
How To Connect A Solar Panel?

For the sake of energy saving and ecology, you have decided to turn to renewable energy by opting for green energy. There are a plethora of hot water systems on the market, and you have a wide array of choices to choose from. However, this can be a bit dicey because you don’t know what hot water system is perfect for you.

The type of water heater you choose should depend on your budget, but we advise you to invest in a solar water heater if you have the money. This is a great idea! You already have everything you need, and all that’s left to do is to make the connection. So, without further ado, let’s dive into this blog and learn some of the things everyone needs to know about solar panels.

Installing the solar panels


Before you can connect the solar panels, you must first successfully install them. This task must be done step by step:

1. Properly orientate the solar panels

This first step should not be neglected. For optimal efficiency, you should choose a sunny location, placing the solar panels according to the orientation of the house’s slopes: on the southwest, south, or southeast side.

2. Finding the right tilt

To produce the maximum amount of energy, find the right inclination: 30°, no more, and no less. This way, the panels can easily and optimally capture the sunlight.

3. Question of shading

The principle is simple: the less shade there is, the more sun there is. In other words, avoid areas where there are large trees, as they only reduce the production of solar energy.

Choosing the type of solar panel connection

There are two main types of connection: parallel wiring and series wiring. To know which one to choose, we will explain the difference between these two systems:

1. Parallel wiring


A connection of solar panels by parallel wiring generally allows for an increase in the intensity. It consists in connecting all the positive terminals together and all the negative terminals together.

2. The series connection

The purpose of this one is to add the voltages. To make a connection of solar panels in series, it is enough to connect a positive terminal of a panel to a negative terminal of another and vice versa. The choice between these two types of connection depends mainly on your regulator.

In any case, you can find out which connection to make in the user’s manual or in the assembly instructions of your device. If you don’t know where to start, the best solution is to call an experienced installer. It is made up of a team specialized in the installation of photovoltaic panels.

Connecting a 12 and 24 V solar panel

As you have seen, there are two types of solar panels: those that work in 12 V and those in 24 V.

1. A 12 V assembly

This is the perfect assembly for devices that do not support a higher voltage. However, it requires a parallel connection.

2. A 24 V assembly

To obtain a power of 24 V, you need two batteries of 12 V and to connect them in series. The connection of solar panels must also be in series. This is the best way to produce more solar energy. If you plan to use your lights and appliances at the same time, choose a 24V connection.

Is it necessary to connect a photovoltaic inverter?


The answer is yes! Indeed, a photovoltaic installation must contain:

    • Solar panels
    • A regulator: to secure the connection
    • A photovoltaic inverter.

The latter is the element in charge of transforming the direct electric current into alternating electric current. This means that it is essential to supply all your circuits in the correct way.

Sound off in the comments section below, and tell us what you want to read next and if you want to read more about solar panels.


The Different Types Of Recycling

Several methods have been deployed to preserve the environment with the piling up of waste and their long degradation time. In the waste reduction framework, they are sorted according to their categories and recycled for the manufacture of new products. So, without further ado, let’s dive into this blog and learn some of the things you need to know about recycling.

Recycling plastics


Lightweight and easy to use, plastics are essential to our daily lives. They are, however, used for a short period of time, but once thrown away; they do not degrade easily. Therefore, restrictive measures have been imposed to limit plastic consumption. In the meantime, some have chosen to opt for recycling for optimal use. To do this, manufacturers have marked a triangular logo indicating their level of recycling.

Indeed, some plastics, such as yogurt pots and plastic bags, are not profitable for recycling, as the quantities of materials that make them up are very small. On the other hand, recycling opaque containers such as milk bottles and transparent bottles such as water bottles are both economic and beneficial.

Classified as HDPE or high-density polyethylene, opaque plastics are strong and resistant to chemicals and other impacts. Transparent plastics are classified as polyethylene terephthalate or PET. They are light, waterproof, and gasproof, but also strong.

To recycle, a large number of bottles must be collected. You can rent a dumpster to facilitate collection and processing. After collecting the plastics, the PET bottles are ground into flakes, washed, and stripped of their labels. Then they are subjected to a high temperature for a homogeneous assembly.

This component can be used in manufacturing new bottles or in manufacturing polyester fibers, including fabrics, carpets, and synthetic cottons. As for HDPE, the recycling process is almost the same as for PET, but it can be used to make watering cans, chairs, or even pipes.

Paper and cardboard recycling

Paper, juice cartons, and cardboard also make up a large part of the waste stream. Fortunately, they are perfectly recyclable. To do this, they are crushed and immersed in a large tank to remove impurities, including staples, glue, etc. After grinding, the inks and water contained in the pastes are extracted. The pulp is then processed into new paper, cardboard, toilet paper, and gift wrap.

Recycling of metal materials

Like wrought iron, cans and tins can be recycled in several ways. Steel is widely used in the manufacture of household appliances, automotive parts, and new cans. Aluminum is used in the manufacture of trays, automotive parts, kitchen utensils, and windows. The recycling steps are crushing, thermal cleaning, melting in a 1600°C furnace, and processing.

Glass recycling


Glass packaging is very popular for serving and storing food. It is heat and gas-resistant and preserves the quality of the food. Moreover, it is almost intact and without wear after use. This characteristic gives it a very special second life, including the manufacture of bottles, flasks, and jars. To do this, start by gathering a pile of glass in the trash. Since it is sharp and difficult to work with, it is essential to hire a skip-hire service to help you with the collection and recycling work.

Once collected, the glass containers are sorted and stripped of caps and other accessories. They are then crushed to obtain a cullet. At a very high temperature of 1400°C, the cullet is melted and mixed with other components such as silica and soda, colorants, and limescale. These components prevent the crystallization of the glass in order to obtain a tight and solid material. The melted paste is then blown and cooled to produce new products.

Sound off in the comments section below, and tell us what you want to read next and if you want to read more about recycling.

How Are Cans Recycled

Top 5 Tips For Reducing Waste

Every day in the United States alone, 268 million tons of waste are buried. How can we, individually, rectify this situation? It is important to know that the waste that pollutes the least is the one that we do not produce. Here are five tips to reduce the amount of waste you produce at the source.

We are always ready to explore opportunities for a more sustainable and environmentally friendly lifestyle. Changing the way we do things to better protect our planet is not that difficult. Are you recycling as much as you can? So, without further ado, let’s dive into this blog and learn some of our best tips to start reducing waste and living a more sustainable lifestyle.

1. Avoid food waste

Tips on Choosing Your Sorting Garbage Can

In 2017, a study by the National Zero Waste Council indicated that nearly 2.2 million tons of edible food are thrown away each year in Canada. For the average Canadian household, that’s 140 kilograms of food thrown away per year or an annual loss of $1100! Vegetables and fruit account for a large proportion (45%) of this food waste.

To remedy this, it is advisable to plan your meals in advance. Make a grocery list and buy only the amount of food you need to cook your meals. Learn how to store your food properly so that it will last longer, and don’t hesitate to freeze any surplus.

2. Recycle your organic waste 

A majority of Americans still send their food waste to landfills rather than to the brown bin. Only half of the municipalities in the province currently offer this type of collection. However, there are many alternatives to the brown bin! First of all, conventional composting, using micro-organisms, or vermicomposting, using earthworms. Composting is not one of the most glamorous activities out there, but it is something that all of us ought to do.

If these organic processes don’t appeal to you for one reason or another, you should know that there are small appliances that can transform your organic waste into fertilizer. This machine dehydrates and grinds organic waste in a few hours, reducing its volume by nearly 90%. The fertilizer can then be used for plants and vegetable gardens.

3. Limit the use of single-use plastic


In Quebec alone, an estimated 500,000 tons of plastic are landfilled annually. By the end of the year, the federal government will ban six types of single-use plastic items, including bags, straws, and utensils. So why not adopt sustainable practices today? These include bamboo or stainless steel straws, reusable cotton, canvas or polyester bags, or reusable water bottles.

Take-out meals have become increasingly popular during the pandemic. They are great for storing food or sharing cookies with family and friends! Feel free to wash and reuse these plastic containers. So, be conscientious when eating out and ordering takeaways, don’t create more waste than is necessary, and do your part to keep waste away from landfills.

4. Buy food in bulk

The zero waste movement is growing, and there are now many grocery stores and boutiques across the province that offer their products in bulk. How does it work? You must bring your own reusable containers (cloth bags, jars, etc.). Airtight containers will be weighed before you store them. A wide selection of fresh products (fruits, vegetables, meats) and dry products (legumes, spices, flours, coffees), but also non-food products (household and hygienic products) are available in bulk, without packaging, plastic film, or trays. So much superfluous which will not end up in your household waste.

5. Use a “no flyers” sticker


According to the non-profit organization Ville en vert, 900,000 advertising bags are distributed each week in Montreal. How many of them end up in the recycling bin unread? To reduce the amount of paper that ends up in the recycling bin, you can put a “No Flyers” sticker on your mailbox. You can also find these flyers digitally on Google.

Helping clean beaches or residential areas near you is the bare minimum and is something that all of us should start doing. You should be the change you want to see in the world, and one small step that you take can create a snowball effect and create major change later down the line. So, join a cleaning group, get out there, and take care of mother Earth because, so far, it is the only habitable planet that we know and have.

Looking for help?

For all your garbage disposal and skip bin needs, you ought to call RONCO MINI BINS/SKIP HIRE. This Australian family-owned business has over 20 years in the garbage disposal industry and is at the top of its games. They also offer expert rubbish removal and waste management services to residents and business owners in Melbourne.

So what are you waiting for? Give them a call now, and they will offer their expertise in garbage removal to both business owners and residents in the Eastern and Northern suburbs of Melbourne. If this hasn’t convinced you yet, check their website and look at their more than competitive prices!

How Compost Benefits Your Garden and the Environment

Making compost is ecological and very good for the garden. It means recovering rainwater for watering, combining crops, adopting natural fertilizers, etc. In this post, you will learn how composting is one of the most immediate actions on your waste because of its ‘recycling’ virtues.

Made from garden and kitchen waste, a natural fertilizer rich in organic matter, nitrogen, phosphorus, etc., is obtained from compost. Individual composting is also a simple activity, full of advantages, since it reduces the production of household waste treated by the community and contributes to preserving the environment. Explanations to get started.

What is compost?

Whether you use a balcony composter, an indoor vermicomposter, or a garden composter, the principle remains the same. Composting is an operation that consists of degrading organic waste in the presence of oxygen from the air under controlled conditions. Two phenomena follow one another in a composting process. The first, bringing the residues to the state of fresh compost, is an intense aerobic degradation (capacity or need of an organism or a microorganism to develop in the ambient air):

  • Essentially the decomposition of fresh organic matter at high temperature (50 to 70°C) under bacterial action;
  • A less sustained degradation will transform the fresh compost into a mature compost rich in humus.

This maturation phenomenon, which occurs at lower temperatures (35 to 45°C), leads to fungi’ biosynthesis of humic compounds.

Compost or the art of composting

Compost is a rich material made by billions of microorganisms. It is the result of composting, a natural process that transforms organic matter into an earth-like product.

The organic matter is broken down by microorganisms such as bacteria and fungi that transform it into the simple elements that plants feed on.

How does composting work?

How Compost Benefits Your Garden and the Environment


Composting is an easy recycling method that can be done at home. It is an easy way to reduce the amount of waste produced by households by a third. Also, composting has an excellent soil amendment used for gardening and landscaping.

What is the benefit of composting?

Compost improves soil quality and strengthens the stock of humus in the soil, improving soil fertility and promoting soil life. Gardeners will use it for all their plantings (vegetable gardens, flower beds, trees, etc.).

Organisms living in the soil

Healthy soil is active and is home to microorganisms such as bacteria, fungi, and yeasts and larger creatures such as earthworms. The survival of these organisms depends on the availability of air, water, and nutrients in the soil.

In return, these organisms provide unparalleled recycling. They break down organic matter to release nutrients for root development and plant growth. Also, they mix the soil to improve its aeration, texture, and structure.

Feeding the soil (and plants)

Fertile soil contains macro and microelements. Plants need both elements to grow.

Macroelements include nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), potassium (K), calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), and sulfur (S). These elements provide primary nutrients to plants. The first three, nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, are consumed in large quantities by plants. They all contribute to specific functions such as leaf and stem growth (N), root growth (P and K), flower and fruit development (P), and general vitality (K).

Plants also need microelements called trace elements. These include iron (Fe), manganese (Mn), copper (Cu), and zinc (Zn). Their presence in tiny quantities is essential to plant life. A balanced and optimal supply of these microelements has a critical impact, as excesses can be harmful to plants. Compost provides a balanced and reasonable supply of these microelements(1).

Moreover, this approach has a lot of interest in sustainable development since it promotes recycling organic matter in short circuits on its territory. This method reduces greenhouse gas emissions and fights against runoff phenomena (organic matter helps retain water in the soil).

Two good reasons to start composting

Therefore, compost reduces waste and the number of road garbage trucks. It also allows a reduction in the number of incinerators and, therefore, landfills.

For the garden, making household compost allows the production of natural and non-polluting fertilizers. Besides, it improves the soil’s quality, contributes to the growth of plants and flowers, and helps plants develop a sound root system.

Hope you like this post. Remember to leave your comment below.

How to Use Banana Peels as Fertilizer

How to Use Banana Peels as Fertilizer



– Focus on banana peels

– Method 1: Bury the banana peels at the foot of the roses

– Method 2: Mulch the plants with the banana peel strips

– Method 3: Make liquid fertilizer from banana peels

– Method 4: Enrich your compost

Banana is the most consumed fruit in the world. The fleshy peel represents 30 to 40% of the weight of the fruit, so it would be a shame not to recycle this organic material, rich in minerals, for use in the garden. This will help to reduce chemical fertilizers and, therefore, a significant step toward sustainability.

 Here are different ways to use banana peels as fertilizer.

Focus on banana peels

Banana peel is an organic waste used to feed animals and enrich the soil thanks to its nitrogen and mineral content. It contains, in fact :

– a high proportion of protein (rich in nitrogen), i.e., 6 to 9% of the dry matter ;

– 20 to 30% of fiber (cellulose, hemicellulose, and lignin);

– up to 40% starch in green plantain, which is converted into fast sugars after ripening;

– the fast sugar content is 30% for ripe dessert banana peel.

Composting banana peels release a significant amount of nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, and iron, which are helpful to plants, particularly for forming fruit, reviving the color of flowers, increasing disease resistance, and promoting rooting…

Good to know: many studies have been conducted to obtain quality compost, especially from banana peels associated with oil palm waste.

Method 1: Bury the banana peels at the foot of the rose bushes

How to Use Banana Peels as Fertilizer

Banana peels compost quickly in the soil in the presence of oxygen.

– Spread the peels on the ground at the base of the rose bushes and lightly scratch the soil to bury them.

– You can also place a banana peel at the bottom of the planting hole, cover it lightly with soil, and then plant the root ball of your chosen flower or a vegetable such as a tomato, zucchini, bell pepper, or eggplant on top.

Method 2: Mulch plants with banana peel strips

Roughly cut the banana peels, then mulch all around the plant (roses, tomatoes, zucchini…), right at the outer edge of the vegetation where the rootlets are located.

Good to know: banana peel mulch also has a repellent effect on aphids and other tiny crop pests.

Method 3: Make liquid fertilizer from banana peels

How to Use Banana Peels as Fertilizer

Banana peels are an easy way to make a liquid fertilizer.

– Cut them into cubes and soak them in a bucket of water for a few days.

– Strain the liquid obtained.

– Water your plants, especially indoor or hydroponic crops, with it.

Method 4: Enrich your compost

Throw banana peels into your compost, as they are green waste. Add brown waste (chicken litter, cardboard, cow dung…) to balance the compost.

Good to know: a study showed that banana peels mixed with cow dung generated a compost containing more than 10% potassium (K) and more than 2% nitrogen (N).

Read more:

Ecological Products You Can Find on Amazon to Live a Sustainable Lifestyle

Many people believe that to lead a sustainable or more environmentally friendly life they have to make great sacrifices and even stop consuming some items. However, thanks to the advancement of technology and the commitment of various companies, we find more and more everyday objects that are ecological.

So if you want to help the planet and at the same time not make such a big sacrifice, we present you 10 ecological products that you can buy on Amazon. So, there are no more excuses! Get your wallet ready and substitute your plastic items or other materials that generate garbage for one of the items. You will love them.

Eco Bags for Fruits and Vegetables

If you already use ecological bags to go to the supermarket, it is time to say goodbye completely to the plastic bags that we are given when buying fruits and vegetables.

In many businesses there are still plastic bags to separate each fruit and vegetable ; so to avoid this, the best option is the ecological mesh bags where we can store from a couple of avocados, to a kilo of tomato.

Food Bags

If you are one of those who use plastic bags to carry snacks and even sandwiches everywhere, say goodbye with these reusable bags. Some of them are food grade PEVA bags, which help preserve food and even freeze it.

Protective Paper for Packaging

If you are about to move and need to cover and protect items such as crockery and mirrors, forget about using plastic and instead use this biodegradable protective paper, which in addition to protecting your items, disintegrates easily in the environment.

Dog Waste Bags

There are also ecological products for our pets, such as these biodegradable bags, created with renewable products, designed for the waste of our dogs.

Water Saving Sink

If you have always been concerned about the waste of water that we make when brushing our teeth or our hands, then this sink is for you.

This basin is placed on the water tank of the toilet and makes that all the water you use when washing is reused in the toilet.

Kitchen Brushes

Say goodbye to plastic sponges that only pollute and say hello to these kitchen brushes. Some kitchen brushes on Amazon are made of bamboo, palm and coconut fiber, 100% biodegradable, which will help you clean all the dishes.

Solid Shampoo

Say goodbye to plastic containers in beauty products with ecological solid shampoo. Some solid shampoo are free of parabens and plastic packaging.

Reusable Tissues

Stop spending and polluting the planet with disposable tissues and opt instead for the reusable ones. These reusable tissues can be washed up to 520 times without polluting the planet.

Ecological Pads

If you clean your face with wet wipes or cotton with micellar water, it’s time for you to discover the ecological pads. The ecological pads are made of cotton and bamboo. They can be washed and reused dozens of times.

Washable Sanitary Napkins

Sanitary pads, although necessary for women, create a lot of garbage; however, this could be left behind thanks to washable towels. Some washable sanitary napkins can be reused as often as needed and should only be washed after each use to keep them looking like new.

So what are your thoughts on living a sustainable lifestyle? Are you interested in becoming more ecological? If yes, which one of these eco-friendly Amazon products is your favorite? And which one are you definitely start using soon and will start bragging about to your friends and family? Let us know everything in the comments below- we would love to read from you soon.

Let’s Talk About Fertilizers and Their Impact on Our Planet

As the world’s population continues to grow, so does the demand for food. To improve crop yields, the agricultural sector relies on agrochemicals, such as fertilizers. But are fertilizers really a good thing or do they have a negative impact on our environment? That’s what we will uncover in today’s blog. Read on to learn more!

The chemical industry is developing new solutions that improve the performance of agrochemicals and facilitate their application. These are additives and adjuvants that are inert to plants, but improve the effectiveness of the formulated product.

Fertilizers are substances rich in nutrients that are used to improve the characteristics of the soil for a greater development of agricultural crops. Among the chemical fertilizers are those made with the “main nutrients” of the soil, namely nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. They can therefore also contain highly toxic substances.

The purpose of using fertilizers is to increase their concentration which promotes and improves plant growth.

There are four types of fertilizers:

  1. Organic fertilizers: they are also called fertilizers and are of animal or vegetable origin. Their main advantage is that the use of organic fertilizers improves the condition of the soil and promotes the retention of water and nutrients. For this reason, they are mainly used in organic agriculture. Some types of organic fertilizers are manure, compost and green manures.
  2. Chemical fertilizers – The biggest advantage of using chemical fertilizers in agriculture is that you get results very quickly. Obviously, they improve plant health and increase crop production. However, they must be used effectively.
  3. Biofertilizers: These are plant fertilizers that contain living microorganisms. Like organic fertilizers, they are also used in organic farming because they are very environmentally friendly.
  4. Biostimulants: these also contain micro-organisms. The difference with biofertilizers is that in this case the microorganisms are not used as nutrients but to stimulate plant growth.

On the other hand, the different types of fertilizers are applied to: soil (root), foliage (foliar) and irrigation water (fertigation).

Before considering fertilizer application, all available sources of nutrients should be used, for example, cow, pig, and chicken manure, plant waste, straw, corn manure, and other organic materials. However, these must be composted and decomposed before being applied to the soil. With the decomposition of fresh organic matter, such as corn straw, soil nutrients, especially nitrogen, are temporarily fixed; therefore, they are not available for the subsequent crop.

Even when the nutrient content of the organic matter is low and variable, compost is very valuable because it improves overall soil conditions. Organic matter improves soil structure, reduces soil erosion, has a regulating effect on soil temperature, and helps the soil store more moisture, which greatly improves soil fertility. In addition, organic matter is a necessary food for soil organisms. Organic compost often forms the basis for successful use of mineral fertilizers. The combination of organic manure/organic matter and mineral fertilizers (Integrated Plant Nutrition System, IPNS) provides the ideal environmental conditions for the crop, where the organic manure/organic matter enhances the soil properties and fertilizer supply. Minerals provide the nutrients that plants need. However, compost/organic matter alone is not enough (and is often not available in large quantities) to achieve the level of production desired by the farmer. Mineral fertilizers must be applied in addition. Even in countries where a high proportion of organic waste is used as compost and organic matter, the consumption of mineral fertilizers has been increasing.


The effects of chemical fertilizers on the environment have been widely proven and are indisputable, and it has been shown that their use leads to a high risk of environmental damage, such as contamination of groundwater, degradation of the soils on which they are applied, salt burns. Exaggerated growth, among others. These pass into food, animals and are then consumed by humans.

Therefore, it is necessary to find points of balance and supplement them with fertilizers and organic compounds, in addition to constantly analyzing the soil and plants to ensure that the different values are appropriate and to detect negative reactions in time. What are your thoughts on that matter? Let us know in the comments below.


What Is Holding You Back From Living a Sustainable Life?

What Is Holding You Back From Living a Sustainable Life?

I think most people believe in the concept of sustainable living, but I think for many, the tiny contribution they think they can make individually is completely outweighed by the inconvenience of them doing so.

So, let’s find out about these “inconveniences” that are preventing people from helping and fighting for the environment.

No Time

No Time“I just don’t have time for it!”

We’ve all said it before. When life gets busy, we start skipping a lot of things. When you are engrossed with crazy work schedules, for example, you don’t have enough time to work out or to clean the house; it becomes then easier for you to be okay to be out of breath after a flight of stairs and to accept living in filth. And, by the end of the day, “I don’t have time” will quickly shift to “It’s not a priority.” The same goes for sustainable living.

There are many who claim that they want to live sustainably but they are already too pushed for time. They feel like they don’t have time to devote to the environment when they are juggling between raising a family and work life. Thus, the “I’d love to help the environment but I just don’t have time” becomes “helping the environment isn’t a priority.”

Suddenly, the excuse of time becomes a strong argument about the environment not being a priority for many.

What I Have to Say About This:

Time is indeed our most precious resource, but no matter where you choose to spend your time, you can always try to make the most of it. Saying you don’t have time for a sustainable living when you are wasting late nights on Facebook is clearly a waste of your own time.

You don’t have to take hours or days out of your time to help the environment; you can just spend a few minutes increasing your environmentally-friendly knowledge or pick one green thing to do once a week and eventually that one thing can develop into a habit –which means you won’t even need to think about sparing it time when it’s something you are used to.

Environmentally Friendly Products Are Too Expensive

Environmentally Friendly Products Are Too ExpensiveGlobal warming is a threat to our environment and the only way to protect it is to build a green economy. But if you ask people if they are willing to live a more sustainable lifestyle, a great percentage would respond with a “no” and the number reason lies in the belief that green alternatives are very expensive.

Most eco-friendly products are indeed expensive as their manufacturing process requires a lot more care and attention. The raw materials needed to produce eco-friendly products, for example, can cost more than the materials needed to produce conventional products. Take organic cotton lines and clothing for instance. Conventional cotton is grown using high amounts of pesticides that allow farmers to grow the cotton in mass quantities and thus sell the by-products for less. However, the runoff of these chemicals affects our soil, water bodies and even the farmers who are harvesting the cotton. On the other hand, growing cotton using natural and “green” techniques could involve more labor, more costs and more time and thus the price would reflect the extra time and care needed to make the organic products.

In addition, eco-friendly products are often manufactured using fair trade principles or some other ethical standards. For instance, if the workers making the products are paid a fair wage or treated ethically, the cost of the green product would reflect that.

What I Have to Say About This:

There’s no denying that green alternatives may be way more expensive than conventional products. However, choosing sustainable products might help you save money in the long run. Conventional disposable razors, for example, may cost less than reusable safety razors, but are you willing to spend more than $ 350 on buying around 10 plastic razors than spending $ 90 on a good reusable safety razor?








Top 6 Tips To Live A More Sustainable Lifestyle

June 5th is World Environment Day, and it is important that this date is well marked on the calendar. It serves to remind you of the importance of life on our planet and to make you aware of the importance of contributing to the protection of the environment.

This awareness must start from childhood; that is to say, it must be instilled in the youngest at home from an early age the importance of taking care of the environment. That’s why taking advantage of the arrival of World Environment Day to share with you a list of 6 tips to protect and take care of our planet with the little ones at home.

1. Separate the waste


This action may already be built-in as usual, but if not, you should consider it and start recycling now. Teach your children the importance of separating waste by material and putting it in different garbage cans.

Space doesn’t matter, only desire! Hand out different containers so that you can separate all the items very well and teach your children what they should put in each garbage can. A tip that will encourage your kids to contribute to this action is to reward them with a little something every time they sort the waste well.

2. Playing at recycling

Not everything is garbage; sometimes, things can be put to good use, and create toys with waste. This way, you kill two birds with one stone: on the one hand, you reuse and give a second life to an object, and on the other hand, your children will have a new toy.

Reuse can be a lot of fun for your kids and can even help them develop their imagination. A milk carton can become a paint box; an egg cup can become a crocodile and even create its ukulele out of cardboard. Then we bring you a video with different proposals for toys made with recycled materials. Give a second life to things!

3. Save water


Saving water is one of the basic actions to contribute to the respect of the Environment, and it is one of the actions that you have to inculcate in your children. Turn off the tap while brushing your teeth, replace bathing with showering or flush the toilet using the water-saving option.

These small changes will benefit the planet and also allow you to reduce your water bill. It is important that you incorporate actions like these into your daily life at home because water is a very scarce commodity that we must protect.

4. Reduce plastic

Another mandatory recycling action is to reduce plastic, and you and your children can apply it daily. Avoid buying bottled water, use canteens instead, eliminate plastic straws, and don’t buy packaged juice. Are you tired of filling the plastic bucket every time you go shopping? Start by educating your kids during the shopping process as well: use cloth bags or reuse cardboard bags and buy from markets and bulk stores. You’ll reduce plastic, help local businesses, and benefit from the incredible food that markets and these types of stores will provide.

5. Buy in glass


At the time of purchase, there are endless improvements you can include in your daily life to help protect the environment and reduce waste at the same time. Among the packaged foods, teach your children to choose and buy those packaged in glass.

Glass decomposes faster and pollutes less than plastic; you can also give it a second life. For example, you and your children can renovate your pantry and, instead of plastic containers, store food in those glass containers that you were going to throw away.

6. Use public transportation

Educate your kids to use public transportation: this will not only save your whole family money, but you will also help reduce pollution. If you have the opportunity to walk to get around your city, take advantage of it! You’ll get a lot of exercise by walking. However, if you live in a big city, we encourage you to use public transportation.

Looking for help?


For all your bushfire risk assessment, environmental, weed, and vegetation management, call Land Management Systems now. Because we need to protect our planet’s lungs and because bushfires are the second cause of forest depletion, the number one being deforestation. Planting trees are a surefire way to protect our mother Earth’s lung and make them stronger.

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Pyrolysis, A Process For The Transformation Of Plastics Into Fuel

At the moment on earth, plastic has invaded almost every surface, whether on land or sea. In our daily life, we use this material quite often. And once we don’t know what to do with it, we throw it away. However, it is a material that takes years, even centuries, to degrade. It is, therefore, necessary to find ways to collect, treat and reuse this waste as soon as possible. Plastic pyrolysis is a method that scientists have found to reuse this material as fuel. So, without further ado, let’s dive into this blog and learn everything you need to know about pyrolysis.

A nanoporous material


Research is therefore focusing on optimizing the pyrolysis process to increase the amount of oil with a petroleum cut- that is, the composition of the hydrocarbon mixture according to the number of carbon atoms in the molecules close to that of diesel-type s. This allows for a one-step conversion of the plastic into fuel without having to subject the hydrocarbons to a further “cracking” step.

Researchers at California Polytechnic University have designed a new process based on a catalyst and a new reactor architecture. The catalyst used is a mixture of nickel and tungsten deposited on a zeolite substrate, a nanoporous material. The latter is a crystalline aluminosilicate (SiO2-al2O3) sieve with microscopic pores that increase the exchange surface to increase the efficiency of the process but also facilitate the dewaxing process. This property allows for obtaining cuts between C9 and C22 (between 9 and 22 carbon atoms), typical of common diesel.

How to learn about pyrolysis?

Certainly, there are people who have not yet heard of this method. In fact, it is not a new technique at all. However, its concept is developing. You should also know that pyrolysis is not only for plastics. It is the thermal decomposition of organic materials to obtain a carbonaceous solid, an oil, or a gas.

For plastics, distillation allows them to transform into fuel. In any case, this process is accessible to everyone. You need to have the necessary materials such as stainless steel tanks, copper tubing, copper wall passes, butane or propane gas, and of course, plastic waste. It is best to use polypropylene or polyethylene plastics. First, the plastics are crushed and then hermetically sealed in the first tank.

The last two tanks must be heated to condensate the gases at a high temperature. Then the plastics are heated to 450 degrees. This oxygen-free combustion will produce diesel, kerosene, gasoline, and gas (1 kilo of plastics yields 800 grams of fuel). After about an hour, turn off the system and let it cool down before opening the tanks. These fuels will be useful in many areas; for example, gasoline will be used for electricity. This is the basic idea of how waste should be managed.

What are the advantages of pyrolysis?


The process of distillation of plastics has many advantages for people and nature. From an environmental point of view, pyrolysis offers better control of the degradation of plastics, as they will not disappear for centuries. On the other hand, fuels from plastics also show secondary reactions. However, it does help to reduce the ever-increasing numbers of plastics. So there is a way to help get rid of these environmentally harmful materials. But the plastic will not cease to have an effect no matter what form it takes or what transformation it undergoes.

A pyrolysis is also a new form of recycling. With tons of plastic constantly covering the earth, recycling is one of the best ways to combat this. They can be reused in the home, for gardening, and many others. Yet only a handful of these plastics are recycled. Even if some plastics contain substances that are extremely dangerous to the environment, recycling is never a bad thing. It is necessary to know in any case that not all plastics are recyclable.

Pyrolysis allows for the transformation of these non-recyclable materials. Moreover, it is an energy recovery of plastic waste. In the past, the landfill was preferred because it was the simplest and cheapest. However, landfill is not a better solution because storage space and capacity are limited. Fortunately, pyrolysis avoids huge stocks of plastics. It not only gets rid of plastic waste but also gives it a new use in everyday life. This is generally called waste recovery or waste reclamation.

Sound off in the comments section below and tell us what you want to read next and if you want to read more about pyrolysis.