
Why And How To Apply Ecological Printing In A Company?

Even if the digitization and dematerialization of documents are in full swing at present, a paperless office is still impossible. As an alternative, tertiary employees can opt for digital printing. How to adopt this mode of production? What are the benefits of adopting it? So, without further ado, let’s dive into this blog and learn some of the things you need to know about ecological printing.

How to apply ecological printing?

Use recycled paper


Knowing that 1 out of 4 papers are rejected after printing and 16% of printed documents is not even read, it is important to limit printing as much as possible. In contribution to respect for the environment, more and more professionals opt for the use of recycled paper. It can be adapted to a range of media for a communication campaign: flyers and business cards. When there is a pressing need for printing, opting for recycled paper also makes it possible to apply green technology. Not only do you reduce waste, but you also reduce energy consumption.

Manage waste

To be ever more ecological, several actions can be applied on a daily basis. In favour of the environment, you can eliminate hazardous waste: ink boxes, used solvents, soiled rags, etc. You can also opt for a refillable ink cartridge. You just need to refill them with the ink refill that comes with the refill kit. You can also favour cardboard packaging over plastic packaging. By adopting an ecological approach, you pay particular attention to the treatment and recycling of waste.

Use sustainable printing materials.

The use of vegetable ink, based on soya, for example, is becoming commonplace in an ecological printer. The classic ink cartridges generate, in fact, significant pollution because of their composition based on hydrocarbons.

An aging printer consumes a lot of ink. If you don’t already have an economical and ecological device, consider buying one. The new printer models have a nozzle cleaning system and waste less ink. Since there is not yet a completely ecological printing device, choose devices with an Energy Star label.

Why opt for ecological printing?

Having an ecological business generates a lot of profit.

To save money

When you get used to eco-friendly document printing, you save on paper usage. Saving space is also one of the advantages of document scanning. As you run out of files to fill filing cabinets and cabinets, your desk becomes less cluttered. You can work efficiently even in a smaller workplace than before. By digitizing your data and documents, your bin will no longer be filled with waste paper. You just have to use Cloud to store and share photos and various documents.

To have a better picture.

As you ensure the reduction of the carbon footprint, you highlight your ecological values. The vast majority of customers love supporting companies taking action on climate change. In addition to consumers, many government agencies and public sector organizations prefer to partner with green businesses. To take advantage of this, all you have to do is let the general public know about your commitment to the environment.

To work efficiently


As part of the digitization of documents, you help your employees to work efficiently. Document exchanges have become faster and easier. As travel is reduced, each employee saves time. Each person spends less time sorting, scanning, printing and sending emails so that productivity is naturally optimized. All you need to do is improve your company’s IT security to prevent leaks of information and confidential data.

Sound off in the comments section below, and tell us what you want to read next and if you want to read more about ecological printing.


What Sustainable Development Is All About

Sustainable development is the concept that defines the need for transition and change that our planet and its inhabitants need to live in a more equitable, healthy, and environmentally friendly world.

A model for the organization of society:

Sustainable development comes from the combination of two words, which define a model of the organization of society.

    – By development, we mean improving a society’s performance (economic, social, etc…).

    – The term sustainable characterizes something that is stable and resistant.

The combination of the two words defines sustainable development: the improvement of the performance of a society to make it stable in time.

Sustainable development is a way of organizing society to meet the needs of the present as effectively as possible without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. Today, this transition to a more sustainable model is necessary to live in a more equitable world and to preserve our planet and its natural resources.

The model of a sustainable society is based on fundamental pillars and principles.

The foundations of sustainable development:

A sustainable economy is a healthy management of human activities without harming humans or the environment. Sustainable development implies a mode of organization based on 3 essential pillars:

    – The environmental quality of human activities to limit environmental impacts and preserve ecosystems and natural resources in the long term.

    – Social equity ensures that all members of society have access to essential resources and services (education, health, food, housing, etc.) to meet humanity’s needs, reduce inequalities and maintain social cohesion.

    – Economic efficiency by reducing extreme poverty and guaranteeing employment for the greatest number of people in an economic activity that pays a decent wage.

These 3 pillars make up the challenges of sustainable development. These pillars are accompanied by fundamental principles to establish a more sustainable society.

The fundamental principles of sustainable development:

    – Solidarity between countries, people, generations, and members of society. For example: saving raw materials so that the greatest number of people can benefit from them.

    – Precaution in decisions not to cause catastrophes when we know there are risks for health or the environment. For example: limiting CO2 emissions to slow down climate change.

    – Participation of everyone, regardless of their profession or social status, to ensure the success of sustainable projects. For example: setting up children and youth councils.

    – Responsibility of everyone, citizen, industrialist, or farmer. So that whoever damages, degrades, and pollutes the environment has to repair it. For example: make the industries that pollute a lot pay a tax.

These principles are sometimes incompatible with the consumer society in which we live.

This is why many people (elected officials, associations, companies, individuals, young people…) are asking that our economic system be rethought to move towards a more sustainable society to preserve the planet and its resources.

Sustainable development is an urgent need and a real opportunity to redesign our society.

Why is sustainable development essential today?

UNESCO’s Declaration of Ethical Principles in Relation to Climate Change (Part 2)

In 1800, there were 900 million human beings on earth. In 2020, our planet was inhabited by 7.8 billion people. This strong population growth is accompanied by increased demand for goods and services and production methods that lead to environmental and social disorders.

In the 1970s, many experts and scientists sounded the alarm about the impact of human activity on the planet. Since the industrial revolution, our society has experienced unprecedented development, but without really measuring the consequences of the evolution of its lifestyle. To this have been added :

    – the acceleration of exchanges with the rest of the world (globalization) ;

    – the increase in inequalities between rich and developing countries;

    – the demographic growth forecasts aiming at 10 billion inhabitants on the planet by 2100.

Today, 80% of natural resources are consumed by 20% of the world’s population. This creates areas of great wealth and great poverty. In some regions, the inhabitants do not have access to drinking water, health care, education, and a dignified job.

But how can we ensure access to food and drinking water, health, and education for all? How can we protect biodiversity and fight against climate change?

This is why it is urgent to find a new model: sustainable development.

Human societies will have to enter a transition and rethink all their activities. Hopefully, many actors are already engaged in this transition towards a mode of operation that is more respectful of the environment and human beings.

The actors of sustainable development

Everyone is concerned by this transition to a new, more sustainable model of society. The different actors who are already acting, at their own level, by carrying out sustainable development actions are :

US and international citizens: children, young people, parents, etc…

The eco-delegates in high school and college

Educational institutions: schools, colleges, high schools, universities, campuses

Associations and clubs



Local authorities: cities, departments, regions…

The State

The European Union 

The United States

And many others… 

Hope this post has been informative to you. Remember to jot down a few words in the comments below. We are all concerned with sustainable development, so let’s move towards a new model of society that is more respectful of the environment.

5 Ideas to Reduce Your Water Consumption in an Apartment

Saving water is not a new practice, but it is important. Every little thing you do to conserve water in your apartment can make a big difference, not only to your water bill, but also to the planet.

Did you know that about 10 liters of water come out of a typical faucet every minute? Small changes in your daily habits can mean the conservation of thousands of liters of water. In the following article, we will explain 5 ways to reduce water consumption in your apartment.

Fix Leakage Problems

Water leaks are common in all homes, whether they are old or new. However, we don’t realize the huge amount of water that is wasted if leaks are not identified and corrected immediately. Therefore, before implementing any other water saving measures, the first thing to do is to look for leaks in the pipes and eliminate them.

Even if it is a small leak, it is important to address and eliminate it as soon as possible, as this problem can waste thousands of liters of water per year. So it’s important that you make sure your home doesn’t have a leak problem.

Use Low-Flow Faucets

One of the best ways to save water in your apartment is to make sure that all common and public areas are equipped with low-flow faucets. Low water toilets, sinks and showers are great options because they reduce the amount of water you use, without having to think about it.

Here, we recommend that all apartments for sale be equipped with low-flow faucets, so that tenants can save up to about 65% on their water usage. In addition, as an apartment owner, you should allow for water treatment for irrigation of green areas. This not only optimizes water usage, but also minimizes maintenance costs.

Buy Efficient Appliances That Use Less Water

It may not be possible to change your appliances that are still working optimally, but when it’s time to buy new ones, consider looking for models that use less water.

As technology develops, more and more technological equipment, such as dishwashers, are available with multiple features to optimize the smart use of water. In fact, newer appliances tend to be more energy efficient, while also being more water efficient.

Reuse Water

Reusing water may seem odd at first, but if you think about it, it could be a pretty smart move on our part in terms of contributing to the planet and the financial burden of monthly bills. Here are some ways to reuse water effortlessly:

  • Reuse the water you use to wash vegetables when watering your houseplants. Remember, this water is rich in protein, which helps your plants grow stronger and healthier.
  • Place a plate under the pots of your plants, this way you can reuse any excess water left over.
  • Soak pots and pans instead of letting the water run while you clean them.
  • Also, another way to reuse water is through wetland treatment, where gray water is treated to irrigate green areas.

Controlling Water Use

In addition to putting into practice some ideas to conserve water, you need to control the use of this natural resource, because this is the main aspect when you start saving water. Therefore, you should always be aware of its use and control it. Here are some ideas to reduce water consumption:

  • Turn off the faucet when brushing your teeth, washing dishes, etc.
  • Use the correct amount of water to water plants or water them with the water you use to wash fruits, vegetables, etc.
  • Turn off taps when not in use.

In addition, you can educate your family and children about the importance of water and the value of saving it. This way, no water will be wasted in the future and you will certainly pass on this message of saving water to your friends for future generations.

Now you know how to save water at home. Don’t forget that by applying this type of innovative ideas, you can optimize the consumption of this natural resource so important for our planet, and at the same time you will contribute to the protection of the environment. We hope you have enjoyed this information!




Is Going Vegan Really Better For The Environment?

The vegan diet is widely regarded to be better for the planet than those that include animal products, but not all plant-based foodstuffs have a small environmental footprint.

There is no doubt that meat – beef in particular – makes an unsurpassed contribution to the planet’s greenhouse gas emissions. It also devours more land and water and causes more environmental damage than any other single food product. The recent rigorous report by the EAT-Lancet Commission recommends reducing our consumption of animal products to not only benefit human health but the health of our planet. Even the “greenest” sources of meat still produce more greenhouse gases than plant-based proteins.

But anyone looking to adopt a vegan or vegetarian diet for environmental reasons may also want to consider whether there are some plant-based foods that also come with a heavy price.

Delicate fruits like blueberries and strawberries, for example, are often imported to Europe and the US by air to fill gaps left when local fruit is out of season. Research by Angelina Frankowska, who studies sustainability at the University of Manchester, recently found that asparagus eaten in the UK has the highest carbon footprint compared to any other vegetable eaten in the country, with 5.3kg of carbon dioxide being produced for every kilogram of asparagus, mainly because much of it is imported by air from Peru. She and her colleagues found, in fact, that the succulent green stalks have the largest environmental footprint of any of the 56 vegetables they looked at, including its land use and water use (which was three times greater than the next highest).


Is a vegan diet better for the planet?

Without carefully considering where our food comes from and how it is grown, our diets can have unintended consequences. Take the strange case of two vegans in an Italian study who were found to have an environmental impact considerably higher than many meat-eaters. When the researchers dug a little further, they discovered the pair exclusively ate fruit, particularly watermelon and cantaloupe.

The water, land, and carbon footprint of growing and transporting such large, perishable fruit meant the environmental impact was far larger than they had expected. Once the data from all 153 vegans, vegetarians, and omnivores in the study were taken into account, however, it showed that eating meat was on average worse for the environment.

But there are other general points to consider when we think about food crops that can drive up the environmental impact. Artificial fertilizers, for example, account for at least 3% of global greenhouse gas emissions, according to the industry. The production of synthetic fertilizer emits carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane into the atmosphere, while their use on fields releases nitrous oxide, another potent greenhouse gas.

Agricultural practices such as the tilling of fields also release large volumes of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere and help to speed up erosion.

These all combine to differing degrees depending on the crop, but there are clearly some plant-based foods that have a disproportionate impact on the environment, like avocados, mushrooms, mycoproteins, cashew nuts, and more. What is clear is that while plant-based foods and meat substitutes can be far better for the environment than livestock production as a whole, if we really want to make a difference to the environment we need to take care about what we choose to replace meat with.

Sticking to locally produced fruit and vegetables that are in season is the best approach. The general recommendations end up being: reduce meat consumption, and pay attention, if you can, to how foods are grown and transported. Try to avoid heated greenhouse-grown fruit and veg, and stuff that may have been air freighted.

Eating a little less can’t hurt either – especially if you’re eating watermelon.


Top 5 Tips To Save Energy During Winter

Winter is back. In this cold weather, we turn on the heating again. It’s time to follow some simple and easy tips to save energy while keeping your home comfortable. Especially since good housekeeping practices can also make your home safer and reduce your energy bill, and with small improvements, the cost can be recouped in the first winter or in a few seasons. So, without further ado, let’s dive into this blog and learn some of the things you need to know about saving energy during the winter.

1. Detect air leaks


To detect air leaks, move a candle or incense stick slowly around doors and windows and along the edges of walls, floors, and ceilings. If the flame or smoke flickers, you have a leak. You can turn on the range hood, dryer, bathroom fan, and central vacuum at the same time.

These appliances will create a suction effect that will make it worse. If you find a spider that has woven its web indoors, it is also a sign that there is a small opening in the structure of your home. These insects are like draughts. Here are the strategic places to inspect:

  • Doors and windows
  • The attic hatch and ceiling lights
  • Around elements that pass through the ceiling (plumbing and ventilation wires and ducts, etc.)
  • Exhaust fans (range hoods, bathroom fans, etc.)
  • Edges of walls and floors
  • Pipe penetrations in exterior walls
  • Cracks in foundations
  • Electrical outlets
  • Chimney (the chimney damper at the top of the flue, under the cap, normally prevents cold from entering the house through the chimney: make sure it is tight).

2. Caulk!

Once you have found the leaks, you should seal them to reduce energy loss and make your home more comfortable during the winter. Ideally, do this caulking in dry weather when the outside temperature is above 5°C. The product will apply more easily.

While you’re doing this chore, take the opportunity to adjust or replace weatherstripping on doors and windows. You can also seal cracks in the foundation and inject foam insulation at the base of baseboards or behind door and window moldings.

If you don’t need to open some windows in winter, cover them with one of those clear films that can be stretched with a hair dryer: this will increase the water-tightness. You can also apply a removable sealant around the windows.

Finally, clean the duct of the kitchen hood. Do the same with the dryer and bathroom fans so that they can close completely.

3. Do a blower door test

Tips on Choosing Your Sorting Garbage Can

More accurate than a candle, a blower door test will allow you to intervene more effectively. Using a device consists of creating an artificial depressurization inside the property to simulate high wind conditions. Air is drawn through holes and cracks in the house, so you can see where it is seeping in and measure how much. To find out if you are eligible for grants to insulate your home, which aims to improve the energy efficiency rating of residential homes.

4. Replace your old mechanical thermostats

Electronic thermostats are more accurate than mechanical models and provide a continuous reading of the room temperature. The variation is up to 0.5°C from the desired temperature, compared to 2-5°C with mechanical devices. Electronic thermostats, therefore, provide a constant temperature and greater comfort while saving up to 10% of annual heating costs. Get programmable ones, so you can automatically adjust the temperature of the rooms according to a pre-set schedule. You can also opt for smart thermostats, which you can control remotely with the help of a mobile app.

5. Turn down the heat


Turn down the temperature in your home. A one-degree decrease is equivalent to savings of 5-7% on your heating bill. Here are some additional tips to keep your heating system working properly:

  • Open the curtains during the day to let the sunshine in and close them at night to reduce heat loss.
  • In the autumn, before turning on the heating, clear the space around the baseboard heaters and dust them so that the air can circulate properly. If your radiators have several layers of paint on them, stripping them will allow the heat to spread better.
  • Do not place furniture in front of a heat source.
  • Regularly clean air intake grilles and vents if your property has a forced-air heating system.
  • If there is a fireplace in your home, close the doors and the damper after the fire has gone out. This will prevent hot air from escaping.
  • Replace the filters in the ventilation system as needed.
  • Make sure that the access to the attic is well-insulated.

Sound off in the comments section below, and tell us what you want to read next and if you want to read more about saving energy during the winter.


Have Green Cars Had The Desired Effect On The Planet?

Electric cars and vehicles are designed to be an eco-friendly alternative to cars that run on gasoline. This has led global leaders and automakers to embrace electric vehicles as part of their carbon emissions reduction strategies.

General Motors has gone so far as pledge to sell only electric cars and light trucks by 2035, and completely transform its automaking to battery-powered designs. Volvo is another car manufacturer with plans to pivot to electric-only new car sales by 2030.

Yet, no industry comes without an environmental footprint. Some people have raised legitimate concerns that mining rare earth minerals for electric car batteries could put biodiverse regions at risk. Others have noted that we don’t have a cost-effective means to recycle electric car batteries.

Does this mean that electric cars are worse than regular cars? Experts say no, but they do have some important environmental pitfalls to address. Read on to learn more.

What are electric cars?

Plugging in your transportation is a new concept to most people who are used to pumping gas to get from point A to point B. With a dashboard that looks like a giant smartphone, EVs can look like they’ve come from the future. Yet, their technology is not new. Electric cars have existed just as long as cars powered by gasoline.

Just like your average automatic transmission car, an electric vehicle powers on with an ignition, accelerates with the gas pedal and stops with the brakes. The main difference from a gas-fueled car is the design of its motor.


Electric vehicles are powered by batteries which must be periodically re-charged using a charging station connected to an electricity power source. This is familiar to most people because it’s the same way we charge our phones, computers, and other electric devices and appliances.

Most electric vehicles use a lithium-ion battery with a relatively simple design. In fact, there are only 20 moving parts in an EV motor versus almost 2,000 in the engine of a comparable internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicle.

How do they work?

A fully electric car requires no petrol or diesel and no gears to drive higher or lower speeds. Instead, pressing the accelerator powers the motor from an electric battery. The motor turns the wheels from the drive shafts. When you press the brakes, the energy generated in the motor can deliver power back to the battery, helping it retain an electric charge longer.

There are a few key differences between electric cars and gas-fueled vehicles:

  • They’re quieter.
  • They accelerate faster without gears to shift through.
  • A non-reactive driving style (no harsh braking) and medium driving speeds maintains the charge longer over time.
  • Extremely hot or cold weather can deplete the charge faster than temperate weather.

What about hybrid cars?

Hybrid vehicles are an attractive option for people who want to lower their gas costs and environmental footprint in areas without a lot of charging stations.

Hybrid cars use both petroleum and electric motors. Some will use the electric motor at lower speeds and switch to the gas-fueled motor at high speeds. Others merely use the electric motor as a support to the main gas engine. Depending on the level of power the electric motor supplies, hybrids are classified as strong or mild. The key point is they emit less CO2 and they require less fuel so they can save their owners money.

Are electric cars greener than fossil fuel powered ones?

We know that electric cars don’t emit CO2 emissions from their tailpipe, because no fuel is burned. That said, they still require electricity. For now, most electricity (about 60%) still comes from fossil fuel sources in the US.

To understand the full picture, you’d have to compare how fossil fuels are burned while charging your electric vehicle versus the amount burned to drive an ICE car. This varies a lot depending on the region.


This varies country to country as well as state to state. Driving an electric car in Iceland, for instance, would emit almost no emissions from its operation or charging, because the energy sources there are predominantly renewable: wind, solar, geothermal, and hydro.

In the US, Maine sourced just 79% of its electricity from non-fossil fuel sources in 2020, while Texas relied on wind, solar, and nuclear for only 32% of its electricity. On the other hand, Texas is installing more solar power than any other state, so the mix will likely improve over time.

These issues make it necessary to compare the environmental footprint of electric vehicles today as well as within future projections.

So what’s the final verdict? According to the US EPA, even when you account for GHG emissions from electricity generation for charging, electric cars still have a smaller carbon footprint than gasoline cars.

6 Benefits of Living in an Eco-Friendly Home

Green building construction involves the use of environmentally responsible materials and processes throughout the life cycle of a building. There is no fashion when it comes to green living, as it is a practical solution to many of the problems facing the world today.

Do you want to know the benefits of living in an eco-friendly apartment? All over the world, green buildings have been shown to offer a number of benefits, allowing people to tackle climate change to achieve a wide range of global goals. Keep reading to learn more!

Low Maintenance and Operating Costs

Green apartment features ensure that resources such as water and energy are used efficiently in their construction. For example, by using a lighting strategy and lots of natural light, green buildings greatly reduce the amount of energy. Users can save up to a third of their water and electricity bills.

With maintenance accounting for up to 80% of a building’s lifetime costs, reducing these costs significantly increases profits for apartment owners.
In addition, while green homes may be slightly more expensive to build and design than their non-green counterparts, the reduced operating and maintenance costs make them much more affordable and efficient in the long run.

Better Energy Efficiency

Another characteristic of green buildings is that they try, whenever possible, to reduce reliance on energy from non-renewable sources, such as coal. They do this by installing solar panels to harness the sun’s energy and by designing windows to let in as much natural light as possible, thus reducing the use of artificial light.

Led lighting, for example, and other methods ensure that the building uses energy efficiently. Energy efficiency is essential not only for the apartment owner, who will be able to save money each month on his or her electricity bill, but also for everyone else, as non-renewable energy sources are expensive and pollute the environment.

Improved Indoor Environmental Quality

Indoor environmental quality depends on the internal conditions of a building and how they affect its occupants. These include lighting, ergonomics, thermal conditions and air quality. Good indoor environmental quality is one that protects the health of the occupants in each department, as it reduces stress and improves their quality of life.

Green apartments achieve this by installing large windows that let in as much sunlight as possible and by reducing the use of materials that may emit elements that are hazardous to health.

Better Water Use

Water efficiency is the use of natural resources in a way that optimizes the use of this resource and ensures a reliable supply of clean water for current and future generations. Water efficient faucets are one example.

Green homes allow for the use of alternative sources of water, such as reducing water waste through the installation of efficient plumbing fixtures and reducing the strain on shared water resources through the installation of systems that purify water and allow for its recycling.

Promoting Quality of Health

People who live in green apartments enjoy many health benefits due to the safety of the materials used in the construction of these buildings. For example, green building companies avoid using plastic by-products that have been found to release toxic substances.

Toxic substances, such as carcinogens, not only cause significant breathing difficulties, but also increase the risk of cancer. Therefore, if you are concerned about your health as well as the health of your loved ones, it is best that you consider living in this type of housing.

Increased Property Values

Many people are beginning to see more and more of the benefits that green homes offer, from reduced operating costs to a more sustainable and future-proof lifestyle.

Green condos are now in high demand and as such, they attract much higher real estate values than their non-green counterparts. So investing in a green home now is a step ahead of the future.

So are you going to invest in a green home? Let us know in the comments below.


Top 10 Simple Actions To Limit Your Daily Energy Consumption

The energy consumption of heating contributes to the greenhouse effect and the depletion of fossil energy resources. By reducing your heating consumption through the daily practice of small, simple, and easy-to-implement actions, you will be able to make significant energy savings. For example, lowering the temperature in your home by 1 degree can reduce your heating consumption by 7%. So, without further ado, let’s dive into this blog and learn to reduce your energy consumption.

1. Choose The Right Temperature


According to the building code, the temperature should be 19°C in the living areas and 16 to 17°C in the bedrooms.

2. Heat Only When Necessary

Turn down the heat at night and during the day if you spend it outside. Do not heat permanently the places that are used only for short periods: bathroom, toilets. If you are going to be away for several days, switch to frost-free mode.

3. Air Your Home Properly

Air the rooms, even in winter, for about 10 minutes a day, obviously reducing the heating to a minimum. This action allows the air to be renewed and the water vapor produced by cooking, breathing, etc., to be evacuated. This is a useful precaution because humid air requires more energy to be heated than dry air, resulting in higher consumption.

4. Track Down Drafts

Place seals if windows are drafty. Put plastic film on single-glazed windows until you invest in high-performance double-glazing. Close the fireplace vent when not in use, as it is a cold air inlet.

5. Prevent Heat From Escaping


Turn down the temperature in unoccupied rooms and close their doors so as not to cool the heated space. In addition, don’t hesitate to insulate certain spaces, such as stairways or hallways, with curtains to prevent heat from escaping to rooms that don’t need heating. Install thick curtains on all windows in heated rooms so that they can be closed at night. Also, remember to close the shutters.

6. Let The Sun’s Heat In

During the day, open curtains and shutters to let the sun’s heat in and take advantage of this free contribution.

7. Keep Your Radiators Working Properly

Remember to dust your radiators. Put a reflective plate behind the radiator if the wall is cold and, therefore, poorly insulated.

8. Have Your Boiler Serviced

Have your boiler serviced yearly by a professional to avoid the risk of breakdowns, carbon monoxide poisoning, and over-consumption. The maintenance visit is an annual obligation for appliances with a power of between 4 and 400 kW (i.e., wood, coal, gas, and oil boilers): a revision at the expense of the occupant for an individual installation and the syndic for a collective installation. Don’t forget to have your chimney swept once a year by professional chimney sweepers: this is also mandatory!

9. Equip Yourself With A Room Thermostat

Installed in a reference room (often the living room), it is used to control the heat production system in the whole house. According to the French Agency for the Environment and Energy Management (Ademe), such a system can save an average of 10% energy. The room thermostat is connected to the boiler by an electric wire or radio link. You can also opt for a programmable room thermostat with an integrated clock that you set according to your daily needs.

More expensive, such a system allows up to 20% energy savings, according to Ademe estimates. The room thermostat is only possible with radiant floor heating systems. However, you should know that there are convectors with integrated electric thermostats. As for the most recent connected thermostats, although very practical, they do not keep their promises in terms of energy savings.

10. Install Thermostatic Valves


They are used in addition to a room thermostat and are installed on each radiator. They allow you to modulate the heating according to the use of each room, which can result in 5 to 10% less energy consumption. Please note that these valves do not control the boiler and should not be installed in the same room as the room thermostat (if there is one) to prevent them from conflicting. This system effectively achieves the recommended and desired temperatures: 16°C to 17°C in a bedroom and 19°C in the living room.

Sound off in the comments section below, and tell us what you want to read next and if you want to read more about reducing your energy consumption.


What You Need To Know About Thermodynamic Storage Tanks

Heaters are at the heart of heating in the home. However, it is a good idea to adopt a water heater that can filter the calories present in the water. The thermodynamic balloon then reinforces the energy savings. Want to know more about this thermodynamic water heater? In this article, you will find a guide dedicated to thermodynamic water heaters.

Thermodynamic tanks: What are they?


A thermodynamic tank, also known as a thermodynamic water heater, is a combination of a domestic hot water production tank with a heat pump. The role of this heat pump is to capture calories from the atmosphere and transmit them in the form of heat to the hot water tank. In this way, the tank heats the water in it.

In short, the air in the room where the tank is installed is used to heat a refrigerant. The temperature is then raised in the tank via a compressor, and the heat produced is finally transferred to the water in the tank. Find a professional in the field who can give you more guidance on the subject.

What happens if the outside temperature is too low? No problem! An electric resistance can be used to provide additional heating if necessary, for example, during periods of extreme cold or for essential domestic hot water (DHW) requirements.

Thermodynamic balloon: how does it work?

The thermodynamic tank must capture outside air to function properly. The 3 types of air captured by the heat pump differ from each other.

1. Ambient air

The heat pump and the hot water tank are incorporated into the same body. Therefore, the heat pump captures the heat in the room around the device. It is, therefore, important to choose the right heating system for your home.

2. The outside air

The heat pump and the cylinder are different. The heat pump is placed outside the house. This is the necessary solution if the interior room is smaller. It helps to save energy in the house.

3. Extracted air from the house

This is the combination of the heat pump and the storage tank. A system of ducts then recovers the heat from the air leaving the controlled mechanical ventilation system (VMC).

The heating medium of this type of tank is very advantageous. Its advantage lies precisely in its use of air as energy to create heat and hot water.

A thermodynamic tank is, therefore, an ecological and economical choice, as air is a renewable and free energy. The tank releases 3 kWh of heat to produce hot water from 1 kWh of electricity used. As a result, your hot water bill is three times lower. Isn’t that very interesting?

Where to install your thermodynamic tank?

In order for the tank to work efficiently, you can install it in the following locations:

  • A room of at least 20 cubic metres for an ambient air heat pump
  • Outside the building for an outdoor heat pump
  • Or a living room such as the kitchen for an extracted-air tank.

Once installed and functioning, it is necessary to know how to maintain it. Its regular maintenance also allows it to function over a long period of time.

Thermodynamic tank: how to take care of it?


The maintenance of a thermodynamic balloon requires a particular maintenance such as:

  • Cleaning the ventilation grids and filters
  • Maintenance of the thermodynamic unit

It is nevertheless advisable to call on a heat pump professional to clean your thermodynamic tank. The specialist in heating solutions and professionals must be RGE certified in order to better help you install your thermodynamic tank. So don’t hesitate to tell them about your project. You will not be disappointed!

Sound off in the comments section below, and tell us what you want to read next and if you want to read more about thermodynamic tanks.

Tips for a More Sustainable Home

From the moment we design a home to the moment we hand over the keys to your new home, most of us are now committed to ensuring that the construction and operation of its developments are sustainable. And that, in the future, the impact on the environment continues to be minimal.

But, if we live in sustainable homes, let’s take this philosophy a step further. To do this, we propose these ten sustainable ideas for the home.

Consume with Awareness: The Circular Economy

When you consume, ask yourself the following questions:

– Do I really need it? If the answer is no, don’t buy it. This is the best way to save money at home.

– Where does the product come from? Costs such as refrigeration and packaging not only have a negative effect on the environment, but also increase the price. Buy local.

– Do I buy from ethically responsible companies? Let’s also try to contribute indirectly to sustainable development.

Give a Second Chance: Recycle

Make sure you buy products that can be reused or recycled and, of course, take care to do so afterwards so that your commitment to environmental sustainability is complete.

Things can have multiple lives, even for new sustainable buildings, we already have recycled building materials that are increasingly versatile.

Eat Healthy: Think Green

One of the most effective ways to reduce our ecological footprint is to incorporate more vegetables into our diets, and ideally we should grow our own garden for self-consumption. But every little bit helps, perhaps a few herbs, a few tomato plants, and also flowers that are not only decorative, but also attract pollinators like bees. Preserving the endemic species of our flora is also essential.

Artificial is Not in Fashion: Say Goodbye to Plastics

About three hundred million tons of plastic are produced each year, of which less than 10% is recycled. The rest ends up in landfills, abandoned in nature or sailing in our rivers and seas.

Switch to other more versatile or biodegradable materials, buy products in bulk, use reusable bags, plan for sustainable decoration in your home, etc.

Home Office: Forget the Paper

More and more of us work from home, and the home and office are more integrated. But wherever we work, let’s try to eliminate all paper correspondence and mark our mailboxes as not accepting advertising brochures.

Let’s get used to digital information management and, if it is absolutely necessary to use paper, let’s recycle, recycle, recycle.

Measuring and Controlling: Reducing Electricity Costs

Air conditioning and hot water systems tend to have the greatest impact on electricity consumption. Aerothermal systems are a solution of great comfort and low consumption.

But if your home is not built to sustainable parameters, the first thing to do is to measure its energy efficiency.

To reduce the cost of electricity, the use of natural light is effective, both for lighting and for regulating the temperature of the house. If artificial lights must be used, always with low consumption.

A good option is also to take advantage of sunlight by installing photovoltaic panels that capture the radiation of solar energy, a 100% renewable energy, and convert it into electrical energy.

Trust home automation. It can help you program your home’s electricity consumption according to real needs, to avoid excessive expenses.

Appliances: Choosing Correctly

When it comes to household appliances, there are two aspects to consider: their energy efficiency and their lifespan. On the one hand, it is important to know which are the most efficient appliances that will allow us to save on electricity consumption in our home. On the other hand, we also need to think about the amount of hazardous waste that is generated every time we dispose of an appliance.

And don’t forget that if you finally have to get rid of an appliance, you have to take it to a collection point or to a cleaning point.

So what are your thoughts on those tips? Let us know in the comments below.