
Property Protection Measures Against Lightning

Despite the research, natural phenomena such as thunder and lightning are inevitable. Eternal companions of storms are the cause of many tragedies. Among the most relevant are crop field destruction, lightning strikes on livestock, electrical surges, fires, and loss of life. Contrary to popular belief, these natural disasters can strike cities as well as the countryside. In the immediate future, the first preventive measure is to stay at home in stormy weather. However, this reflex is not sufficient. For optimal safety, it is necessary to ensure interior and exterior protection of the habitat.

1. Ensure exterior protection


During a thunderstorm, heating the air to 30,000°C in a fraction of a second causes a very high intensity electrostatic discharge. This electrical discharge is called lightning. The thunder is the noisy sound emitted by this shock. It is a natural phenomenon that occurs between clouds, between a cloud and the ground, or in a thundercloud. Occasionally, lightning strikes occur when a lightning current passes through a tree, animal, or human body.

The installation of a lightning conductor is a preventive measure to protect against lightning. Indeed, it allows us to avoid the tragic effects of this phenomenon in the surroundings of a habitat. The design and manufacture of the lightning conductor aim at trapping lightning. It is composed of a rod generally placed on the roof, which is connected in a wire way to a device inserted in the ground. In practice, the lightning current is directly captured in height. Then, the ground connection allows the energy generated by the lightning to flow directly to the ground. In this way, the risk of external lightning strikes is eliminated. This process must be carried out by a company specializing in lightning protection.

2. Prevent damage to electrical equipment

The electrostatic discharge caused by lightning leads to high electrical surges. Therefore, electrical equipment must be protected to avoid deterioration. The lightning arrester is a solution to this problem. Its mission is to prevent the integration of surges in the electrical circuit. As soon as an electrical surge situation occurs, it evacuates it to the ground. Thus, only electrically stable voltages can be fed into the electrical circuit. This is how the surge protector prevents electrical appliances from being burned out.

To ensure its role, this device is installed on the electrical panel. Generally, it is placed between the main circuit breaker and the differential switches. During the installation, it is necessary to cut the electric current and confirm the lightning arrester’s wire connection towards the ground.

3. Apply the safety instructions in stormy weather


The first two safety measures stated above are to be carried out before the arrival of the storm. However, despite the relevance of these preventive measures, they are not sufficient for optimal safety against the misdeeds of lightning. Therefore, some basic behaviors are to be adopted in stormy weather. It is important to know that electrical installations and piping are conductors of lightning current. Therefore, it is vital to stay away from them during the storm. Given this fact, the actions related to the use of these conductive channels are also to be banned. Thus, washing dishes or taking a shower is not recommended. Electrical appliances should be disconnected.

For optimal safety, the use of electric current should be avoided. Wherever possible, it is recommended that the power supply be disconnected. At a minimum, appliances, television, game console, or electric water heater should not be turned on during stormy weather.

Sound off in the comments section below and tell us what you want to read next and if you want to read more about the weather.

Global Warming

How to Explain Global Warming to Children

There are indisputable facts, and there are embellished facts for children. Many adults don’t know how to talk about global warming with young children. When words are lacking, then the right gestures must be passed on because they often explain better than words.

After years of neglect and opulence, we are living in a world of transition where ecology is now taking an important place. Our children will be the first generation to suffer the consequences of our actions. As such, they need to know and understand what global warming is and what it does. Here is how to talk to them about the ecological emergency.

Don’t scare them, but make them understand the magnitude of things.

Are they aware of the current situation? How do they live it?

Fires are blazing all over the planet; drought is getting more intense every summer; storms are becoming more and more numerous; icebergs are melting in plain sight… Children see it and suffer from it too.

Talking about the end of the world or the extinction of the human race does not make sense. Indeed, to make a child panic will only frighten him and probably make him do nothing. On the contrary, explaining that there are simple steps to take is essential. The ones you already practice in your daily life, for example. Please explain why you sort your waste, why there is so much plastic in the ocean, why it is crucial to avoid single-use plastic, etc.

Books to help parents find the right words

Some parents think that children are too young to understand the importance of global warming. On the contrary, they will be the first to be concerned and must understand the situation’s stakes very early on.

Far from demonizing things, global warming is explained with accurate and straightforward words. Hearing about disasters all the time can also quickly worry children in the wrong way. Positive communication is the key. They respond better to a message, even if it is disturbing when explained with plenty of solutions.

How will you do this?

Global Warming

Tell a story. Ideally, this is the best way to capture their attention and help them put together the puzzle between real life and fiction. For example, you can start by explaining to children the importance of ecosystems. The fact that even though they are different, they work together to create a real balance.

Older kids tend to take it to the next level by directly asking the question, “What is global warming? “. To illustrate, tell them that the Earth is sick and has a fever. So is he when he is in the same situation. The planet has a temperature, so it is scorching; this is called global warming.

It’s a safe bet that the next question will be, “Why?” Again, the answer is to explain that it’s mostly our fault because our lives generate too many greenhouse gases. You won’t have to do a monologue. Children understand very well and often lead the questioning. You have to find stories and metaphors to picture things in their minds.

Reassure children, but make them aware that their behavior is important.

After painting a rather bleak picture of the situation, it’s time to explain that they have a role to play in remedying this and healing the planet.

They also must be reassured that adults and children worldwide are working together to improve things and protect the planet. There are things we can do on our own and things that need to be done on a more significant level.

Drawings to express their feelings

Many children express their thoughts and feelings through drawings. It is, therefore, essential to let them express themselves through this medium.

Remember to set a good example.

Children adore their parents and often take them as an example. In this sense, show them the model to become a superhero of the planet. Sort, compost, limit car trips, pick up paper from the ground, buy less plastic, etc.

UNESCO’s Declaration of Ethical Principles in Relation to Climate Change (Part 2)

UNESCO’s Declaration of Ethical Principles in Relation to Climate Change (Part 2)

Climate change, believe it or not, is a pressing issue, and in 2017, UNESCO addressed it by issuing the “Declaration of Ethical Principles in Relation to Climate Change.” So, let’s learn more about the declaration and the different principles established in this treaty.

Article 5: Sustainable Development

Article 5: Sustainable DevelopmentTo ensure that present and future generations are able to meet their needs, it is urgent that all States and pertinent actors:

(a)promote  the  implementation  of  the  United  Nations  2030  Agenda  for  Sustainable  Development  and  its  SDGs,  especially  by  adopting  sustainable  patterns  of  consumption,  production  and  waste  management;  by using resources efficiently; and by fostering climate resilience and low greenhouse gas emissions development;

(b)work  to  ensure  that  each  person  benefits  from  the  opportunities  of  development,  especially  those  who  are  vulnerable (see Article 10), and in this way, contribute to the eradication of poverty in all its forms and dimensions, including extreme poverty;

(c)tackle  the  adverse  effects  of  climate  change  in  areas  that  deserve  special  attention  due  to  their  humanitarian  implications  and  consequences,  including  but  not  limited  to:  food,  energy,  and  water  insecurity,  the  ocean,  desertification, land degradation, natural disasters, displaced populations, as well as the vulnerability of women, children, the elderly, and especially the poor.

Article 6: Solidarity

  1. Solidarity implies that human beings collectively and individually should assist people and groups that are most vulnerable to climate change and natural disasters, especially when catastrophic events occur.
  1. States and other pertinent actors, and those who have the capacity to address climate change should act and cooperate by taking into account:

(a)the  importance  of  protecting  and  enhancing  the  world  we  share  in  a  way  that  reflects  the  solidarity  and  interdependence  among  peoples  of  different  backgrounds,  and  the  interdependence  of  humankind  with  other  organisms, ecosystems, and the environment; 

(b)the well-being, livelihoods and survival of future generations which depend on our current use of resources and the resulting impacts thereof;

(c)the interconnectedness of the physical, ecological, and human systems of all countries, regions and communities across Earth.

  1. Knowledge related to the causes, modalities and impacts of climate change and responses to it should be shared equitably and in a timely manner in order to increase the adaptive and mitigating capacities of all, and to increase the resilience of people and ecosystems.
  1. Developed States and  other  States,  on  a  voluntary  basis,  as  well  as  relevant  actors  should  strive  to  strengthen  timely  cooperative action in the areas of technology development and transfer, support for the synthesis of relevant information and knowledge, capacity-building, and means and financial resources to developing countries, especially those that are most vulnerable to the adverse effects of climate change, particularly to least developed countries (LDCs) and small island developing States (SIDS).
  1. States, on a  voluntary  basis,  can  also  address  the  challenges  of  climate  change  through  South-South  and  triangular  cooperation.

Article 7: Scientific Knowledge and Integrity in Decision-Making

Article 7: Scientific Knowledge and Integrity in Decision-Making

  1. Decision-making based on science is critically important for meeting the mitigation and adaptation challenges of a rapidly changing climate. Decisions  should  be  based  on,  and  guided  by,  the  best  available  knowledge  from  the  natural  and  social  sciences, including interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary science, and by taking into account, as appropriate, local, traditional and indigenous knowledge. 
  1. In order to optimally aid in decision-making, science needs to meet the highest standards of research integrity by being impartial, rigorous, honest,  and  transparent,  and  should  give  adequate  estimates  of  uncertainty  in  order  to  provide  decision-makers with insight into, and understanding of, the underlying risks as well as opportunities, and guidance to their formulating long-term strategies.
  1. Scientific cooperation and  capacity  building  should  be  strengthened  in  developing  countries  in  order  to  develop  a  comprehensive understanding of climate change impacts as well as potential mitigation and adaptation actions.




Everything You Need To Know About Green Waste

Respect for environmental protection measures and the rules of easy waste management is at the origin of the categorization of our garbage. The most common ones are plastic or metal waste and recyclable or organic waste. Green waste is one of the organic wastes of vegetable origin. So, without further ado, let’s dive into this blog and learn some of the things everyone needs to know about green waste.

Where does it come from?


In general, green waste results from the pruning of plants during gardening and the maintenance of fruit trees or green spaces and parks carried out by households, private companies, or public authorities. These plant debris can also have a natural origin, such as the fall of dead leaves and stems. Therefore, it is made up of tree branches, dead leaves, grass, brush, and residues of plant and hedge pruning.

Why dispose of it?

Since vegetable waste is biodegradable, the inconvenience caused by its storage and the stench of its degradation causes a neighborhood disturbance. It is important to know that green waste is subject to certain regulations that must be respected:

    • The storage of green waste whose volume is lower than 5 cubic meters is authorized, provided that it does not pollute water or the street. Beyond this threshold, municipal authorization is required.
    • It is forbidden to throw them in the household garbage bins.
    • Burning of vegetable waste is prohibited for individuals.
    • The storage of bulky vegetal waste constitutes visual pollution. This aesthetic or visual damage done on a neighboring property is punishable by a fine
    • For safety reasons, pruning work must be carried out by a company equipped with the appropriate materials.

How to get rid of it?

Generally, the disposal of green waste is under the responsibility of the municipality. The transportation of the waste is also the responsibility of the municipality. In practice, municipal technical services deposit dumpsters in each neighborhood. Thus, households, companies, or public communities are required to deposit their green waste there. In addition, in the absence of dumpsters, some municipalities offer to transport non-hazardous waste to the waste disposal center. This easy access has only two conditions:

    • The cost of transporting the waste is at the expense of the depositor 
    • The depositor must bring proof of address issued by the commune in question.

What happens to vegetable waste?


It is taken to a dedicated area called the green waste area. Their destination varies according to the strategy of the commune concerned.

    1. Some of it is destined for recycling. For this purpose, green waste is sent directly to composting plants. There it is transformed into biogas, fuel, or fertilizer.
    2. Some municipalities enter into agreements with local farmers. This public-private partnership is called a co-composting agreement. The public authority deposits the sorted and shredded green waste on the partner’s farm through this partnership. This green waste is then processed and later used as fertilizer to promote agriculture.
    3. Wood and useful plant debris can also be purchased by companies specializing in the treatment and processing of wood. Properly dried, these wastes can be used later as firewood. Insofar as they are transformed, they will become recycled wood, ideal for the development of terraces and gardens, or will be used for modern carpentry activities.

Thanks to recycling, vegetable waste is transformed into essential elements of our daily life, such as firewood, fertilizer, garden furniture, and energy. The present facts only confirm the quote: “Nothing is lost, nothing is created, everything is transformed”.

Sound off in the comments section below, and tell us what you want to read next and if you want to read more about green waste.

Why and How to Save Energy?



    – What is energy saving?

    – Why save energy?

    – How to save energy?

    – Saving energy in the kitchen


Let’s protect our planet by saving energy! Protecting our environment requires saving energy, which is neither abundant nor free. Let’s use it wisely! 

What is energy saving?

Energy saving aims at reducing our energy consumption. It has become crucial and unavoidable to know that our material resources, such as fossil fuels, are running out.

There are different types of energy:

    – traditional energies: natural gas, LPG (Liquid Petroleum Gas), fuel oil, coal;

    – renewable energies, which are:

        ◦ solar: solar energy is transformed into electricity and allows to produce its electricity ;

        ◦ the wind: it is the force of the wind that aims to operate wind generators to produce electricity ;

        ◦ the geothermal energy which corresponds to the terrestrial heat so that it will produce heat ;

        ◦ biomass which is related to organic waste, wood, and forest residues ;

        ◦ wood is used for heating, cooking, or producing electricity ;

        ◦ hydraulics: the driving force of water is transformed into electricity.

Why save energy?

Currently, we are facing global warming, which is mainly due to greenhouse gas emissions.

Nowadays, the population consumes a lot of energy, and energy cost is increasing considerably and continuously.

It is therefore essential to act to protect our environment to avoid numerous climatic upheavals, namely to work on the:

    – domestic energy ;

    – automotive fuels by using:

        ◦ other environmentally friendly transportation devices (biking, walking, public transit);

        ◦ carpooling;

        ◦ eco-driving;

        ◦ electric vehicles or even hybrid cars.

How do you save energy?

There are different ways to save energy, namely:

    – change your behavior by limiting your energy consumption ;

    – take advantage of renewable energies, which allow saving energy while taking into account the ecology and the environment;

    – improve energy efficiency to save money;

    – prioritize savings in one’s home by:

        ◦ opting for an energy-saving home;

        ◦ carrying out energy-saving work;

        ◦ equipping his house differently, such as saving electrical energy ;

        ◦ saving water (recovering rainwater or opting for water reducers) ;

    – consuming differently, i.e., by choosing:

        ◦ buying ecologically (short circuit, knowing how to decipher the logos on the packaging) ;

        ◦ recycling;

        ◦ to make compost;

        ◦ etc.

Saving energy in the kitchen

So how do you save energy in your kitchen? It is not easy to arrange a kitchen and know how to lower its energy consumption since it includes many utensils and appliances powered by electricity.

Here are some tips.

1. Saving energy by designing your kitchen

The first thing to do is to pay attention to the consumption of the appliances you buy. These appliances account for 40% of a household’s overall energy consumption. Here are some tips for a more economical installation:

    – Choose energy-efficient appliances: even if they are more expensive, you will save energy and money.

    – Do not install cooling appliances near a heat source (oven, hotplates, radiator, etc.), as this will lead to over-consumption.

    – Choose a dishwasher rather than washing dishes by hand, which will cost you 5 times more water and energy.

    – For cooking plates, choose ceramic or induction plates, which consume less energy than traditional electric plates.

    – Mini ovens with heating elements consume less energy than traditional ovens because they are smaller and preheat for less time.

    – The various gadgets that replace mechanical utensils (electric corkscrew and pepper mill, mini-vacuum cleaner, etc.) also contribute to over-consumption and are sometimes less efficient.

    – The little extra: you can install energy-saving light bulbs (low consumption) and automatic infrared faucets (from $40).

2. Reduce your energy consumption daily

After the installation of your kitchen, it is still possible to make savings through simple daily gestures:

    – Remember to defrost your refrigerator and freezer regularly because, from 3 mm of frost, there can be over-consumption of 3%. If they produce frost too frequently, they are starting to wear out, so you should consider changing them.

    – The grill behind the refrigerator can become clogged with dust, grease, etc. It will help if you clean it once a year to avoid poor heat evacuation, leading to over-consumption.

    – For washing dishes, fill your dishwasher to the maximum so that it does not run half empty; otherwise, it will lose its economic advantage.

    – To cook food, use utensils adapted to the diameter of your plates, and remember to put a lid on your boiling pan.

    – Reheating food in the microwave is also more economical, but don’t overuse it.

    – Do not open the oven door while it is on.

So, that’s it. Hope this post will help you be more conscious about saving energy. Remember to share your thoughts in the comments below.

How Are Clothes Recycled

How Are Clothes Recycled


One-quarter of the textiles we consume end up in recycling. Clothing recycling belongs to a specific recycling channel, like car recycling, oil recycling, packaging recycling, and pallet recovery. We consume 17 kg of textiles (clothing, household linen) per year: in the end, ¼ ends up in recycling. Rather than letting old clothes rot at the bottom of your closet, giving them a second life is simple. The recycling of clothes allows:

   – to help people in need,

   – to save space at home,

   – to reduce the cost of raw materials,

   – to offer sustainable and stable jobs.

Please note: throwing textiles in the garbage does not encourage recycling.

2 collection options: the recuperator or associations

The donation of used clothing is simple and accessible to all:

   – clothing and textile professionals give their garbage to recyclers who recycle the manufacturing waste,

   – Charitable associations collect old textiles from individuals or communities for refurbishment or recycling.

To donate your used clothes, you have to:

   – put them in a closed bag and deposit them in a container made available for that purpose,

   – give them away at collections: in stores or during special street pick-ups (announced by flyer in your mailbox)

Please note that clothing collection and sorting allow integration companies to offer subsidized employment.

Collection by container

How Are Clothes Recycled

A container for all types of textiles, shoes, and toys

Most companies specializing in clothing recycling accept all kinds of fabrics in these containers:

   – clothing,

   – household linen,

   – shoes

   – leather goods (handbags and belts),

   – toys.

Some associations refurbish oilskins, shoes, small leather goods, toys, etc…

Dropping off clothes in a container

To deposit clothes, you must observe certain rules:

   – Fill bags of 50 liters maximum (to fit in the container),

   – close the bags properly or avoid soiling the contents,

   – make sure to give clean and dry clothes (soiled, wet or moldy clothes cannot be recycled)

   – tie pairs of shoes together with their laces,

   – sort the different types of textiles into several bags (leather goods, shoes, clothing),

   – Do not put bags on the ground.

If the container is overloaded, you can call the number on the terminal so that the Relais agents can come and empty it.

Recycling of clothes: thrift shop, wiping, fraying

Once the textiles have been collected, they are sorted by small hands. The textiles then take different paths:

   – 50% of the clothes arrive in good condition, are repaired, join the thrift store, and then are:

     ◦ resold to the general public,

     ◦ given to the needy,

     ◦ sent to developing countries.

   – 20% of clothing is importable (end-of-life linens, for example):

     ◦ stripped of their accessories: buttons, eyelets …,

     ◦ cut up and made into rags,

     ◦ used for industrial wiping (cleaning, printing, and garages).

   – 8% of the waste (wool, cotton) is destined for fraying:

     ◦ frayed by color,

     ◦ processed into new fibers,

     ◦ packaged in the form of “bales”,

     ◦ resold to textile manufacturers.

If none of these solutions is exploitable, the textiles will be used to manufacture felt boards or insulation materials for the automotive industry.

Read more on recycling:


Hope you like this post. Remember to share your thoughts in the comments below.


What Incentives Are Available For Installing Solar Panels?

Although beneficial, installing hybrid solar panels is an investment that requires high expenses. Fortunately, the State supports your initiative by providing you with very interesting financial incentives and assistance. Thus, they will allow you to carry out your energy project to benefit from the privileged advantages of solar energy. However, the universe of these aids is not easy to understand, especially for a novice. So, without further ado, let’s dive into this blog and learn some of the things you need to know about solar panels.

The premium for photovoltaic self-consumption


Photovoltaic self-consumption is the fact of producing and consuming yourself electricity from solar energy. Therefore, it is necessary to install panels on the roof. This method allows the exploitation of a green, non-polluting, and especially abundant energy.

Naturally, this type of installation can benefit from a premium. This is spread over five years in order to amortize your investment. Moreover, its amount is degressive and fluctuates according to the power of the ecological installation. It is estimated as follows:

    • 390$/kWp when the power is below 3 kWp
    • 290$/kWp when the power is between 3 and 9 kWp
    • 190$/kWp when the power is between 9 and 36 kWp
    • 90$/kWp when it is between 36 and 100 kWp.

Indeed, this type of work requires the intervention of a solar specialist. This professional will make sure that the equipment is in conformity and working properly. This is a criterion that improves your chances of obtaining this aid.

Solar renovation premium

The financial aid is open to owners and lessors, regardless of their income. It is a faster and more accessible aid to households. It covers all work done for the energy renovation of housing. Indeed, several operations can be subsidized by this premium. In addition to the installation of solar panels, there is also the installation of heating and water supply equipment using solar thermal energy.

This diversity makes the offer even more advantageous. The amount of the energy transition premium is set according to the level of household income. These are classified into very low-income households, low-income households, and intermediate households. The lower the household income, the higher the premium.

Incentive (energy saving certificates)

The objective of this bonus is to encourage companies, condominiums, or individuals to improve the energy performance of their buildings. If their projects abound in this direction, they can benefit from a financial boost, isn’t it? To this end, there are several grants for solar panels for residential use.

This is the case, for example, for individual solar water heaters or energy systems with photovoltaic and thermal water circulation panels. How is the amount of this bonus determined? It all depends on the energy savings generated by your project or new installation, measured precisely. The climatic zone of your residence is also taken into account.

The reduction of the vat


In practice, installing photovoltaic panels can reduce the VAT rate applied to you. This bonus is quite useful, but it requires meeting certain specific criteria. For example:

    • Your home must have been completed for at least two years;
    • All the work must be carried out by a service provider to whom you will have given a certificate of compliance with the conditions for the application of the reduced rate of VAT.

Once these conditions are met, you can benefit from the reduced VAT rate. Thus, solar installations below 3 kWp are subject to a rate of 10%. In contrast, installations above this power are taxed at a rate of 20%.

Sound off in the comments section below, and tell us what you want to read next and if you want to read more about solar panels.


Infallible Means To Avoid The Risks Of Landslides

When looking for a building plot, prospective owners often prefer flat land. However, sloping land is usually less expensive. If you are concerned about the risk of landslides and rockslides, retaining walls are the solution. What is this? What are the advantages of doing this type of work? What are the types of retaining walls? So, without further ado, let’s dive into this blog and learn some of the things everyone needs to know about landslides.

How to protect your home from landslides


Although landslides usually occur without warning, understanding this natural hazard and following some specific rules can help protect your family and your home.

    • Learn about the geology of your area and the possibility of landslides.
    • Avoid activities that increase instability. For example, don’t dig into a steep hillside, build near the top or toe of a steep slope, use fill on steep slopes, drain a pool on a steep slope, or increase the rate of water flow.
    • Learn to identify potential hazards in your area. Examples include: cracks or bulges in a slope, unusual water flow on a slope, and small rocks or sediment falling.
    • Know who to report these hazards to (e.g., the municipal emergency response team and municipal engineers)

What is the purpose of a retaining wall?

A retaining wall supports, contains, and resists the strong pressure of the ground. Typically seen on riverbanks and public roads, this solid block is used to hold back soil and sand that may slip away. It strengthens the foundation of a house, building, or church built on high ground. However, a retaining wall can also be used in the garden of a private individual where the area has an irregular relief.

In addition to preventing the earth from shifting with erosion, the retaining wall provides a usable area for the garden. As it allows rainwater to drain away, it facilitates the garden and lawn maintenance. Similarly, impassable slopes can become a quiet place to sit and talk. A well-made wall also enhances the landscape and increases the value of a property.

What are the different types of retaining walls?

There are three main categories of retaining walls:

    • Self-standing walls: This retaining wall is built in a reverse T-shape built with reinforced concrete and cinder block. The construction is quite solid, as part of the wall is buried under an embankment. Although this type of work is complex to carry out, it is inexpensive.
    • Weighted walls: the installation of a wall made with gabions is the best way to avoid landslides. Since an iron cage is used, it is easy to implement. The stone wall is also a weight retaining wall that serves as a decoration in a garden. Always stable even in the presence of abundant water, it adds charm to a landscape, especially when it does not exceed one meter in height.
    • Riprap walls: to build it, calibrated rocks and natural rocks are placed on top of each other to create an angle.

Concerned about the beauty of your landscaping, a professional can ensure the construction of dry stone walls and vegetated walls or statues.

How to build a retaining wall?


Given the importance and usefulness of this wall, its construction must be entrusted to a professional in retaining works. The durability of the retaining wall depends entirely on the quality of the work. Before launching the construction site, a soil study is even essential because it is impossible to build it on the ground made of clay, peat, and mud.

Difficult to build, a retaining wall requires extreme loads and great care. Thus, the mason must prepare the ground by delimiting the location of the walls, digging a trench, leveling the ground, and compacting the soil. He then proceeds to lay the foundation composed of solid, stable, and well-connected cinder blocks. Finally, the team responsible for the support work ensures the construction of the wall itself. It should be noted that when the terrain is too unstable, earthworks and excavation are necessary to level the ground.

Sound off in the comments section below, and tell us what you want to read next and if you want to read more about landslides.


Ecological House: The Essential Equipment

If you want to participate in the protection of the environment, opt for an ecological house. To do this, you can renovate your old house or build a new one with the appropriate materials and equipment. So, without further ado, let’s dive into this blog and learn some of the things that can help you choose them.

Natural materials

The roof



Start by choosing a natural wood roof. With this material, the frame can be erected in the shortest possible time while keeping the site clean. You can add brick, stone or wood panels for more aestheticism.

For the roof, use shingles, as they offer the advantage of being both light and resistant. You can also opt for terracotta tiles without dyes, which can last for over 150 years. You can choose between a cone-shaped, flat, or mechanical tile, depending on your taste. It is also possible to install concrete tiles by choosing flat shapes with a roof pitch of 45°.

The walls

Three options are available for having an ecological wall:

  • Brick walls: bricks are noble and are very resistant to fire ;
  • Terracotta walls: they blend in perfectly with the wooden equipment to harmonize your interior decoration;
  • Wooden walls: in addition to their durability, these walls have a good natural hygrometric regulator. Favour labelled models to limit the importation of exotic woods. Don’t hesitate to call a renovation specialist if you want to change the type of wall.

An ecological heating system

By choosing an ecological heating system, you can save more energy and optimize your comfort. It also contributes favourably to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. To benefit from renewable energy by using a boiler, opt for the following:

    • A low-temperature boiler 
    • A condensing gas boiler
    • A micro-generation gas boiler
    • A wood pellet boiler.

As for the heat pump, choose:

    • An air-to-water heat pump
    • An air-to-air heat pump
    • A geothermal heat pump.

You can also use stoves by choosing :

    • Wood pellet stoves 
    • Log stoves
    • Mass heating stoves.


A natural insulator is the most effective in enjoying thermal and acoustic comfort.


Cork comes from the cork oak tree and is available in the form of loose sheets or granules. Its quality lies in its resistance to humidity and its rot-proof character. It is often used to fit out uninhabitable attics. You can also install it on floors or walls.

Wood fibre


Wood fibre insulation is suitable for floors, walls, partitions and roofs. It is available in rigid, semi-rigid and bulk panels.

Hemp wool

Hemp is renowned for its rot-proof, anti-fungal and thermo-regulating properties. This insulation is suitable for walls, attics, roofs and partitions.

Flax fibres

The fibres to be used must be short for them to become insulating. They are resistant to insects, rodents and moulds thanks to the presence of boron salt. Attics, roofs and walls can accommodate them well.

Sheep’s wool

Sheep’s wool is the ideal insulator to avoid hearing airborne noise. Available in panels, rolls and felt, it is intended for roofs and attics that are not habitable. To have better resistance, it is better to treat it with boron salt.

Duck feathers

Duck feathers are reserved for lost attics, walls, ceilings and floating floors. They exist in rolls and panels.

Cellulose wadding



Cellulose wadding insulation is intended for lost attics, partitions, floors and false ceilings. It prevents the creation of thermal bridges thanks to its lightness.

However, some of these insulations are not suitable for houses under construction. Call an eco-builder to get the right one if this is the case.

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UNESCO’s Declaration of Ethical Principles in Relation to Climate Change

UNESCO’s Declaration of Ethical Principles in Relation to Climate Change

Denial is a common human behavior trait. This is why some people today still refuse to believe that polar bears are dying from receding ice or that hurricanes are increasing; some even think that climate change doesn’t even exist. However, I find it hard to believe that there are people who refuse to acknowledge something as real as climate change.

Believe it or not, climate change is a pressing issue and in 2017, UNESCO addressed this problem by coming up with the “Declaration of Ethical Principles in relation to Climate Change.

Declaration of Ethical Principles in Relation to Climate Change

Declaration of Ethical Principles in Relation to Climate ChangeBelow you will find all the principles brought forward in the meeting

Article 1: Aim and Scope

  1. This Declaration proclaims and elaborates ethical principles of decision-making, policy formulation, and other actions related to climate change.
  2. This Declaration recommends that States consider these ethical principles in all decisions and actions related to climate change that are taken internationally, regionally, nationally, sub-nationally and locally, as appropriate.
  3. This Declaration also calls upon individuals, groups, local and territorial authorities, scientific and other communities, including indigenous communities, as well as international organizations, the United Nations system, institutions and corporations, public and private at all levels and in all sectors to consider these ethical principles, as appropriate, in the decisions and actions that they take in response to climate change.

Article 2: Prevention of Harm

Considering that climate change not only erodes the sustainability of Earth’s ecosystems and the services they provide, but also threatens the future well-being of people and their livelihoods, local communities, and individuals through harmful and negative consequences, some of which are potentially irreversible, States and all actors should take appropriate measures within their powers to:

  • Formulate and implement policies and actions to mitigate and adapt to climate change, including through fostering climate resilience and low greenhouse gas emissions development, in a manner that does not threaten food production;
  • Anticipate, avoid or minimize harm, wherever it might emerge, from climate change, as well as from climate mitigation and adaptation policies and actions;
  • Seek and promote transnational cooperation before deploying new technologies that may have negative transnational impacts.

Article 3: Precautionary Approach

Where there are threats of serious or irreversible harm, a lack of full scientific certainty should not be used as a reason for postponing cost-effective measures to anticipate, prevent or minimize the causes of climate change and mitigate its adverse effects.

Article 4: Equity and Justice

  1. Justice in relation to climate change requires fair treatment and meaningful involvement of all people. In addressing climate change, relevant actors at all levels should work together in a spirit of justice, global partnership, inclusion, and in particular in solidarity with the poorest and most vulnerable people. Global engagement that mobilizes governments, international organizations, including the United Nations system, private sector, civil society, and other relevant actors may be beneficial.
  2. It is important for all to take measures to safeguard and protect Earth’s terrestrial and marine ecosystems, for present and future generations. The interaction of people and ecosystems is particularly important given the high dependence of one upon the other.
  3. In this context, measures should take into account the contribution of women in decision-making since women are disproportionately affected by climate change while at the same time tending to have lower access to resources and yet play a vital role in achieving inclusive sustainable development. These measures should also take into account the needs of those at greatest risk, particularly the poorest and the most vulnerable.
  4. States and other pertinent actors should facilitate and encourage public awareness, and participation in decision-making and actions by making access to information and knowledge on climate change, and on responses that have been made to it, as well as on the means of how to implement mitigation and adaptation actions, widely available in a timely manner taking into account the differentiated needs and access to resources of the most vulnerable.
  5. In response to the adverse effects of climate change, and to climate change mitigation and adaptation policies and actions at the national level, effective access to judicial and administrative proceedings, including redress and remedy, should be provided as stipulated in the 1992 Rio Declaration and according to national laws.