7 Tips To Be Sustainable In The Kitchen

Everyone loves tasty and good food, but it is also essential to make sure what we eat and how we prepare it does not negatively impact the environment. Did you know that about one-third of our environmental impact and greenhouse gas emissions come from the production and consumption of food? Fortunately, you can do a few things to be sustainable in the kitchen.

1) Create Your Own Herb Garden

Herbs grown in a garden taste better and are also more environmentally friendly. You can save a lot of energy and helps you avoid the use of plastic.

2) Turn off the Oven

It is often unnecessary to leave the oven on throughout the cooking time. The oven can be turned off and still be hot enough to continue cooking quiches, cakes, vegetable dishes, etc. You can safely turn off the oven 5-10 minutes before the cooking time indicated in the recipe.

3) Use Local and Seasonal Ingredients

Choose local and seasonal ingredients whenever possible. You can get them at the grocery store or market. In addition, fruits and vegetables bought at the market are less ripe than those sold at the supermarket and taste better.

4) Use a Lid

One small trick is to put a lid on the pot when you want to bring something to a boil. The lid prevents a lot of heat from escaping from the pan. This way, the water in the pot heats up faster and begins to boil sooner. This results in two to three times less power consumption. This is interesting because it saves money on electricity. But using a lid is also very good for the environment. By saving energy, you reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

5) Use Your Refrigerator Wisely

Refrigerators are already very convenient on their own because they can store food for longer periods and throw away fewer products. By doing so, we can naturally avoid producing food waste. But refrigerators can also be used to work more sustainably. For example, carefully closing the refrigerator door after removing products will prevent cold air from escaping.

Another good practice is to put food in the freezer in the refrigerator the day before to thaw. The coldness of frozen items helps keep the refrigerator cool. For the same reason, hot food should not be placed directly into the refrigerator or freezer. When food is kept cold for a while, the refrigerator does not have to work as hard to maintain the temperature. This saves energy.

It is also wise to get rid of old refrigerators with freezers. They consume the most energy in the entire house. When buying a new one, it is best not to choose a used one. This is also because they consume more energy; choosing one with an A++ label is best. Products with this label consume less power.

Free photos of Vegetables

6) Frying Pan

Another simple precaution is to use the right frying pan. A small surface area does not transfer heat well, so it is best to choose a pan that is large enough for the amount of food you are cooking. Additionally, it is helpful to place an appropriately sized pan on the optimal burner. For example, placing a small pot on a large burner will result in a significant heat loss.

However, the opposite is also true. If a large pot is placed on a small burner, it must use more energy to reach the proper temperature. In other words, there is a lot to be said for paying a little more attention to which pots and burners are best suited for cooking.

7) Economical Ways To Cook

When it comes to cooking, you can also opt for cheaper options in the kitchen. For example, steam ovens and microwaves consume the least amount of energy. Fryers, on the other hand, consume a lot of energy. With this in mind, consider the recipes and think about tonight’s dinner. You can also choose electric cooking: induction cooktops and ceramic cooking are both types of electric cooking methods.

Let us know if these few tips have helped you in the comments below!

10 Tips for Sustainable Cooking

We all like good, quality food, but it’s also essential that the food we eat and prepare doesn’t significantly impact the environment. Did you know that about one-third of the environmental impact and greenhouse gas emissions are due to food production and consumption? Fortunately, you can do several things to be sustainable in the kitchen:

1) Use a Lid

One of the minor adjustments you can make is to put a lid on the pan when you want to bring something to boil. The lid prevents too much heat from escaping from the pan. This way, the water in the pan heats up earlier and starts boiling sooner. Besides, you consume two to three times less energy, save on your electricity bill and protect the environment at the same time since fewer greenhouse gases are emitted.

Boulettes De Viande, Boulettes, Boulette, Faire Cuire

2) Waste Less / Don’t Waste Food

Having broccoli tonight? Don’t throw away the florets. Use them the next day to make broccoli rice. An opened bag of potato chips that is no longer tasty? Use it to make tortillas!

3) Turn off the Oven

Often your dish doesn’t need to be in the oven roaring for the entire cooking time. Even when you turn off the oven, it’s still hot enough to keep cooking your quiche, pie, or vegetable dish. You can easily turn off the oven five to ten minutes before the cooking time indicated in the recipe.

4) Pay Attention to the Label

Many labels tell you something about the product. Sustainable products often carry a quality label, which helps us make conscious choices at the supermarket. If you’re not sure, you may visit the Nutrition Center Website of your country to find a summary of these sustainable quality seals.

5) Use Local and Seasonal Products

Choose local and seasonal products as much as possible. You can easily find them in the local market of your area. A bonus: fruits and vegetables from the market are usually much tastier because they are not harvested as ripe as the products we find in the supermarket.

Légumes, Farmers Market, Stand De Légumes, Carottes

6) Create Your Own Herb Garden

Apart from being tastier, growing your own herbs is also better for the environment. It helps lower the use of plastic containers/items and energy for transporting the herbs.

7) Choose the Lowest Possible Setting on Your Gas Stove

When cooking with gas, let the pan heat up slowly and use the lowest possible position. Turning on the fire completely at once wastes a lot of energy.

8) Opt for an Induction Hob

Induction cooking is the most economical way to cook. Gas is also quite economical, but due to current advances, this form of cooking is losing popularity. Electric or ceramic hobs are the big NO: cooking on them consumes twice as much energy.

9) Defrosting Without Microwaves

In the evening, discuss what you will eat the next day, take it immediately out of the freezer, and put it in the fridge. This way you won’t have to use the microwave. This allows food to defrost more healthily and evenly.

Congelés, Saumon, Poissons, La Glace, Alimentaire, Plat

10) Sustainable Dishwashing

Sustainable cooking naturally includes dishwashing. But which is more economical: using the dishwasher or washing them by hand? Opinions remain divided on this issue.

Washing dishes by hand can be more economical under the right conditions. For example, if you use a basin and don’t use electricity to heat the water. Do you wash under the tap, or do you like to rinse the dishes in plenty of hot water? Then a sustainable dishwasher is more economical.

The tips above are just an idea of where you might start to make more sustainable choices. Some options are easier to implement than others. Give yourself time to make changes step by step and see what works best for you. Do you have any other tips regarding sustainable cooking? Share it with us in the comments below!