability in the past couple of years, and this is due to the power of consumerism. This situation will definitely worsen if you don’t change our consumption patterns and start consuming more sustainability. So, without further ado, let’s dive into this blog and learn some of our tips to make the fashion industry more sustainable.

1. Second-hand shopping


Millennials and Gen Z are chasing second-hand shopping like never before, which has made retailers and brands move towards it. A recent report by ThredUp showed that the second-hand clothing market had been valued at roughly $24 billion as of 2018, and it is estimated that it will hit about $64 billion in the coming decade. Second-hand shopping has some pretty unique and vintage styles to stand out trends.

Smart shoppers and people who thrive on more sustainable lifestyles make deliberate choices by picking up second-hand accessories and clothes. In 2020, the second-hand clothing market had a staggering value of 32 billion dollars, which is set to reach $51 billion by 2023. This specific marketing is growing impressively across the world, and you can find a thrift shop almost anywhere you go.

2. On-demand and custom clothing

The current trend that you are almost on board with is custom clothing. More and more people are moving towards on-demand as it is pretty unique, customizable, and fashionable with amazing tips. Now, both brands and retailers are personalizing entire shopping experiences to get closer to their customers. In our era of consumerism, more and more customers are choosing the personalized route when it comes to their clothing.

The demand for custom clothes has shown immense growth in the past 2 to 3 years and is ready to boom in the coming years. Brand and designers are continuously working to improve their customers’ experience with customized shopping, and in doing so, they are making sure that you don’t buy too many clothes, as you will want to show your personalized pieces. Eco-conscious consumers are choosing more personalized clothing over mass production to save raw materials and natural resources and support ethical and sustainable fashion.

3. Ethical and fair fashion


Now more than ever, consumers are looking for and choosing fair and ethical fashion, and they work hand in hand. The fashion industry is known for its history of being exploitative toward human labor, animals, and our planet. Nowadays, the fashion industry is moving and choosing veganism, sustainability, Eco-friendliness, and socially right clothes. Brands are now finding ways to make fashion more ethical and cruelty-free. Consumers are also moving towards the brand that serves them the best quality without having to compromise on animals, humans, labor rights, and the planet during the manufacturing process.

Brands are making clothes with their customers’ choices in mind. With fair trade and ethical fashion, brands are moving towards veganism and sustainability. Consumers are opting for fair trade and ethical fashion to preserve traditional craftsmanship and make their clothes more sustainable. Brands, consumers, and even the government are taking many initiatives to make the fashion industry completely fair and ethical through a transparent supply chain. And in 2022, ethical fashion will be a fashion code.

4. Repairing, spicing up, and recycling fashion.

In an industry bursting with options, repairing and redesigning are the hottest trends. Not only consumers but brands and retailers are following the 5 Rs of fashion- reduce, recycle, repair, reuse, and reinvent. Brands are improving consumers’ overall experience by giving them tips on how to make their purchases last longer. Some brands offer repair services for their clothing. Beyond repair, they redesign. Garments that cannot be repaired can be recycled or redesigned. In recent years, brands have taken numerous redesign initiatives to give old garments a completely new look.

In this way, the fashion industry saves raw materials and natural resources. In addition, brands are also helping to eliminate fashion waste and make the industry more sustainable. Fashion upcycling involves using consumers’ upstream and downstream waste to create new products. This process allows old garments to be reused without going through the recycling process. This industry will become more sustainable with repaired, redesigned, and recycled garments.

5. Clean and green fashion


The fashion industry is among the most polluting industries in the world. From the planet to the animals, this industry harms everyone. It is therefore becoming vital to make production clean and green. In the age of consumerism, destructive fashion is no longer acceptable to consumers. Consumers are dressing for the planet by prioritizing environmentally friendly fashion. Sustainability focuses on the future. Green fashion helps keep the planet clean and makes it a better place to live. 

Consumers love green clothing that has minimal impact on the environment. Products made from renewable resources are usually considered green. As far as the term “clean” is concerned, it includes natural or synthetic products that are not harmful to health. Non-toxic products do not contain ingredients. And therefore, they can improve the earth’s health and its earthlings. Consumers are embracing clean and green fashion to make the industry more sustainable in the years to come.

Sound off in the comments section below and tell us what you want to read next and if you want to read more about making the fashion industry more sustainable.


How To Install A Rainwater Tank?

At present, it is important to have a rainwater harvesting system. On the one hand, it is a major advantage for preserving the ecology because it reduces the risks of flooding, erosion, and degradation of the water table. On the other hand, it is a profitable investment, allowing to reduce the consumption of drinking water.

Among the most popular rainwater harvesting systems is the rainwater tank, also called rainwater harvesting. In this article, we’ll take a look at how to install this system. So, without further ado, let’s dive into this blog and learn some of the things you need to know about installing a rainwater tank.

Choose a rainwater cistern model


The choice of a rainwater tank model depends on the quantity of water you wish to collect and its use. There are 2 main models.

1. The aerial model 

It corresponds to the need for gardening and occasional cleaning. It is installed on stable ground and can be put under cover. It is equipped with anti-UV protection and a tap placed at the bottom to facilitate the drawing. Its connection is provided by a collector, which is equipped with a filtering system to block leaves, insects, etc. Currently, their manufacturers offer more aesthetic models with a wide variety of colors.

2. The buried model

It allows for the storage of a large amount of rainwater, but this depends on the volumes (water storage up to 25,000 L) and ranges available in the market. It is very discreet, as only its cover remains visible, and it is easy to maintain and does not require emptying in winter. It can also keep an invariable water temperature.

Its other major advantage is that it can be connected to the sanitary system of your home to facilitate your household chores such as laundry and cleaning the floor. However, the cost of its installation is more expensive than that of an overhead model. Moreover, its installation is more complex because if it is installed on wet soil, a concrete invert is required, and if it is installed on clay soil, drainage is necessary to evacuate the water around the cistern.

Choose the material for your rainwater tank.

Rainwater tanks can be made from polyethylene, PVC coating, or concrete. The polyethylene tank is effective for all seasons. It is durable (at least 20 years), recyclable and translucent (which avoids the presence of particles in the water). It is also treated with high-definition anti-UV.

The tank with PVC or polyester coating is robust against water pressure, despite its fragile appearance. It is completely closed, which prevents water evaporation and guarantees its purity. Its shape can be customized according to the shape of your land.

The concrete cistern has the power to soften and neutralize the water that is stored for a certain period of time. It requires to be completely closed to prevent the penetration of external debris and the development of pathogenic micro-organisms. It is also durable and unbreakable.

Determine the right location for the tank


The cistern should be placed close to your house, near the downspout, and in a clear area. The surface of this area should be horizontal, flat, and level.

Prepare your land

Mark off the general area of your property where you will place your tank. Remove all loose items that can puncture the liner, such as rocks. Lay down a bed of sand about 10 cm thick and spread it with a rake.

Set up the tank

Unroll your tank liner after delivery. For good ventilation under the liner, shake out each corner and lift it up at once (at least 4 people). Then, install your water tank in its final location.

Connect the tank to your sanitary system


Locate the connection points by first attaching the collector on the tank side to the top of the rainwater pipe, to stop the water collection when the tank is full automatically. Then, drill the gutter, install it and connect it to the tank. Then connect it to the pump at the other end. Finally, attach the safety overflow.

Sound off in the comments section below and tell us what you want to read next and if you want to read more about rainwater tanks.


7 Energy-Efficiency Innovations to Look Forward to In The Next Decade

Domestic energy efficiency has advanced a long way over the last few decades. Despite our overall energy consumption increasing by just over a third since 1980, on average our homes consume around 10% less overall. How can this be the case when we have so many more electrical appliances? Back in 1980, not many homes had more than a single TV, and computers and mobile phones were essentially non-existent. Yet somehow they used more electricity!

The answer to this question comes down to one simple principle. Energy efficiency. Government regulations and technical advances led by the private sector have resulted in appliances that are simply more sustainable. Throw in a better public understanding of the importance of reducing carbon emissions, and also the use of money expert comparison sites to track the expense of powering a home, and it the picture becomes a little clearer.

Expect to see this trend become ever more prevalent in the near future, as sustainability has become a huge industry that continues to rapidly expand. Here’s a selection of the most recent energy efficiency innovations that are already helping homeowners save money that we can expect to become commonplace over the coming years.

1. Smart Homes

At first glance, you may wonder what the point is in buying a new domestic appliance that is advertised as ‘internet-connected/ready’. After all, who is going to need a web-compatible refrigerator or air conditioning unit? It is increasingly common for newly released appliances to boast this feature because in the coming years, our homes are going to be much more connected than at present. Being able to monitor and control energy expenditure remotely via smartphone is a tech that is already with us – but these are still the early days.

The next big step forward is going to be the implementation of wireless sensors throughout the home. These will connect all the appliances in the home to a centralized control panel which will automatically instruct how they interact with the energy supply. For instance, appliances not in use, but on ‘standby’ mode will be entirely disconnected from the power supply when nobody is at home. Heating and air conditioning use will be precisely measured according to the ambient temperature. Just these two examples – and there are many more in the pipeline – are set to shave a considerable amount of household energy consumption in the very near future.

2. Next Generation Home Insulation

The US Industrial Science & Technology Network takes the approach that heating and cooling costs can best be reduced by simply developing superior insulation. While still at the development stage, these are promised to be far more efficient at preventing heat from escaping.

As may be expected, they are also going to be environmentally sound and most likely comprised of recycled foam materials. Should these be proven to work, there is a very good chance they will become the industry norm for new build and redeveloped housing in the years to come.


3. Reflective Roofing Materials

While insulation is ideal for maintaining an ambient temperature what about those who live in warmer climes? Everyone knows how expensive it is to run air conditioning 24 hours a day, but there have been considerable recent advances in reflective rooftop materials. Currently, these work by using special pigments that are coated onto the roof in order to reflect sunlight and heat.

The next generation in development will use fluorescent pigments that look likely to be up to four times more efficient. So for those who reside in areas where effective air conditioning is essential around the year, these new materials may well be an absolute godsend.

4. Magnetocaloric Refrigerators

A fridge powered by magnets? Close, but not quite. Refrigeration technology has barely changed or advanced since they were first introduced. Modern fridges still rely on vapour compression, which unfortunately requires chemical coolants that are notoriously bad for the environment.

Next-generation models are going to be able to make use of water-based coolants that make use of the magnetocaloric effect. In layperson’s terms, this is the use of magnets to alter the magnetic field which can provide an extremely energy-efficient cooling effect. Expect this to become commonplace in the coming years, thanks to their potential in enormously reducing energy expenditure and carbon emissions.

5. Much More Efficient Heat Pumps

Considerable progress has been made by the US Building Technologies Office in developing heat pumps that essentially move heat throughout the home. There are three models in design that promise to considerably reduce expenditure on heating while also significantly reducing carbon emissions:

  • A low-cost gas-based heating pump could massively increase efficiency and result in lowering heating costs by a staggering 45%.

  • Multiple function fuel-based pumps designed for domestic use can still save an estimated 30% with the added bonus of also providing more efficient water heating.

  • Natural gas-based heating pumps connected with air conditioners aim to use a very low emission boiler to cater to all domestic needs regardless of the season.

These styles of heat pumps are also going to be used to significantly reduce the energy used by clothes drying machines. General Electric has already near completed its first gas pump-compatible dryer. This is intended to reduce the energy consumption of perhaps the least efficient appliance in the home by up to 60%.


6. Even Better LED Lighting

Energy-saving lighting may have become the accepted norm in many households, and the good news is that it is set to become even better. At present these are up to 85% more efficient than old-fashioned incandescent bulbs, but the next generation – scheduled for a few years’ time – promises to double their efficiency. An improvement up to 230 lumens (from the current 115) is forecast.

7. Advanced Window Insulation

While still in development this may not sound like a huge advance, but could well result in enormous net energy savings down the line. Using microprocessors and sensors to measure sunlight and radiant heat, these are going to automatically provide shading to assist with providing ideal natural lighting and also assist with heating. Expect these to be integrated with the general smart home system outlined above in due course.

Final Thoughts

So there we have seven of the most exciting and interesting energy efficiency innovations that we can expect to see in the home over the coming years. While some are already in production and others are just passing the prototype phase, the future is looking positive in terms of reducing emissions and better managing energy consumption.

How Are Cans Recycled

How Are Cans Recycled


    – Can Manufacturing

    – Recycling to reduce environmental impact

    – How to Recycle Cans

Cans are hermetically sealed metal containers that can be used to store all kinds of prepared foods and vegetables at room temperature. Very practical in everyday life, it is essential to recycle them. Is it necessary to clean them before throwing them away? In this post, we look closely at how they are recycled.

How cans are made

How Are Cans Recycled

The tin can was invented at the beginning of the 20th century to meet the needs of the navy and the army, and then it gradually penetrated civilian homes:

    – By the 1950s, it was used worldwide by the food industry to preserve meat, fish, vegetables, fruit, ready meals, dairy products, and animal feed.

    – Today, it is one of the emblems of consumer society.

The cans are made of a single material which can be steel or aluminum.

These metals are 100% recyclable without losing their properties over time and recycling, which is an excellent thing for the environment. Indeed, using recycled metal for manufacturing new cans reduces the extraction of ore, which means a reduction in CO2 emissions.

Recycling: reducing environmental impact

Advances in the metallurgical industry have made it possible to reduce the thickness of cans by 20 to 30%:

    – These cans have become lighter and more economical regarding raw materials and energy.

    – The evolution of their shape has also made them more compact and stackable, increasing the storage capacity of the cans in the containers.

    – These different factors help reduce the impact on the environment.

How to recycle cans?

How Are Cans Recycled

Today, steel and aluminum are increasingly better sorted and recycled:

    – In the sorting center, a magnet separates steel waste from other waste and aluminum by a magnetic current.

    – The aluminum and steel are then compacted, crushed, and heated until they are melted down to make new objects.

Contrary to popular belief, it is not necessary to clean cans when they are thrown away.

The most important thing is to sort the cans in our different garbage boxes!

Read more:



Why Is Beekeeping So Important?

Why are bees so important? How can we protect them? In this issue, we will tell you the origin of World Honeybee Day and what each of us can do to protect bees in our daily lives.

Origin of World Honeybee Day

World Honeybee Day was established on May 20 and is a new addition to the United Nations calendar. It was found just a few years ago with the express purpose of raising public awareness about the importance of pollinators, their role in sustainable development, and the dangers they face daily that threaten their survival and ours.

Let’s take a few steps back: in October 2017, the United Nations General Assembly decided to designate May 20 as “Bee Day”. It is a symbolically important day for all beekeepers as it coincides with the birth date of Anton Jansa, a Slovenian beekeeper, and pioneer of modern beekeeping techniques.

It is no coincidence that Anton Jansa is Slovenian. In fact, Slovenia still plays a fundamental role in promoting not only this day, but beekeeping in general. Like many other things, the protection of bees and their role in the ecosystem is a cultural fact that each country has developed based on its history and traditions. Slovenia has always encouraged and protected bees because beekeeping is deeply rooted in the country, and the people are well aware of the importance of bees. This is confirmed by the fact that the Slovenian government itself has made conservation one of its objectives and that the government has banned the use of pesticides since 2011.

Why Are Bees Important?

Consider that thanks to these tiny creatures (and other pollinators), pollination by bees has allowed many plants to reproduce for more than 30 million years, keeping the ecosystem in balance and maintaining biodiversity. Therefore, bees are crucial not only for the survival of many plant species but also for us!

Several food crops have become edible thanks to pollination by honey bees. In other words, without bees, we would not be able to grow crops and might even have difficulty breathing, as they play an active role in the direct and indirect absorption of carbon dioxide.

Nevertheless, humans continue to endanger them through the use of pesticides and contribute to significant climate change through our daily misbehavior. As is often the case, everything seems so far away from us, but the problem is right under our noses and concerns us! In the last 10 years, 10 million hives have been lost, which means a 40% decline in the global bee and wasp population.

What Can We Do To Save the Bees?

We can always make a difference through our actions. We can engage in small actions in our daily lives to protect bees and, ultimately the ecosystem.

  • Plant “bee-friendly” flowers on balconies, patios, and gardens.
  • Buy honey and other bee products from organic or local beekeepers.
  • Make children, youth, and adults aware of the importance of bees and beekeepers.
  • Conserve and protect wildflowers and other wild plants and sow nectar plant seeds.
  • Mow grasslands only after bees have collected valuable nectar from many wildflowers (e.g., dandelions), which are often mistaken for weeds that should be eliminated.
  • Provide shelters for pollinators (the famous bee houses) on balconies and in gardens.
  • Protect the bees’ homes.
  • Shop responsibly and carefully, choosing products that take pollinating insects into consideration.
  • Participate in campaigns against the use of pesticides.

Free photos of Dahlia

Taking care of insects is their salvation as well as ours; this is why things should change.

Do you have any other tips to help save bees? Share it with us in the comments below!

6 Ways to Stop Producing Waste

6 Ways to Stop Producing Waste



  1. Refuse what you don’t need
  2. Reduce what you need
  3. Reuse what you can
  4. Recycle when you have no choice
  5. Compost everything you have left
  6. Recycling and recovery

The average person produces 374 kg of waste per year… This waste is expensive, and this will undoubtedly be more and more true in the future. However, it is possible to avoid generating waste, as one American family has done, producing only one liter of waste per year and reducing its expenses by 40% in one year.

A motto for a more environmentally friendly and less expensive life would thus be: Refuse, reduce, reuse, recycle, and compost.

1. Refuse what you don’t need

Unwanted mail, gifts: most of these items are unnecessary and, more importantly, create new demand. Breaking this cycle avoids contributing to the production of more advertising.

2. Reduce what you need

The average household only uses 20% of its stuff, so you can donate anything you don’t use when moving.

Household cleaning is done with soap and white vinegar, washing with a soap bar.

You can make your foundation using cocoa powder.

This smaller amount of personal belongings also makes it easier for the little family to rent their home when they vacation.

3. Reuse what you can

Buying second-hand and using reusable products instead of disposable ones can drastically reduce waste:

  • Tea towels replace paper towels;
  • glasses replace disposable cups;
  • food is bought in bulk to avoid unnecessary packaging;
  • fresh produce is transported in glass jars.

Good to know: certain single-use plastic products, including cups sold in batches, are banned from sale. A single-use plastic product is made entirely or partially of plastic and is not designed, created, or marketed to be reused for the same purpose for which it was intended.

4. Recycle when you have no choice

6 Ways to Stop Producing Waste (4)

Printing handouts of your children’s classes on both sides or recycling glass bottles such as wine or lemonade also helps reduce waste.

5. Compost everything you have left

6 Ways to Stop Producing Waste

Composting can reduce the waste left over after selective sorting by about half. Fruit and vegetable peelings, dryer peelings, fingernail and hair clippings, dust: all of these elements lighten your garbage can and reduce the consumption of garbage bags and the need for garbage pickup.

6. Recycling and recovery

Regarding recycling and recovery, there are alternative solutions that give a second life to waste without having to transform the material.

Recovering furniture: economical and original

6 Ways to Stop Producing Waste

Flea markets, flea markets, and other garage sales are full of old furniture that, once restored, is aesthetically pleasing and sturdy.

Creative hobbyists, woodworkers, and designers regularly hunt for rare gems for a pittance. Individuals repair furniture for their use. Professionals resell their creations, a voluntary and responsible recycling approach.

Recycling and recovery of materials

By digging in his garbage, the consumer often finds valuable materials. He can use them to make other furniture or serve as a disposable objects. In any case, the recovery of materials allows for realizing excellent savings.

Read more:

 – The three core environmental protection efforts;

– Eco-friendly Construction – Advantages of Green Building;

– How to Get USDA Organic Certification;

– FAQs about Cooking Oil Recycling;

– FAQs about Composting;

– Why are Bees Important to our Planet;

 – A Guide to Using Plastic Containers;

– Ecologist Until Death? Choose the Cardboard Casket for Your Funeral!

– Advantages and limitations of Cardboard Caskets;

– The Causes of Humidity and Its Consequences on Our Health;

– Environmental Aspects of Ecological Renovation;

– Read This Before Considering Renewable Energy At Home!

– How Compost Is Ecological and Good for Your Garden;

– 7 Basic Eco-Gestures on Vacation.


Why Adopt Renewable Energies?

For several years now, it has been challenging to do without energy from natural sources. Some people call them the energy of the future. More households and companies are now turning to them for many reasons. What is the interest in adopting these popular energies? Here are the main points to remember about this subject!

Renewable Energies Are Ecological

This is one of the very first benefits of adopting renewable energy. Indeed, the development of industries worldwide is at the base of the mass production of greenhouse gases. The ozone layer is weakening, and the world is slowly going downhill. By adopting this type of energy, you are therefore taking part in reducing your participation in global warming. In reality, other conventional energy sources produce a lot of carbon dioxide, while renewable energies produce almost none. They, therefore, have no significant impact on climate change. They do not pollute and are hence environmentally friendly.

Adopting Renewable Energies to Reduce Your Electricity Bill

This is another exciting point of this type of energy. The truth is that renewable energy is the key to saying goodbye to large electricity bills. Indeed, adopting this type of installation in your concessions or even in your companies allows you to save on the bills. So, it is a boon for businesses that rely heavily on electricity.

Favoring Renewable Energies for Their Abundance and Free of Charge on the Planet

The advantage of this type of energy is that it is abundant on the earth. Since it comes from natural sources, it is scarce to run out. They are inexhaustible and promote energy independence. As stated above, this is a boon for households and companies that rely heavily on electricity to operate and make profits.

Moreover, it should be noted that these energies are also entirely free. Of course, their installations are expensive, but the complete satisfaction that comes from them is crucial. You will no longer have to worry about power cuts, but it should also be noted that you will make a considerable profit.

Renewable Energy Renews Itself More Easily

If this type of energy has this name, it is precisely because it is renewable. This is a significant advantage because you can now go about your business without worrying about power cuts, meter re-subscription, or anything else. Indeed, the renewal is not only natural but also very fast. This is probably why they are called the energy of the future.

Can the World Run on Renewable Energy? - Knowledge at Wharton

Adopt Renewable Energies for Their Performance

This is one of the main reasons why this energy is so famous. Indeed, they produce in large quantities, promoting good energy independence. This is particularly true in the case of wind turbines. Certainly, they are energies that use the force of the wind to provide you with electricity. They are efficient and produce in large quantities.

Renewable Energies Are Sustainable and Safe

Contrary to the traditional installations, it should be noted that these energies are not only of good quality, but they also have amazing durability. Some of them can be used for about 25 years and more. Once you have installed them, you don’t have to worry about them changing or breaking down. The installations are viable and durable.

In addition, it is essential to emphasize the safety aspect of the energy of this magnitude. Whether it is wind or solar energy, you can be sure that the security is there. This allows you to enjoy the energy without worrying about anything. Indeed, the risks of accidents, burns, or electrocution are pretty low.


Top 5 Tips for Thrifting

Thrifting is really fun and is the ecological and modern way of shopping. Not only getting clothes at a more affordable price, but you are also saving our planet. This is a win-win situation if you ask us. So, without further ado, let’s dive into this blog and learn some practical tips for thrifting

1. How to choose a thrift store?


There are several types of thrift stores, depending on the target clientele or the way they operate- deposit-sale, purchase, donation, etc. If you are looking for simple pieces or even fabrics to sew your clothes, the boutiques and haberdashers of non-profit organizations are ideal. These are already very low. To dress economically, you can also turn to thrift stores that buy back unsold items from large retailers by the ton. There are many choices, whether in the clothing, shoe, or accessory departments.

In addition, small independent thrift stores develop their range around a theme- vintage, chic, big brands- or a category of the population- baby, child, man, or woman. A little detour on the Internet allows you to form an opinion before visiting a new thrift store. Finally, there are now online thrift stores. You can even order, try, and return an item if it doesn’t suit you. And stay tuned: large shopping malls are starting to develop second-hand departments! Will there soon be a thrift store section in your supermarket?

2. Choice

The first step is obviously to step on your pride. The clothes have already been worn, and they are not washed before being put in the store. Yes, there are a lot of not always pleasant smells. I remember coming across a beautiful coat that smelled like rancid cigarettes. But I overcame my little passing disgust, bought the coat for $20, and it became my favorite fall coat after a trip to the cleaners.

On the other hand, there are vintage things you won’t find anywhere else, the prices are better than new and if you’re lucky you can even find designer clothes. When someone asks me where I got a piece of clothing, I usually find it in a thrift store. If I weigh the weight of other people’s judgment against the pleasure of finding a piece I like, I always come out on top. That’s why I go so often.

3. Find the right section for your search


Thrift shops and second-hand stores are often chaotic, jumbled, and unorganized. Know how to search well. How can you do this? First, if you’re a guy, avoid the girls’ sections to begin with. There are some nice pieces that could do you in, but it’s mostly crazy to store for women’s tops since they are so varied and colorful.

Plus, girls have a number system that is way too complex when it comes to pants. Forget about shoes; unless you find a real grail, it’s almost impossible to find something worthwhile. We’ll discover clearer sections on the men’s side: pants, sweaters, t-shirts, shirts, jackets, and coats.

4. Be open and search aimlessly

Normally, your store with a specific idea in mind and a need: a black sweater, a pair of jeans, a shirt, etc. In a thrift store, you have to be open and willing to look around. You must be open in a thrift store and regularly go with several targets. For me, I always go through the jacket and coat section first; the turnover is more significant there.

I look first if I like the cuts and fabrics, then I look at the price and the brand. For example, if you find a gorgeous Parasuco or Point Zero denim jacket for $45 but a regular Levis for $20, I’ll probably advise you to go with the Levis. Even if it’s second-hand, quality is still important- and price!

5. Take risks


You may not find anything for a few weeks, but once you do, buy it right away because it won’t be there the next time you visit. I dare to buy pieces or cuts that I wouldn’t dare to buy in a store, often because the price is much lower.

Finding the right piece to match the rest of your wardrobe can take weeks. Instead, go in with a few ideas in mind and let the feeling of the moment surprise you. Dare a piece that takes you out of your comfort zone or smaller or larger size. I sometimes keep pieces in my closet for a few months before I dare to pull off a sweater. For example, a shirt with a high school dragon or a Canadians jacket.

Sound off in the comments section below and tell us what you want to read next and if you want to read more about thrifting.


Top 4 Things To Know About Recycling

The problem is that the rules of recycling are not always clear and not always well applied. To help you, here are a few simple rules to follow in order to sort properly. So here are the basics: to sort your waste, there are generally 3 garbage cans: the recyclables garbage can, the regular waste garbage can, and the glass garbage can.

As a general rule, the glass garbage can is for all glass-based waste, the recyclables bin is for plastics, paper, cardboard, and metal, while the regular garbage can is for everything else that cannot be recycled (including food waste). So, without further ado, let’s dive into this blog and learn some of the things that you ought to know about recycling.

1. Benefits of recycling


Recycling means collecting used materials and turning them into new products rather than throwing them away. This process is beneficial to the environment and our local communities for the following reasons:

  • Reducing the amount of waste that ends up in landfills and incineration plants.
  • Using much less energy.
  • Reduced carbon emissions.
  • Reduced water and air pollution.
  • Preservation of valuable natural resources, including trees and water.
  • Protect wildlife and natural habitats.
  • Creating jobs and supporting the economy.

2. Some objects that are thought to be recyclable are not

Many plastic objects are not recyclable; therefore, you should avoid putting them in the recycling garbage can! This is the case for yogurt pots, cookie trays, and any flexible packaging, such as toilet paper. The same is true for takeaway food trays from restaurants (sandwiches, kebabs, burgers, salads). In fact, it is only plastic bottles and flasks that are recyclable. You can forget about the rest.

As for glass, some objects made of this material are not recyclable either. This is the case for objects made of “culinary” glass, such as tableware and transparent dishes. Their melting temperature is higher than that of glass, so they cannot be recycled. On the other hand, glass jars, bottles, and bottles are recyclable.

3. How many times can a recyclable object be recycled?


It depends on the material used! If it is plastic, only plastic bottles and flasks are recyclable. The number of recycling is very limited: only two to three times! Indeed, at each stage of recycling, the plastic degrades and ends up not being reusable. Concerning glass, it is mineral and inert: it is therefore 100% recyclable and infinite, without losing quality. This is why it is preferable to buy glass bottles rather than plastic ones.

Finally, paper is a material made of cellulose fibers that come from wood or recovered paper. During each recycling process, these fibers break down and become damaged. This is why paper can only be recycled about ten times. Moreover, this quality degradation means that the newly manufactured paper cannot be made of 100% recovered fibers. In fact, the recycled paper contains about 50% recovered fibers, while conventional paper contains only 10%.

4. Some objects made of different materials can be recycled

A few decades ago, recycling technologies were not able to recycle objects made of different materials. But today, there are machines capable of separating the different materials of the same object. Thanks to them, separating plastic windows from envelopes and removing staples from documents is no longer necessary. It is important to check if your municipality is equipped with this machine.

With the many limitations of recycling that we have just discussed, one should not systematically rely on recycling! On the one hand, only a small amount of household waste is recycled in the United States. And on the other hand, when it is effectively recycled, it can only be recycled a limited number of times.

To contribute to more efficient recycling, we can, for example, prefer to buy glass water bottles instead of plastic ones. Or even better, drink tap water! We can also limit the purchase of products that are difficult to recycle, such as food packaging. We can buy certain foods in bulk and use our own containers. This would help reduce the amount of packaging produced.

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7 Tips To Be Sustainable In The Kitchen

Everyone loves tasty and good food, but it is also essential to make sure what we eat and how we prepare it does not negatively impact the environment. Did you know that about one-third of our environmental impact and greenhouse gas emissions come from the production and consumption of food? Fortunately, you can do a few things to be sustainable in the kitchen.

1) Create Your Own Herb Garden

Herbs grown in a garden taste better and are also more environmentally friendly. You can save a lot of energy and helps you avoid the use of plastic.

2) Turn off the Oven

It is often unnecessary to leave the oven on throughout the cooking time. The oven can be turned off and still be hot enough to continue cooking quiches, cakes, vegetable dishes, etc. You can safely turn off the oven 5-10 minutes before the cooking time indicated in the recipe.

3) Use Local and Seasonal Ingredients

Choose local and seasonal ingredients whenever possible. You can get them at the grocery store or market. In addition, fruits and vegetables bought at the market are less ripe than those sold at the supermarket and taste better.

4) Use a Lid

One small trick is to put a lid on the pot when you want to bring something to a boil. The lid prevents a lot of heat from escaping from the pan. This way, the water in the pot heats up faster and begins to boil sooner. This results in two to three times less power consumption. This is interesting because it saves money on electricity. But using a lid is also very good for the environment. By saving energy, you reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

5) Use Your Refrigerator Wisely

Refrigerators are already very convenient on their own because they can store food for longer periods and throw away fewer products. By doing so, we can naturally avoid producing food waste. But refrigerators can also be used to work more sustainably. For example, carefully closing the refrigerator door after removing products will prevent cold air from escaping.

Another good practice is to put food in the freezer in the refrigerator the day before to thaw. The coldness of frozen items helps keep the refrigerator cool. For the same reason, hot food should not be placed directly into the refrigerator or freezer. When food is kept cold for a while, the refrigerator does not have to work as hard to maintain the temperature. This saves energy.

It is also wise to get rid of old refrigerators with freezers. They consume the most energy in the entire house. When buying a new one, it is best not to choose a used one. This is also because they consume more energy; choosing one with an A++ label is best. Products with this label consume less power.

Free photos of Vegetables

6) Frying Pan

Another simple precaution is to use the right frying pan. A small surface area does not transfer heat well, so it is best to choose a pan that is large enough for the amount of food you are cooking. Additionally, it is helpful to place an appropriately sized pan on the optimal burner. For example, placing a small pot on a large burner will result in a significant heat loss.

However, the opposite is also true. If a large pot is placed on a small burner, it must use more energy to reach the proper temperature. In other words, there is a lot to be said for paying a little more attention to which pots and burners are best suited for cooking.

7) Economical Ways To Cook

When it comes to cooking, you can also opt for cheaper options in the kitchen. For example, steam ovens and microwaves consume the least amount of energy. Fryers, on the other hand, consume a lot of energy. With this in mind, consider the recipes and think about tonight’s dinner. You can also choose electric cooking: induction cooktops and ceramic cooking are both types of electric cooking methods.

Let us know if these few tips have helped you in the comments below!