
Top 4 Things Everyone Should Know About Solar Panels

We only have one planet, and we need to start acting as such by adopting a more eco-friendly way of life. This is buying solar panels and installing them on your own is environmentally friendly and is good for the environment. This is a win-win situation if you ask us. So, without further ado, let’s dive into this blog and learn more about solar panels.

1. How do solar panels work? 


This is one of the first questions you might ask yourself if you want to invest in a photovoltaic system. A photovoltaic system consists of the following elements:

  • Solar panels, which are themselves made up of photovoltaic cells
  • A fixing system
  • A charge controller
  • An inverter that allows the transformation of direct current into alternating current
  • Wiring
  • A production meter
  • A consumption meter
  • A supervision system
  • A circuit breaker.

The photovoltaic cell is the centerpiece of a photovoltaic system. The modules are made of these cells and then assembled into panels. Silicon is the material that allows the photovoltaic effect to occur. It is a semi-conductor compound that creates an electric current when in contact with sunlight. To be more precise, a cell is composed of two layers of silicon, one positively charged and the other negatively, like an electric battery.

The sun’s rays, and more specifically the photons, pass through the photovoltaic cell. They create a hole in the upper (negative) layer and generate an electrical voltage with the lower (positive) layer. The generated current is transformed into alternating current thanks to the inverter in order to supply the equipment of a house or a building.

2. Price

Since electricity tariffs are constantly increasing and feed-in tariffs are decreasing, connections to the grid for total sale installations are likely to decrease to the benefit of self-consumption photovoltaic connections.

Until 2017, individuals who would integrate solar panels into their roofs benefited from a better feed-in tariff for their electricity. The price per kWh was set at 0.46$ for installations with 9 kWh or less power. Thus, the feed-in tariff of electricity has decreased by 65%. 

 Many households make a choice to make the total sale of their electricity. Depending on your consumption habits, the characteristics of your roof, or your budget, this solution can be more profitable for you if you are in a lucrative and eco-responsible approach. 

3. Return on investment


The price of a solar panel installation is often one of the main reasons for the reluctance to take the plunge into photovoltaics. However, the profitability of an installation is no longer in question. The fall in prices in photovoltaics and the increase in electricity tariffs make photovoltaics and, in particular, self-consumption more and more interesting financially.

An installation costs between 2,200 and 2,800 dollars per kWp and generates significant reductions in electricity bills each year. Either directly through self-consumption or indirectly through the sale of the production to an electricity supplier.

State aid for the installation of photovoltaic panels, such as the self-consumption bonus or the EDF OA feed-in tariffs fixed over 20 years, further improve the profitability of solar panels. Depending on the geographical area and the solar installation cost, the return on investment is reached between 10 and 15 years.

4. A civic gesture 

Today, it is difficult for government representatives to adopt (at least publicly) a position that would not be favorable to the energy transition in the United States. Nuclear power is the object of all the wrath; renewable energies have the wind in their sails. In 2020, they will account for 19.1% of the US’s gross final energy consumption, of which 3.4% will be produced by photovoltaic solar energy.

The 2015 law on energy transition for green growth aims to raise the percentage of renewable energy in the US energy mix to 32% by 2030, which is 5% higher than the European aspirations for the same date. Thus, by installing solar panels on your house, beyond your personal convictions, you are taking a resolutely civic approach through your contribution to greening the US public electricity network.

Final thought


Are you in Campbellfield? Are you looking into buying a solar panel? Then look no further than Battery Shop. With over 2 decades of experience, they pride themselves in being the premier one-stop-shop for all your battery needs in Campbellfield. They provide a wide range of services from batteries to solar panels and accessories across Victoria.

So, what are you waiting for? Give them a call to learn more about their services. Using solar energy saves you money on your electricity bills and is also environmentally friendly. So let’s take steps in the right direction and make a difference for our planet.

Car Battery Recycling

Why Is Car Battery Recycling So Important?

 Batteries are, in general, extremely polluting. It is therefore essential to ensure that they are recycled. This concerns car battery, which everyone should put in the right place.

 The law states that the manufacturer or retailer of car batteries must collect the used batteries and assume the costs generated by their collection and transportation to the sorting centers.

 Thus, throwing away your car battery in nature is punishable by a fine. How to avoid the fine while protecting the environment?

 Where to dispose of your used batteries?

 When a car battery becomes worn out, it is imperative to drop it off:

 – to a garage;

 – in a supermarket that collects batteries;

 – at a car parts dealer.

 Why is recycling car batteries essential?

 Batteries contain lead and sulfuric acid, which are highly toxic for the environment:

 – The plastic casing releases the heavy metals it contains over time. These are then released into the air, the soil, and the water.

 – Once in nature, the various toxic substances contained in the metals penetrate living organisms (animals, plants, and humans…).

 Good to know: lead car battery recycling plants are generally mature and profitable. The value of the lead recovered offsets the cost of recycling the batteries.

 The process of recycling car batteries

Car Battery Recycling

 When the batteries arrive at the recycling center, they are first crushed to separate the different materials:

 – Lead, oxidized materials, and all metal parts are melted down for reuse.

 – The electrolyte is also regenerated and can be reused.

 – The plastic materials contained in the battery are also recycled.

 What about electric car batteries?

 These batteries, made from lithium, are much more efficient than their lead cousins. Their recycling will soon become a significant issue in the electric car market:

 – Used for cars, airplanes, or even drones, they are becoming increasingly important in the battery market.

 – Research projects and partnerships are being developed around the world to enable the recycling of these batteries, which is very expensive and difficult to set up.

Read more:


Hemp Fabric; What is it, and is it Sustainable?

Many eco-friendly alternatives have evolved as the fashion industry grows more interested in sustainable materials. Designers and customers are more conscious of the environmental effect of basic textiles such as polyester. As a result, they’re turning to more environmentally friendly fabrics like organic cotton, bamboo, and hemp.

Hemp fiber’s adaptability makes it a great material for various applications, from paper and canvas to garments and ropes. This material is now being used by an increasing number of environmentally conscious manufacturers to create clothing. Everything from T-shirts to underwear may be found made of hemp cloth.

Hemp is a natural plant fiber derived from the Cannabis plant’s stems. Hemp is the least destructive to the environment in terms of sustainability.

Hemp is a low-water crop that replenishes soil nutrients and helps to promote soil health. It’s also biodegradable and one of the more durable textiles. Hemp fabric also has insulating, anti-radiation, and anti-bacterial qualities.


 If you’re a green shopper like me, you’ll know that hemp cloth is extremely handy, adaptable, and long-lasting. Many existing designs have a timeless aesthetic, so you won’t have to buy as frequently! Continue reading to learn more about this useful cloth.




 What is hemp cloth, exactly?


 Hemp is a bast fiber, which means it is derived from the stems of plants such as linen, jute, flax, and bamboo.

THC, or tetrahydrocannabinol, is the psychoactive ingredient in marijuana used for recreational or medicinal purposes. It’s made from the same Cannabis Sativa plant that gives us marijuana and its derivatives. While hemp originates from the same plant as marijuana, it is processed differently, ensuring that the THC concentration remains below 0.3 percent. Hemp will never get the college kids high, no matter how hard they try.


 For thousands of years, industrial hemp has been growing. It is well-known throughout the world, particularly in Asia, Europe, and North America during the 16th and 18th centuries, when hemp and flax were the dominant fiber crops.

However, other historians believe that when Eli Whitney created the cotton gin in 1793, hemp could not compete economically with cotton.


 What is the process of making it?


 Hemp manufacturing is labor demanding since it necessitates a lot of manual physical effort. To form the fabric you see in garments, this sustainable fiber goes through the following processes:




 1. planting


 Some farms seek bigger yields, while others aim for a higher quality fabric by planting no more than 182,000 plants per acre. Most of the plants they produce for this sustainable fabric are harvested using specific equipment. The plant is harvested in the early to the mid-flowering stage.

2. retitling

 Stems are left on the ground for many weeks after harvesting to allow for retting. This is a method of decomposition in which the pectin that binds the hemp fiber decomposes. The fiber is separated from the bark during this procedure.



 3. ornamentation


 This is the act of eliminating the center woody core from stems while they are still wet after retting or after they have been dried.




 4. the elimination of lignin


 Lignin is a kind of organic polymer that gives plants their woody appearance. It is responsible for the original hemp fiber’s scratchy and rough feel. The lignin in this fiber is removed to make it softer and more skin-friendly.




 (5) rotating


 Hemp fibers are spun and twisted into long threads that will be weaved into textiles.

The texture of these threads is comparable to that of linen. They may also be combined with other natural fibers to produce garments that combine the strength of hemp with the softness of cotton or bamboo.


 What is the texture of hemp fabric?


 It has a comparable feel to cotton (though the finish is a bit rougher, somewhat like canvas). It’s also less dense and dries faster. This long-lasting fabric resists pilling and the formation of little fluff balls on the surface. According to certain tests, hemp cloth is also extremely durable, three times stronger than cotton fabric! Cotton t-shirts last around ten years, whereas hemp t-shirts can last up to three times as long.

Hemp is also a lightweight material. It is breathable and allows moisture to travel from the skin to air, keeping you cool in hot weather or tropical climes. Mold, mildew and possibly hazardous microorganisms are all resistant to it.


 What are the benefits and drawbacks of the fabric?


 Because of its eco-friendly and renewable nature, hemp fabric may be regarded as one of the most environmentally friendly materials available. The following are some of the benefits of hemp fabric:




 It’s long-lasting: It won’t break down for a long time. It also gets softer with each wash while maintaining its toughness.


 Biodegradable: Natural hemp fiber is compostable and entirely biodegradable.

The UV blocking impact was 50 percent more than that of polyester based on fabric testing.

 Hemp cloth is hypoallergenic, making it ideal for people with sensitive skin.



 While hemp farming and growth have no environmental impact and can even be helpful, there are certain drawbacks to utilizing hemp fabric:




 Bleach Requirement: Because pure hemp cloth has a distinct odor and lacks the organic whiteness of cotton, it requires more bleach to make it usable.


 Limited Supply: Hemp is grown on less than 1 million acres worldwide, compared to 33 million acres of cotton.


 Hemp is frequently blended with synthetic textiles since it is a harsh fabric. As a result, it is frequently coupled with other fibers that reduce biodegradability.

Hemp fabric’s long-term viability?

 Less Water: Hemp uses very little water and usually does not require further watering. Paddock-retted hemp can use up to four times less water than cotton.

 Pesticides, herbicides, and fungicides are not required to cultivate this industrial plant since it is inherently disease resistant.


 Humans can use every part of the plant, even the seeds; thus, there is no waste! These are regarded as a “superfood” and a hemp oil derivative used in lamplight oil and biodiesel.


 Hemp can absorb substantially more carbon than trees and convert it to useable biomass, making it a carbon-positive crop.

Soil Health: Its root structure helps prevent soil erosion while also replenishing important minerals. Hemp is being cultivated on land in certain locations to remove contaminants like zinc and mercury.

Let us know in the comment if you want to read more about hemp…

How Do I Become an Environmentalist?

How Do I Become an Environmentalist?

From 6-years-olds to university students, housewives, and even retired people, we are all concerned about the protection of the environment. Saving water, shopping wisely and using long-lasting bulbs are some of the most common and effective ways of reducing your carbon footprint. However, if you take your role as an environmentally-friendly citizen seriously, how about becoming an environmentalist?

Investigate Various Environmental Issues to Find Your Areas of Interests

Investigate Various Environmental Issues to Find Your Areas of Interests

There appear to be an infinite number of interconnected environmental issues for you to address. You can help protect endangered species, clean up pollution, reduce carbon dioxide emissions, recycle, and promote renewable energy through environmental activism, among other things. Discover what interests you so that you can contribute.

You can learn more about nature and environmental science by reading. Read books, magazines, websites, and news articles about nature, environmental science, and environmentalist causes to stay informed.

You can also find ways to contribute no matter what you do during the day. You don’t have to narrow your focus, but doing so can help expose you to new ways to contribute to environmental causes.

Find Local Environmental Groups in Your Area With Which You Can Collaborate

Find Local Environmental Groups in Your Area With Which You Can Collaborate

Working with an existing group in your area is the quickest way to get involved right away. Look online for volunteer opportunities and regional chapters of well-known environmental organizations such as the Sierra Club. For students who want to get involved, many schools and universities have environmental groups.

For example, if you are still in school, you could join a service organization such as Key Club and suggest environmental efforts. You could adopt a road or a beach and help clean it up.

If you want to travel abroad, there are numerous opportunities available all over the world. Volunteers are frequently accepted at animal preserves, and you can also contribute to a variety of other conservation projects.

For volunteer opportunities, contact environmentalists and organizations. Certain individuals and conservation organizations have emerged as environmental leaders. Look for contact information online, then write, call, or email them for ideas. Ask any questions you have about getting involved or making a difference in your community.

Many environmental organizations and activists collaborate with schools, businesses, and other organizations. They frequently give speeches to educate others about the environment.

Make Use of Your Skills to Advocate for the Environment in Your Own Unique Way

Make Use of Your Skills to Advocate for the Environment in Your Own Unique Way

There are numerous ways to be an active environmentalist. If you enjoy interacting with people, you might enjoy becoming a docent and leading nature walks at your local park. If you prefer writing, you could write to your local politicians to advocate for environmental protection. Find activities that make you happy and contribute in a way that feels natural to you.

Even simple tasks like baking banana bread or painting faces can be beneficial. You could put these skills to use by raising funds at an Earth Day fair or another event.

Not every activity will feel like a good fit for you. Don’t be disheartened if an opportunity does not pan out. You can always find new ways to help the environment.

Invite Others to Join You in Your Environmental Efforts

Invite Others to Join You in Your Environmental Efforts

An activist’s goal is not to change modern industrial society on his or her own, but to mobilize broad grassroots support for serious reform. To begin, try discussing your beliefs and activities with family and friends. Encourage them to join you in your volunteer efforts or, at the very least, to make small changes such as recycling. Once you’re comfortable doing so, encourage your community to make small sacrifices to protect the air, water, and food on which they rely.

You can reach a larger audience by attending local political forums, street fairs, and other similar events.

Even if people appear hesitant to assist you, maintain a friendly demeanor. Not everyone shares your enthusiasm for environmental causes. Your best bet for reaching out to others is to be helpful and informative while volunteering for worthy causes.



Top 5 Things Everyone Can Do To Save Our Planet

As far as we are concerned, there is only one planet with a livable atmosphere that can sustain human life, but we are out there acting like we have several options if this planet dies out. We only have one planet, and we need to start to act like it and start taking steps to be more ecologically friendly. So, without further ado, let’s dive into this blog and learn some of the things that everyone can do to save other Earth.

1. Eat local and in season


It sounds silly when you say it like that, but eating oranges in July or strawberries in winter is not normal. So let’s stop trying to satisfy our desires with impunity and get back to a natural rhythm: let’s eat tangerines in December and strawberries in May (with whipped cream). You will have only benefits, both in terms of your health (fruits and vegetables will have more vitamins), your taste buds (more taste in foods that had seen the sun when they needed it), and your ecological conscience (no need to bring strawberries from Kenya and pollute the planet excessively).

2. Repair rather than throw away

Programmed obsolescence has changed the way we consume. If our grandfathers and grandmothers used to repair their socks with holes and their washing machines, today we throw away and buyback. The big companies have managed their business well and charge more for a repair part than for a new machine. Let’s unite against this obsolescence that pollutes everything, and let’s repair what we can.

Let’s relearn how to sew a button, a piece of sock. Let’s repair our bikes in the many cafés and workshops that offer them. Let’s take care of our stuff, so we don’t have to replace it every 6 months. Some major brands have understood that the overconsumption of fashion is starting to weigh on many customers. For example, to reduce waste, Nike will resell slightly used shoes.

3. Reduce waste


On average, 345 kg of food is wasted per year per person in Belgium! We are rarely aware of our waste, but it is a sad reality. It’s time to change things and put new habits in place. If you never finish your plates and half of the dish goes in the garbage, maybe you should reduce the quantities. Buying (glass) Tupperware to take your leftovers to work or school the next day is a good idea to avoid waste.

Waste doesn’t just happen at home; there’s also a lot of it in restaurants and supermarkets. The Too Good to Go app allows retailers and restaurant owners to offer last-minute resale products that are no longer available in stores/restaurants at a lower cost. You reserve a basket/meal and can pick it up once the merchant’s day is over. You can have delicious surprises and receive a basket of vegetables for a small fee!

4. Buy second hand

Second-hand does not have the bad image it had 20 years ago. The shame of wearing clothes already used by others is over, and this act has become trendy from a clothing point of view, ecological and political. Fed up with overconsumption, let’s change things!.

You will find vintage stores everywhere that offer you nuggets at very (very) affordable prices. Go to second-hand bookstores, where you will find the latest Marc Levy, the first Balzac, and lost pockets that are just waiting for you to relive their stories. This is a trend that has been accelerated by the health crisis, as people are becoming more and more aware.

Spend an hour on online resale sites before going to the store to buy a new TV, there are probably people who are reselling theirs and will go buy another one, but with the one you’re taking back, that’s still one less in the garbage.

5. Reduce your consumption of meat and fish


Even if it will not solve the climate crisis, meat production remains one of the biggest sources of planetary pollution: huge use of water, surface (deforestation), energy, fuel. On top of that, animal abuse is sometimes unbearable (who hasn’t seen videos of chicks being crushed?) and tends to influence more and more people on the way they consume.

You don’t necessarily have to become vegan tomorrow, but you can reduce your meat and fish consumption while favoring organic and local sources; after some time of market adaptation, things will eventually change.

Sound off in the comments section below and tell us what you want to read next and if you want to read more ways in which you can save our planet.

Where to Dispose of Used Tires

Where to Dispose of Used Tires


    – Disposing of used tires: what does the law say?

    – Used tires in landfill: what are the risks?

    – Where to dispose of your used tires?

    – A second life for used tires

Many people still rely on landfills to get rid of their old tires, although this is prohibited. However, it is also forbidden to abandon them in the middle of nowhere or burn them in the open air! There is, therefore, only one solution left to get rid of your used tires: have them taken back by the producers and importers who are required to ensure their collection and treatment. 

Disposing of used tires: what does the law say?

It is strictly forbidden to abandon, dump or burn used tires in the open air. To avoid the nuisance created by deposits and the fire risk, tire producers and importers must ensure the collection and processing of used tires, either through their own system or by delegating this activity to collective organizations (collector, approved processing facility operator.

As a direct consequence of this recycling obligation, new tires have increased their purchase price by a few dollars to finance this rubber’s recovery.

Please note: bicycle tires are not affected by this regulation.

Used tires in landfill: what are the risks?

Because of their composition (a mixture of rubber, steel, and various textiles), and although they are not considered toxic or dangerous waste, used tires cannot be deposited in a landfill.

And for a good reason, as they can become a source of nuisance for the latter, they can only be handed over to professionals authorized to carry out this task.

It is not without reason that landfills no longer accept used tires:

    – in case of fire, used tire deposits can be dangerous for health and the environment;

    – tires can cause instability of the landfill soil;

    – the shape of the tires is conducive to the nesting of rats and mosquitoes;

    – they take time to degrade;

    – not recycling them is considered an actual waste, as they have high calorific value.

Where can I get rid of my used tires?

Where to Dispose of Used Tires

Since used tires are no longer accepted in landfills and are subject to an obligation to be taken back by all professionals in the sector, the holders and consumers of used tires must therefore call on approved professionals.

The professionals subject to this take-back obligation are

    Tire producers or importers who are technically and financially responsible for processing used tires.

    – Distributors (garages, car centers, etc.) must take back tires free of charge. They are responsible for storing them before handing them over to the collectors of the sector.

    – The collectors must be responsible for collecting, grouping, sorting, or transporting the waste to the treatment facilities.

    – The treatment facility operators, who, as their name indicates, are in charge of the various recovery methods, from recycling to energy recovery, including their use in public works.

Good to know: consumers are not required to bring their used tires to one of the organizations mentioned. On the other hand, they must bring them to their garage, which is obliged to accept them free of charge. But be careful; these garages can only declare used tires equivalent to those installed during the year. Therefore, give preference to your own garage.

A second life for your used tires

A second life on the road is possible for our used tires:

    – reuse of the tires as used tires if the wear limit is not reached ;

    – retreading, i.e., reconditioning of used tires so that they can be fitted to a car again.

Recovery of the material of the whole tire or in pieces:

    – use for public works but also for backfilling or civil engineering works;

    – use by farmers to maintain silage covers;

    – transformation into aggregate for sports fields, construction, asphalt, or noise barriers.

Energy recovery: use as fuel to feed, for example, cement kilns, district heating, or other industrial heaters.


Sprayed Polyurethane: An Innovative And High-performance Material

Sprayed polyurethane is one of the most widely used materials in home insulation. Indeed, its performance makes it the perfect element to protect a house against heat loss. Definition, functioning, price, advantages… A point on sprayed polyurethane. So, without further ado, let’s dive into this blog and learn more about sprayed polyurethane.

What is sprayed insulation?


Whether to save energy or to preserve the environment, thermal regulations are always demanding. Therefore, thermal insulation experts have developed a more efficient method to obtain a better result: sprayed insulation. Nowadays, it is considered the best thermal insulation solution used in renovation or construction. This is a kind of illustration of the technical progress that is made in this field.

Sprayed polyurethane: for what purpose?

In the past, polyurethane foam was only used for the insulation of woodwork. But nowadays, it is also used to eliminate heat loss from roofs, floors, walls, and attics. Indeed, sprayed polyurethane is an ecological insulator that hardens easily after use. This is possible due to the chemical reaction between isocyanate and polyol.

How to apply spray polyurethane foam?

Polyurethane foam must be applied to a dry and clean surface. This operation must be carried out by an authorized specialist, such as Isol’o2, and established in Avignon. This company carries out all building insulation work.

The projection is generally made with a hydraulic or pneumatic pressure gun. The person in charge of projecting the polyurethane foam propels it in semi-liquid form over the area to be insulated. This insulation will then expand and swell when it comes into contact with air. This allows it to reach more than 30 times its volume before solidifying. The homeowner can then decide whether or not to cover it with a finish.

What is the energy performance of spray polyurethane?


Polyurethane foam has a specific expansion capacity that allows it to cover all the most minor gaps in the insulated element. In fact, it is able to reduce a large part of the thermal points.

The sprayed polyurethane also has technical properties allowing it to be a thin insulator. To insulate a floor or a wall, it is enough to apply a superficial layer of 6 cm of sprayed polyurethane foam. But for a more excellent thermal resistance, it is advisable to apply a layer of more than 12 cm for the insulation of walls and attics.

What are the advantages of sprayed polyurethane?

There are many advantages to the application of sprayed polyurethane foam:

  • It fits into all the areas to be insulated to form a perfectly homogeneous and airtight envelope.
  • Unlike other types of insulation, sprayed polyurethane does not emit toxic products that can irritate the respiratory tract.
  • Polyurethane foam is very resistant and has an unlimited life span.
  • Sprayed polyurethane is lighter than other insulations. It can therefore be applied to all types of housing structures.
  • Since the foam is manufactured on-site, it does not incur high transportation costs.
  • This insulation also reduces the energy bill.
  • This recyclable material also limits rodent and pest infestations.

Spray polyurethane foam: at what price?


In general, the budget required for sprayed insulation depends on the type of home and the professional contact. Before choosing the craftsman, it is strongly advised to ask for several comparative estimates. In any case, count between 6 to 10 dollars per square meter for a floor insulation. Expect to pay between 15 and 25 dollars per square meter for roof and wall insulation.

Sound off in the comments section below and tell us what you want to read next and if you want to read more about sprayed polyurethane.


Cellulose Wadding: An Ecological Insulation

In terms of ecological insulation, cellulose wadding is very popular. It has intrinsic qualities to improve and maintain a house’s thermal and phonic comfort. To learn more about this type of insulation, read the following article!



Often known as “cellulose insulation”, cellulose wadding is composed of :

  • 15% minerals
  • 85% recycled newspapers or cardboard: the coated paper should be avoided. Indeed, it is too crushed to insulate and trap air. In order to provide excellent insulating performance, the paper or cardboard is mixed with additives during shredding.

Ammonium polyphosphate

According to popular belief, “the use of boron in insulation classified as ecological did not fit the image. As a result, manufacturers looked for new alternatives and turned to ammonium polyphosphate, a substitute additive. However, this emits a strong ammonia odor that can exceed the authorized thresholds. Realizing this inconvenience and the proven health risk, the CSTB and the CCFAT have re-authorized the use of boron salt.

Boron salt

Although it presents risks of nephrotoxicity, it is the traditional additive used to manufacture cellulose wadding. It is widely used because it is a flame retardant. It is also bio-soluble, bactericidal, non-volatile, and hygroscopic. Boron salt is classified in the “Reach Directive” through its qualities that can present health risks. This directive determines the classes of use of boron salt and the authorized doses (5.5% maximum).


Here is the process of this manufacture:

  • The pre-crushing or pre-crushing of the blocks of newspapers via a machine of the same title as the crushers of pebbles. It consists of reducing these last insufficiently small blocks to introduce them in one of these mills: hammers, centrifuges, or plates.
  • The pulverization of paper by hitting it with sledgehammers.

Cellulose wadding is an insulating material obtained from paper recycling (waste from new paper cuts from printing companies, newspapers, books, etc.). The process consists of grinding the recovered paper to obtain cellulose fibers. These are then mixed with water. We obtain a diluted paste which will be mixed with treatment products. Then, this paste is spread on a large canvas. The use of these products allows the wadding to resist rodents, insects, and mold.



Cellulose wadding is available in bulk, in panels, or in bottles. It has many qualities. It is a material that is:

  • Environmentally friendly
  • Healthy
  • Natural, ecological and renewable

It allows for efficient thermal and acoustic insulation. There are 3 types

Cellulose wadding insulation:

  • Insulation by blowing in the roof
  • Insulation by blowing in a wooden frame wall
  • Blown-in insulation of lost attic space

If you wish to have comfort in terms of insulation, call upon a company specialized in the use of cellulose wadding.


The cost of installing cellulose wadding varies depending on :

  • The craftsman who takes care of all the work
  • The workmanship
  • The support to be insulated
  • The accessibility of the room to be insulated
  • The type of cellulose wadding and the desired thickness
  • The method used

In general, the price per square meter is between 25 dollars and 35 dollars. For insulation by :



  • For wood-frame wall, the rate is between 20 dollars to 30 dollars per m²
  • On the roof, it is necessary to foresee between 30 dollars to 35 dollars for the m², and blowing off the lost attic, the price is between 25 dollars and 30 dollars per m².

We only have one Earth, and this is why we need to take care of it and treat it like the only home it is. This is why more and more of us are going and leaning into more ecological ways of building. Sound off in the comments section below and tell us what you want to read next.


Everything You Need To Know About Lightning Conductor Installation

Lightning rods are highly recommended for people living in mountainous regions or cities with skyscrapers. It will help you to keep your appliances away from danger. Indeed, this tool allows you to protect your homes in case of a lightning strike.

In this article, we tell you everything about lightning rods in order to protect you from these unavoidable weather hazards.

What is a lightning rod?


Benjamin Franklin invented the first lightning rod system in the 18th century thanks to a study he made with a kite and the electrical nature of lightning. Indeed, thanks to this study, he was able to implement a device to protect buildings. That, by redirecting directly into the ground, the electricity is discharged during times of storms.

How does a lightning conductor work?

The principle of operation of a lightning conductor is to encourage the lightning to come down on him rather than on the building or elsewhere. To do this, a lightning conductor is mainly composed of a rod placed on a high point. This rod is then connected to the ground by down conductors (metal cables) in order to direct the discharged electricity directly into the ground.

In addition, for the proper functioning of the lightning capture device, the lightning conductor is also made up of grounding conductors connected to each other by metallic grounds.

The different types of lightning conductors

Several types of lightning conductors differ from each other on the market, depending on their usefulness and level of complexity.

1. The lightning conductor with a “simple rod.”

The PTS is composed of a metal tip that can go up to 8 meters high in order to encompass the entire structure to be protected. It is connected to two copper down conductors, which are then connected to earth connections. It can provide protection over a radius of approximately 30 meters. However, it is strictly reserved for the protection of small structures.

2. The “enameled cage.”


The “enameled cage” lightning conductor is composed of a mesh covering the whole structure to be protected. For this purpose, numerous spikes are positioned on the roof, with meshes ranging from 5 to 20 meters long, depending on the level of protection required.

This type of lightning conductor requires a rather high installation cost and is rather reserved for complex buildings.

3. The lightning conductor with “priming device.”

The PDA creates a privileged point of impact on its tip with the help of an ionization device. It is capable of capturing lightning strikes more quickly than a PTS. Moreover, it can also offer a more expansive protection zone (about 120 m). This allows it to protect large structures.

The installation of this type of lightning conductor is inexpensive, despite the fact that it can protect both the building and its surroundings.

Is the installation of a lightning rod mandatory?

Generally, the usefulness of installing a lightning conductor will be determined mainly by the geographical location of your home. Obviously, storms are more prevalent in mountainous regions than elsewhere.

Nevertheless, if you have the means, nothing prevents you from installing this protection device, even if you are located in a region that is not very affected by lightning strikes.

Procedure for installing a lightning conductor


This lightning protection device can easily be found in stores. However, the installation of a lightning conductor always requires the intervention of a professional. Indeed, the lightning conductor, placed at the top of your house, must respect strict characteristics, including:

  • The position of the tip must be above the highest point.
  • The resistance of the earth connection must be at the lowest level.
  • The cable connecting the lightning conductor to the ground must be short and direct. It must be separated from any other type of pipe (gas, water…)

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Electrical Installation: Why Install A Lightning Arrester?

Lightning can cause damage not only to your home through your electrical and telecommunications installations but also to your electrical appliances. It is a protection material for surges of atmospheric origin caused by lightning. In this aspect, for your safety, that of your house, and your electrical appliances, the installation of a lightning arrester is essential.

People often tend to confuse the lightning arrester, also called surge protector and the lightning rod. However, these devices are different, and each has its own role. In addition to its function of protecting electrical installations and appliances, the lightning arrester can limit the duration and amplitude of the current. It is also used to prevent damage that can be caused by voltage imbalance

As for the lightning, the conductor is a device that protects the building by preventing lightning from falling or directing it directly to the ground. It prevents fire and damage to the structure of buildings.

Mandatory criteria for the installation of a lightning arrester


The mandatory nature of the installation of the lightning arrester depends on several parameters. These include the characteristics and power supply of the buildings as well as the lightning density. The installation of the lightning arrester must be carried out according to the regulations in force, in particular the standard NFC15-100 and the guide UTE C 15-443. According to the NF C 15-100 standard, the use of a lightning arrester is mandatory when the buildings are located less than 50 meters from a large metallic structure such as a lightning conductor and a GSM antenna. 

This is also the case for buildings that are powered by an overhead line. The installation of a lightning arrester is also mandatory for buildings that are located in areas frequently struck by lightning. This is the case in the south of France.

Lightning arrester installation techniques


The lightning arrester can be installed in two ways. If it is intended to protect your entire installation, it is placed inside the electrical panel with a differential circuit breaker and a divisional circuit breaker. The lightning arrester can also be installed individually through the use of power strips with a lightning arrester function. The price for this installation can go up to 700 dollars. 

For this, it is necessary to put it in contact with the most sensitive and expensive receivers, which must be protected like computers and data centers as well as the equipment connected to them. In this sense, the device must be plugged into a socket or power strip and connected to the electrical device.

Types of surge protectors


There are three types of surge protectors: type 1, type 2, and type 3. Type 1″ surge protectors have the ability to conduct a strong lightning current from the ground to a power distribution system. These arresters are placed in the electrical panel of buildings if they are equipped with a lightning conductor. 

Then there are the “type 2” lightning arresters which are also installed in the electrical panel. They can drain the lightning currents that cause high transient overvoltages on the power distribution network. Finally, as far as “type 3” arresters are concerned, their ability to discharge lightning current is very limited compared to the other two types of arresters mentioned above. 

They must be installed with “type 2” surge protectors to reduce surges on sensitive and critical devices and equipment effectively.

Therefore, for optimal protection of your building and your safety, contact the appropriate authorities, or a company that specialized in installing and maintaining lightning arresters. Thanks to their skills and expertise, you can benefit from an impeccable service.

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