
Top 5 Reasons To Recycle Batteries

Batteries are used daily to power various products, from fire alarms to cars. But what do you do with them when they run out of juice? Batteries are considered hazardous waste and should not be thrown in the trash or recycled. Although many programs collect and recycle batteries, too few consumers take advantage of them. So, without further ado, let’s dive into this blog and learn some of the reasons why you should recycle your used batteries.

1. Responsibility for the environment


Most of the toxic chemicals found in batteries can be recycled in one way or another. Every piece of recovered material is material that doesn’t have to be dug out of the ground. When you recycle your batteries, you are helping to prevent so many resources from being used up so quickly.

Recovering battery chemicals is like recovering waste paper. Every piece of paper that is recycled means less natural material needed to make new paper. It’s the same with batteries. Admittedly, the recycling industry must continue to innovate to improve cost and resource efficiency. We are confident that these improvements will make recycling an increasingly viable option for consumers, communities, and businesses alike.

2. Ensuring the storage of used batteries

Compared to a large number of batteries in use, battery explosions and fires are relatively rare. However, they can occur, and fires at waste management facilities are very difficult to extinguish. Some types of lithium batteries are more susceptible to fires than others, but all batteries must be treated with respect when damaged or exposed to heat.

Proper storage and handling can minimize the risk of fire and explosion. The other major safety concern with batteries involves small button cells. These can be easily swallowed by young children and cause serious injury or even death. They should be stored safely and taken to a battery recycling collection point as soon as possible.

3. Recover non-renewable resources


The increasing use of batteries means that more and more raw materials are mined, processed, made into batteries, and then disposed of as waste. These materials include the metals lead, cadmium, mercury, nickel, steel, zinc, cobalt, lithium, silver, manganese, and rare earths in some battery types. These metals are not renewable; however, they are infinitely recyclable. When they are disposed of in a landfill, they are no longer available, whereas they continue to provide an economic benefit to us through recycling.

4. Toxic chemicals and fires

The first reason to recycle is the toxic chemicals in batteries. None of these chemicals belong in a landfill, from a nickel to cadmium to lithium. But that’s exactly what happens when we throw batteries in the trash can. It’s better if we avoid throwing batteries in the trash, whether they’re alkaline, NiMH, NiCad, or lithium-ion.

As Consumer Reports notes, toxic chemicals can leach from old batteries. These chemicals can contaminate soil and surrounding water. Eventually, they could also get into the food supply. Next, Consumer Reports explains that old batteries thrown in the trash can pose a risk of shorting out and catching fire.

Short circuits and overheating are legitimate risks. Even without a short circuit, old batteries exposed to high temperatures can cause problems if they overheat. Although this may not seem to be a problem with batteries that have no life left, this is not always the case. Batteries still have some residual charge, even if they no longer provide enough power to operate.

5. increased recycling


The metal used in batteries is unfortunately harmful to the environment and human health. Perhaps best known is mercury, which has caused mercury poisoning both in the past and today. Lead and cadmium are also among the most dangerous environmental pollutants. When disposed of in a landfill, batteries decompose. The toxic substances can leach from the landfill into waterways and the ocean.

The mercury in the batteries you dispose of can even end up on your dinner plate! Recycling is the most economically and environmentally sound way to solve this problem. According to a survey conducted by IPSOS in 2014, 77% of consumers agree that it is important to recycle batteries rather than throw them away. This is good news for future recycling efforts, as it shows the community’s willingness to get behind battery recycling initiatives.

Looking for help?

Are you in Campbellfield? Are you looking into buying a solar panel? Then look no further than Battery Shop. With over 2 decades of experience, they pride themselves on being the premier one-stop shop for all your battery needs in Campbellfield. They provide a wide range of services from batteries to solar panels and accessories across Victoria.

So, what are you waiting for? Give them a call to learn more about their services. Solar energy saves you money on your electricity bills and is environmentally friendly. So let’s take steps in the right direction and make a difference for our planet.

Energy SaviTips to Reduce Your Bills!

Energy Saving Tips to Reduce Your Bills!


Your home and some of your daily habits are highly energy-consuming. In addition to ecological concerns, this also significantly impacts your water and electricity bills.

There are many solutions to reduce your energy consumption and stop wasting energy, whether reflexes to take daily or small equipment to install. You don’t need to live in a cabin to limit energy consumption. Here are some simple ways to save money at home!

1. Dual flush toilets

Energy SaviTips to Reduce Your Bills!

The most easily achievable energy savings concern your toilets. Each flush costs an average of $0.34, or almost $40 per person annually. Equipping your flushes with a dual control system can easily reduce their consumption.

This equipment has many advantages:

    – it releases the entire volume of water in the tank or a portion (often half). Compared to a traditional flush, it allows you to consume about 55% less water, which is equivalent to more than $20 over the year for 1 person;

    – Dual flush toilets are sometimes adjustable but most often have a capacity of 3/6 L;

    – its price ranges from $15 to $30 for the most elaborate models.

Good to know: another solution, free this time, is to place a 1.5 or 2 L bottle filled with water in the flush tank. To make this option cost-free, use rainwater to fill the bottle.

2. Tumble dryers: some tips to follow

Energy SaviTips to Reduce Your Bills!

A clothes dryer uses a lot of electricity: its energy is twice as much as that needed to wash clothes!

Here are some simple tips to keep your dryer from running up your bill:

    – wring out your laundry before putting it in the machine;

    – only run your dryer when it’s full.

If you can afford to buy a new model

    – choose vented models over condensing ones, which use 10 to 20 percent more energy;

    – Class A dryers are very hard to find. Class B or C dryers are more common.

Good to know: there are models with an integrated heat pump, which allow savings of about 40% compared to a traditional model. These appliances are expensive, costing no less than $900 for a 6 kg capacity.

3. Eco” cycle or new washing machine?

Before you think about re-equipping your appliances, start by developing good habits:

    – Only run machines when the washer is full or use the “half load” (or “automatic variable capacity”) option;

    – Use the “eco” cycle function, which uses an average of 25% less electricity and 18% less water.

If you have the budget, buy a newer, more efficient model:

    – investing in a low energy consumption model is worth it because, in 4 to 5 years, you will have made your purchase profitable compared to a high energy consumption model;

    – a recent model can save you up to 44% (or $15) on your electricity bill compared to an older model purchased several years ago

    – In terms of water consumption, a new model can reduce it by 65%, or about $35 per year.

4. Lighting: what are the solutions to consuming less?

Energy SaviTips to Reduce Your Bills!

To reduce your electricity consumption related to lighting in your home, cut down on waste:

    – take advantage of natural lighting as much as possible by intelligently placing the furniture in your rooms (kitchen countertop near a window, skylight, armchair for reading near a window…). This can save you up to 1 hour of lighting per day. You will save more than $30 annually for a dozen incandescent bulbs. If you only use low-energy bulbs, you will still save more than $10 per year;

    – Install timer switches in high-traffic areas such as hallways and dimmers in living areas.

Choose the right intensity for your light bulbs:

    – 15 to 20 W per square meter are needed for living areas;

    – 10 to 15 W per m² are enough for the rooms of passage and the rooms.

5. Standby power for multimedia devices: track them down!

Energy SaviTips to Reduce Your Bills!

This is the most accessible electricity consumption item to reduce, and it’s free! All you have to do is hunt down the devices that remain on standby.

Even when turned off, your audiovisual devices are generally still on standby. This standby state represents 3/4 of the consumption of these devices!

Here are the devices that can be unplugged:

    – your TV: its standby costs between $5 and $15 per year;

    – Your DVD or BluRay player: its standby time costs between $3 and $13 per year;

    – your game consoles: their standby costs between $2 and $10 per year

    – your computer: its standby costs between $6 and $30 for a year;

    – your coffee maker: its standby time costs between $2 and $4 per year;

    – if you don’t use their internal clock, turn off your microwave and your stereo system, whose standby costs between $3 and $20 per year;

    – if you don’t receive phone calls through the Internet: your router, which still costs $10 a year to standby;

    Remember to unplug your cell phone, computer, and camera chargers as soon as their charge is over. When they are plugged in, they consume electricity, even if your device is no longer plugged in at the end.

Here are some small devices that can help you make these savings more easily:

    – power strips with switches: they avoid having to unplug all the outlets one by one;

    – Standby power outlets: when you turn off the appliance, the outlet blocks the power supply. A plug of this type costs on average $20;

    – Energy management software can reduce your computer’s electricity consumption by 40 to 60%. This represents a computer’s savings of between $17 and $25 per year.

Outdoor: what energy savings are possible?

Energy SaviTips to Reduce Your Bills!

Some everyday tasks don’t require you to use water

    – outside: cleaning your car, watering your garden or/and plants, cleaning your outdoor furniture, etc.

    – in your home: washing your floors, flushing your toilets, etc.

For all these tasks, think of using rainwater. To collect it, equip yourself with a tank dedicated to this purpose. This tank does not have a filtration system and can be found for as little as $40.

For outdoor lighting, you can install solar-powered spotlights equipped with motion sensors. These spots cost an average of $40. Once installed, they cost you nothing in electricity.


Top 5 Tips For Living A More Sustainable Lifestyle

It’s 2022, and we need to start acting together. We have to do better because if we don’t start to get our act together, our planet is going straight to hell. We need to change the way we live and the way we consume products. You can focus on the little things; yes, even the little things can make a big difference.

Changing your lifestyle can sometimes be difficult, but according to some research, if you do something continuously for 21 days, then you can adopt that lifestyle. Without further ado, let’s dive into this blog and look at some of our tips for living a more sustainable lifestyle.

But what is a sustainable lifestyle?


It is difficult to define the concept of sustainability clearly. The basic ideas behind it have been known for centuries. But for a long time, there was no word for it. Basically, people have always tried to live by this principle. Sustainable living means not consuming more than can be grown, regenerated, or made available in the future. It is especially in the case of indigenous peoples that we can still see the corresponding action plans today. As a rule, they only produce or harvest what they need.

Sustainability first appeared as a term in 18th-century forestry literature. However, the concept at that time was based more on economic interests than environmental protection. It was not until the United Nations conferences in the 1980s and 1990s that a somewhat more precise picture of sustainability developed. Since then, the main concern has been “to live in such a way that a life worth living is still possible on earth for future generations”.

1. A sustainable lifestyle means consuming less plastic

Plastic is an environmental disaster. I have already had the opportunity to talk about this subject in previous articles. The fact is that plastic is a very polluting material that has a very negative impact on the planet. The first victims are the animals and the oceans filled with plastic.

Today, the authorities want to reduce the use of plastic as much as possible. Nevertheless, it is everyone’s duty to consume less. To do so, you will have to choose objects made of durable, recyclable materials, such as reusable bags. Aim for zero waste as much as possible. Sort your waste. Prefer glass bottles. As you can see, these are simple gestures that are easily implemented.

2. Manage your energy consumption


The goal is to reduce your energy consumption. Once again, it is not a question of depriving yourself of heating or light. But to consume intelligently. The easiest thing to do is turn off the lights when you leave a room. For example, turn off the light in your office when you leave at night.

You can also turn off or unplug appliances that you are not using. In winter, don’t heat more than you need. Turn down the thermostat during the day when you are not at home. Don’t heat rooms you don’t occupy. Use LED light bulbs and preferred energy-efficient A+ class appliances. There are even apps that can help you monitor your energy consumption.

3. Save water!

You can’t talk about sustainable living without talking about water, our most precious resource. So we need to preserve it. Again, it’s just a matter of making a few adjustments. For example, take a shower rather than a bath. If you have a garden: opt for a water collection tank to water your plants. Be aware of small leaks and repair them if necessary.

4. Sustainable living is about ethical fashion


Fashion is one of the most polluting industries. A lot can still be done to make it more sustainable. It is up to you to choose the brands and clothes you buy carefully. First, you can choose brands that use recycled materials like TBS, which has released infinitely recyclable sneakers.

Also, the second-hand market can represent an interesting alternative. Indeed, second-hand clothing stores are very popular. From an economic and ecological point of view, buying second-hand clothes is a godsend. Finally, you can turn to ethical brands such as Patagonia, which donates 1% of its turnover to environmental associations.

5. Limit your car travel

Switching to a hybrid or 100% electric vehicle won’t be enough to talk about a sustainable lifestyle! To achieve this, you have to drive less. As a first step, you should look for ways to optimize your trips. For example, do your shopping once a week instead of once a day. Also, choose means of transportation that reduce your carbon footprint: bicycle and public transportation.

Final thoughts


You know some examples that will help you adopt a more sustainable lifestyle. Some points will be easier to implement, others less so. Therefore, adopting an eco-responsible lifestyle will require adjustments to your habits. It’s up to you to determine what actions to take on a daily basis.

Sound off in the comments section below and tell us what you want to read next and if you want to read more about some of our tips for living more sustainably.


Solar Tile: A Solution To Gain In Energy Savings And Aesthetics

This is the new trend in the solar industry, which is becoming more and more popular. Photovoltaic solar tiles take over from the classic photovoltaic panels and offer an additional alternative. The tile is composed of not one but two layers of silicon and electron that produce energy and provide the home with electricity. More aesthetic, these tiles seduce households looking for solutions to reduce their energy bills without compromising the exterior appearance of their building.

The use of renewable energy is becoming more and more widespread in the domestic environment. This system is an excellent alternative to the voltaic installation to save energy. Solar tiles can offer you many advantages. They can also bring a new look to your roof. So, without further ado, let’s dive into this blog and learn some of the things you need to know about solar tiles.

How solar roof tiles work and their characteristics



The solar tile is part of a roofing installation in place of a conventional tile. It consists of photovoltaic cells that create electrical energy. Indeed, this tile is made of two layers of silicon and electrons. Once the light reaches the tile, the side exposed to the sun intercepts the photons of light. The exchange between the electrons and the silicon atoms produces energy.

The installation of photovoltaic tiles does not require any cutting or roofing. Cables connect each tile to the electrical distribution board. To optimize its operation, the installation of an inverter is essential. This allows transforming the energy captured by the tiles into electricity. You can also opt for a solar deflector or a home solar system.

This does not prevent you from using a roofer to do the work. Among other things, they are waterproof, less bulky, and more modular. However, the solar tile is very expensive; it is necessary to plan up to 2 000 $ per m². It is, therefore, necessary to apply for financial assistance such as Ma Prime Renov to reduce this cost.

In addition, several forms of solar tiles can meet your needs:

    • The classic solar tile: is composed of mini solar panels discrete but with a low yield
    • The large solar tile: offers a satisfactory yield thanks to its elongated shape
    • The slate with the integrated solar panel: is ideal for those who prefer to keep this material.

Insulation of the attic by the installation of solar tiles

1. Reduction of the bill


Insulating from the outside with solar tiles can reduce your heating costs and lower your carbon footprint. Know that 30% of heat escapes the roof if your house is not well insulated. As a result, your bill can drop by 15-25%.

2. Stylish attic space

This process allows you to save space in the attic. This makes it easier to arrange the room and gives you several options for use. For example, you can consider transforming it into a master suite equipped with a bathroom and dressing room. It is also possible to add a reading corner or an office corner. The charm of the beams and the frame can also be preserved.

3. Roof makeover


Solar panels are very apparent, which can affect the beauty of your roof. Opt for solar tiles that look like traditional roof tiles to keep their aesthetics and uniformity. This allows you to enjoy the same benefits as solar panels. In addition, in case solar panels are not allowed in your area, invisible models. If you want to buy solar tiles that are both durable and stylish, choose the Tesla brand.

You can choose from textured, smooth, Tuscan, and slate designs depending on the structure and architecture of your home. Among other things, it is recommended to replace your entire roof when renovating a roof to avoid contrasts. You can also alternate the installation with classic tiles or redo the whole roof with solar tiles. A specialist in solar panel installation can perform such work.

Sound off in the comments section below and tell us what you want to read next and if you want to read more about solar tiles.

Learn the Basics of Natural Gardening

Learn the Basics of Natural Gardening

Gardening is good; gardening while respecting the environment and biodiversity is better! Here are the basics you need to know to start gardening naturally.

Wormwood: an excellent natural weed killer

There are natural and inexpensive solutions to weed without polluting or damaging your plants.

Mugwort: what is it?

Mugwort is an aromatic plant generally used in cooking or phytotherapy. You can find it:

  • at the edge of roads and paths;
  • in altitude;
  • planted at the foot of shrubs and large perennial plants.

Good to know: a perennial plant is a plant that can live at least 2 years.

Mugwort and weed control: instructions for use

Mugwort contains artemisinin:

It is the substance secreted by the roots or the leaves when they decompose.

Artemisinin blocks the germination of seeds and considerably limits the growth of weeds.

You can therefore place mugwort near your plants. Aesthetic, it will prevent the appearance of weeds while decorating your beds.

Peppermint: a natural treatment against pests

To treat your plants against pests, no need for chemicals! You can prevent the appearance of pests naturally.

Why peppermint?

This herb allows you to eliminate insects and pests without damaging your other plants:

The essential oil in this plant is an excellent natural insecticide.

Peppermint also has fungicidal properties, eliminating certain parasitic fungi and preventing their appearance.

Natural insecticide: how to prepare it?

To prevent the appearance of insects or treat your plants, spray them with an infusion of peppermint. To prepare it:

Immerse 150 grams of peppermint in 5 liters of boiling water.

Let it steep for 30 minutes.

Then strain the mixture through a sieve to remove the leaves.

Let it cool down.

This product is to be sprayed pure.

Nasturtiums: a natural way to protect yourself from aphids

Aphids are parasites that suck the sap from plants. Indeed, they are irresistibly attracted by nasturtiums, perennial plants whose flowers are usually red or yellow. You can eliminate them naturally.

So, to protect your vegetable gardens:

  • Sow nasturtiums near your vegetable plants. Aphids will be naturally attracted to them and will not attack your crops.
  • Don’t forget to destroy nasturtium leaves covered with aphids as you go along.
  • Replace nasturtiums regularly. If they are too damaged, they will become ineffective.

Attention: only black aphids are attracted to nasturtiums. To get rid of green aphids, opt for a rose bush instead.

Cardboard: an economical mulch

Don’t throw away your old cardboard boxes! You can recycle them to prepare a plot of land that you want to grow.

Mulching: what is it?

Learn the Basics of Natural Gardening

Mulching is a process that helps to prevent the misdeeds of the local climate, in particular by a thick covering of material that keeps certain insects at bay, inhibits weeds, and traps moisture into the soil while acting as a physical barrier to drying winds and direct sunlight.

Why use cardboard?

Mulching with cardboard:

  • protects your soil from bad weather, especially in case of a heat wave;
  • is much appreciated by earthworms: this is a good thing because the worms plow it naturally by moving in the soil;
  • chokes weeds;
  • enriches the soil with carbon, which increases its fertility.

For optimal efficiency, make a few holes in the cardboard to let water through when you water or when it rains.

Good to know: if you wish to preserve the aesthetics of your garden, you can decorate this mulch with bark.

Read more:

– What Is the Purpose of Trimming Ornamental Trees?

– How to Plant a Lawn?

– Criteria for Choosing a Stump Grinder;

– Treating Fruit Trees: When Do Pests Attack Fruit Trees.


Thermal Insulation Of A New Construction: Which Material To Choose?

It is very important to insulate your house or building. A poorly insulated or uninsulated house could suffer many consequences. What is thermal insulation? How to insulate a home? What material should I choose for the thermal insulation of a new construction?

What is the thermal insulation of a house?


Thermal insulation of a house or a building consists of creating an envelope around the house with insulating materials to reduce heat loss. This ensures a comfortable and pleasant temperature for the occupants of the house. Thus, an insulated house keeps the heat inside in winter and the coolness in summer.

A well-insulated house consumes less energy and saves a lot of money on energy bills. This technique reduces the house’s energy needs and greenhouse gas emissions. Today, there are very strict regulations for new construction. All the important points of the house, i.e., walls, roofs, windows, doors, etc., must be taken care of to ensure a high level of thermal insulation, as the roofing specialists know so well.

Good thermal insulation means 80% savings!

Thermal insulation concerns the roof, the walls, and the floor. It consists of reducing the famous “thermal bridges”, those junction points where the insulation is not continuous and causes heat loss. Manufacturers offer many types of insulation: mineral (glass or rock wool, cellular glass, expanded clay), natural (cork, wood fibers, sheep wool, coconut fibers…), synthetic (expanded polystyrene, extruded or polyurethane foam), or brick, pumice, vacuum insulation panels (VIP). The number one objective is to reduce your energy bill while enjoying a pleasant room temperature.

What material to choose for the thermal insulation of a new construction?

For the thermal insulation of a house, many insulating materials can be used. These materials are classified into different categories, namely

    • Mineral insulation: glass wool or rock wool; cellular glass; perlite, vermiculite
    • Natural insulators: hemp, wood fiber, sheep’s wool, duck feathers, flax, etc.
    • Synthetic insulation: polystyrene, polyurethane
    • Recycled insulation: cellulose wadding or recycled textile
    • New generation insulation: cellular concrete, insulating panels such as Ecap Nano or monomer

All these different materials can be used for the insulation of new construction. Indeed, the materials are chosen according to the part to be insulated. For example, not all insulating materials are suitable for the thermal insulation of a thatched roof.

Thus, for the thermal insulation of walls, it is preferable to use the following insulating materials: cellular glass, rock wool, glass wool, polystyrene, thin insulating materials, wood fibers, hemp, flax fibers, cellulose wadding, PIV, “monomur” brick, sheep wool.

For the ceiling, the following materials are more suitable: perlite, glass wool, duck feathers, sheep’s wool, polyurethane, and polystyrene. For the roof and attic, perlite, rock wool, glass wool, vermiculite, polystyrene, thin insulation, wood fiber, hemp, flax fiber, duck feathers, cellulose wadding, and sheep’s wool can be used. It is recommended to make a roof window in the roof to benefit from daylight.

The different thermal insulation techniques


There are generally three techniques of thermal insulation to know:

  • Thermal insulation from the outside: this technique consists of insulating the house or building from the outside by covering the roof and the facades. Also, it is necessary to think of protecting the roof of your house with a good quality roof covering
  • Thermal insulation from the inside: this technique consists of placing the insulating material against the interior walls of the building and in the attic. This technique is much more used for renovations
  • The distributed thermal insulation consists of using the insulating material to build the walls. It is the technique that is more suitable for new construction. The materials best suited to this technique are insulating bricks or blocks of insulating breeze blocks.

Sound off in the comments section below and tell us what you want to read next and if you want to read more about thermal insulation.

5 Good Reasons to Become “Zero Waste”

5 Good Reasons to Become “Zero Waste”


Tired of the hyper-consumption society, some people embark on the adventure of zero waste. Still unknown, this way of life does not lack arguments in its favor.

Respecting the environment

The current state of nature requires the reduction of household waste. Recycling, composting, and reuse are also on the agenda.

Reducing your waste means:

    – fighting deforestation to produce packaging;

    – fighting against waste;

    Promoting sorting, recycling, composting, and reusing old objects (sale, donation, etc.).

Live more simply

Living as a zero-waste person can bring real benefit to the whole family. Based on healthy and thoughtful consumption, learning and passing on a different lifestyle to your children allow you to live more simply and get rid of the frills.

Reduce your waste to:

    – save money;

    – save space at home;

    – save time (no more queuing in shopping malls);

    – meet other people who share the same ideals.

Make your children aware of ecology.

In the future, ecology will become crucial. Today’s planet is accumulating non-recyclable waste, and greenhouse gases destroy the ozone layer. The adults of tomorrow will probably not have the same life as we have today.

Why educate your children about ecology?

5 Good Reasons to Become “Zero Waste”

Educate your children about ecology to:

    – instill in them ecological reflexes;

    – give them the keys to understanding the planet’s issues;

    – perhaps arouse vocations towards a profession turned towards nature;

    – teach them to respect the environment and to limit waste;

    – show them that it is possible to live more simply.

Save money

If you limit your waste, you also limit your expenses. The two go hand in hand. It can save you a lot of money.

    – You always buy just what you need: no food waste, for example.

    – You prefer to buy second-hand.

    – You recycle and salvage old objects.

    – You take stock and reduce your needs to the bare minimum.

Good to know: if you reduce your expenses throughout the year, you can save enough money for a vacation.

Stay mobile

Transferring, changing careers, and moving frequently, the world of work appreciates mobility. Today in Canada, New York, or Berlin, certain professions are incompatible with major moves and require you to travel light.

Your advantages in owning very little:

    – You will be satisfied with a small, simple, and charming apartment.

    – Your unwanted furniture and appliances are sold or donated to charity.

    – The money earned from the resale of your belongings allows you to buy others in your new city.

Even if “zero waste” in the strict sense of the term does not exist, this way of life is full of attractions. You can adhere to it and pursue the ecological approach in many areas.


Unclogging A Drain: Who Should Pay?

The drain is an important element in a house. It is used to drain household wastewater. Sometimes it can become blocked. In this case, it is imperative to unclog the pipe. Not doing it quickly enough exposes the inhabitants of the house to inconveniences. If you are wondering who should pay for the unclogging work like many people, you have come to the right place. Find out in this article some of the answers.

Why call a professional to unclog your drain?


Contacting a professional is the ultimate solution when faced with a clogged drain. Calling a plumber guarantees you certain professionalism during the work. Indeed, the latter has a strong experience in the field. This allows him to detect the cause of the obstruction of your pipe quickly. Also, he will know which material to use to guarantee your entire satisfaction.

The expert in drain unblocking allows you to gain efficiency and speed in the execution of your work. Nowadays, it is less challenging to find unclogging specialists around us. All you have to do is go online and search for your locality. You can also check online business directories.

How much does it cost to unclog a drain?

Before you can figure out who should pay for the drain cleaning, you need to know how much it costs. Contrary to what some people think, there is no fixed price for unclogging a drain. In fact, the price varies according to various parameters. Here are some criteria that are taken into account to fix the price of unblocking a pipe.

The place of intervention

To fix the cost of unclogging your drain, your plumber will take into consideration the place of intervention. That is to say, your residence. Indeed, the plumber will have to travel to your place of residence so that you can benefit from these services. His displacement is, to some extent, at your expense. This is why we recommend that you use professionals who are close to your home. It is quite beneficial.

On the day of intervention

Your plumber will also take into account the week when determining the cost of unclogging your drain. In fact, the price depends on the day of the week. The working days (Monday to Friday) are different from the weekend. It will thus be necessary to inform you well near your professional. This will allow you to know which day is the most economically advantageous for you.

The material to use during the intervention

In order to fix the cost of unblocking your drain, the professional also takes into account the material to be used. Indeed, the professional has the choice between two categories of methods. The mechanical methods and the chemical ones. Each of these methods requires the use of specific materials. Thus, each material influences the price of unblocking your drain.

Who is responsible for paying for the unclogging of a drain?


The answer to this question is simply the tenant. The tenant must pay for the entire cost of unclogging a drain. Indeed, the law makes him responsible for the general maintenance of his house. There is a decree that lists all the rental repairs that the tenant must take care of. The unblocking of the pipes is one of them.

If the tenant is absent, the owner can take charge of the repairs. The landlord will have to charge the plumber’s service to the tenant once he is there. Unclogging a drain will be the landlord’s responsibility if the clog occurred before the tenant’s lease.

In summary, unclogging a clogged drain is very important. This task is usually the tenant’s responsibility, but in some cases, it must be taken care of by the owner. Similarly, if the clog occurs in a common area of the building, the landlord will also be responsible.

Sound off in the comments section below and tell us what you want to read next and if you want to read more about unclogging drains.

Micro Forest

What Is an Urban Micro Forest

More and more cities are turning to urban micro forests.

Coming from Japan, micro forests inspired by the Miyawaki method ensure biodiversity and are in vogue in cities and neighbourhoods seeking to green up. Example in Montreal and Toulouse. Putting green in the city is a concern for many elected officials around the world. Reducing pollution in the city and putting plants and trees back in urban areas is a significant challenge. With the development of more frequent heatwaves, dealing with heat islands in the city is a question. The idea is also to improve the quality of life of city dwellers and their health. Therefore, the planting of trees is one of the actions implemented by cities like Montreal or Toulouse. 

What is a micro forest?

Urban micro forests appeared in the 1970s in Japan. It is a Japanese botanist named Akira Miyawaki who is at the origin of this idea. He thought about the potential of dense urban forests, recreating natural ecosystems. These spaces composed of native trees allow absorbing CO2. The idea is to let a wide variety of indigenous trees cohabit in relatively small areas of a few dozen square meters to accelerate their development.

Thus, reforestation is one of the most effective methods to fight against climate change. Note that these systems have good rooting and can withstand extreme weather conditions. This is a good thing for urban areas that sometimes face torrential rains, strong winds and periods of drought.

The Miyawaki method is on the rise.


In recent years, the Miyawaki Method has gained momentum around the world. Citizens are organizing and seeking to transform their cities, and it is about greening available spaces. The Miyawaki philosophy also has its opponents, who debate its effectiveness, and some speak of greenwashing. Although the micro forest, composed of tightly planted native trees, multiplies without maintenance, it does not ensure their strong sustainability.

The trees grow tall and fast because they compete and want to reach light and water quickly. A study on the Miyawaki method, conducted in Europe, shows high mortality of trees 12 years after planting. The young shoots grown in a city will not systematically give trees. 

Experiments in Montreal and Toulouse

In Montreal, Canada, two projects were conducted in the summer of 2021. Each one had brought together 600 trees and 30 shrubs. Carried out in collaboration with the Arbre-Évolution cooperative, spaces were made up of several species in the size of a tennis court. The project was implemented with the help of two private companies that participated in the reforestation program, and residents took part in the planting activities.

On the campus of Toulouse III, Paul Sabatier, a micro-forest project has been initiated. The goal was to plant 3,000 trees on a 1,000 m² area that will grow according to the technique of Akira Miyawaki. Endemic species were planted in a limited space and in a dense way. The project was led by the micro forest collective of the association Toulouse en transition and the Federal University of Toulouse Midi-Pyrénées.

23 species were planted, such as downy oak, wild cherry, common ash, apple tree, and medlar. A scientific follow-up is set up to see the evolution of the trees over time, with a mapping of the species. 

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Water, Wastewater, and Sanitation: All You Need To Know

We tend to think of water as something abundant and taken for granted when it is not. Before water flows into your tap, it has gone through several operations, treatment, and delivery stages. Turning on the tap is a familiar gesture, a daily habit, but if you are aware of the work done to obtain this comfort, you will have more respect for the planet. Want to know more about the steps involved in supplying drinking water? The rest of this article tells you everything.

The Source

Drinking water for human consumption finds its source in groundwater and open surface water (river, lake, etc.). It can be loaded with micro-organisms and mineral particles that are harmful to health in its natural state. After pumping, water treatment is therefore essential.

Water companies also use other sources such as rainwater and seawater. The more homogeneous the particle concentration, the more complex the treatment. Hydrologists always find the most suitable solutions to preserve the source and ensure water distribution.


Open surface water draws from underground reserves. Drilling and pumping are therefore mandatory steps to exploit a spring. Many individuals decide to drill private wells to take advantage of a free water source. The exploitation phase includes the hydrogeological study, the search for the water table, the drilling, and the pumping. Administrative procedures are also mandatory. After the exploitation comes the most delicate phase: “the treatment”.

The treatment

The water is only drinkable after treatment. The pump transports it to a station where the treatment occurs in two successive stages: decantation and filtration. Decanting consists of letting the water rest until the solid particles settle at the bottom of the tank. This stage can last from a few hours to a few days, depending on the purity of the water. After settling, the liquid is filtered by an osmosis machine and sent to a tank. Its purity will then be checked before sending it to the distribution pipes.


A pressurization pump ensures water distribution. When you turn on your faucet, the pressure is released, and the water flows into your sink. However, consider installing an osmosis unit after the meter to remove micro-pollutants. To install a water distribution and evacuation network in a building, the intervention of a plumber is necessary. Only a plumber can install the piping system in a proper way. You can find plumbers near you in the yellow pages.

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You have used your water wisely. You’ve used it to shower, cook, water the garden, and do the laundry. Now you know where your tap water comes from.

After comfort comes responsibility, sanitation means treating wastewater before it is released into the environment. A building in the city must be connected to the primary sewer system, while isolated houses (in the country or the mountains) require an autonomous sanitation system. In both cases, the treatment steps are similar. The wastewater is collected in a pre-treatment tank, then poured into a spreading bed. Environmentally harmful particles will be retained before the water is returned to nature, its source.

This cycle of operation and treatment is repeated and does not present any real danger to the ecosystem. Our responsibility is not to neglect specific steps such as treatment before consumption and sanitation.