
Top 10 Simple Actions To Limit Your Daily Energy Consumption

The energy consumption of heating contributes to the greenhouse effect and the depletion of fossil energy resources. By reducing your heating consumption through the daily practice of small, simple, and easy-to-implement actions, you will be able to make significant energy savings. For example, lowering the temperature in your home by 1 degree can reduce your heating consumption by 7%. So, without further ado, let’s dive into this blog and learn to reduce your energy consumption.

1. Choose The Right Temperature


According to the building code, the temperature should be 19°C in the living areas and 16 to 17°C in the bedrooms.

2. Heat Only When Necessary

Turn down the heat at night and during the day if you spend it outside. Do not heat permanently the places that are used only for short periods: bathroom, toilets. If you are going to be away for several days, switch to frost-free mode.

3. Air Your Home Properly

Air the rooms, even in winter, for about 10 minutes a day, obviously reducing the heating to a minimum. This action allows the air to be renewed and the water vapor produced by cooking, breathing, etc., to be evacuated. This is a useful precaution because humid air requires more energy to be heated than dry air, resulting in higher consumption.

4. Track Down Drafts

Place seals if windows are drafty. Put plastic film on single-glazed windows until you invest in high-performance double-glazing. Close the fireplace vent when not in use, as it is a cold air inlet.

5. Prevent Heat From Escaping


Turn down the temperature in unoccupied rooms and close their doors so as not to cool the heated space. In addition, don’t hesitate to insulate certain spaces, such as stairways or hallways, with curtains to prevent heat from escaping to rooms that don’t need heating. Install thick curtains on all windows in heated rooms so that they can be closed at night. Also, remember to close the shutters.

6. Let The Sun’s Heat In

During the day, open curtains and shutters to let the sun’s heat in and take advantage of this free contribution.

7. Keep Your Radiators Working Properly

Remember to dust your radiators. Put a reflective plate behind the radiator if the wall is cold and, therefore, poorly insulated.

8. Have Your Boiler Serviced

Have your boiler serviced yearly by a professional to avoid the risk of breakdowns, carbon monoxide poisoning, and over-consumption. The maintenance visit is an annual obligation for appliances with a power of between 4 and 400 kW (i.e., wood, coal, gas, and oil boilers): a revision at the expense of the occupant for an individual installation and the syndic for a collective installation. Don’t forget to have your chimney swept once a year by professional chimney sweepers: this is also mandatory!

9. Equip Yourself With A Room Thermostat

Installed in a reference room (often the living room), it is used to control the heat production system in the whole house. According to the French Agency for the Environment and Energy Management (Ademe), such a system can save an average of 10% energy. The room thermostat is connected to the boiler by an electric wire or radio link. You can also opt for a programmable room thermostat with an integrated clock that you set according to your daily needs.

More expensive, such a system allows up to 20% energy savings, according to Ademe estimates. The room thermostat is only possible with radiant floor heating systems. However, you should know that there are convectors with integrated electric thermostats. As for the most recent connected thermostats, although very practical, they do not keep their promises in terms of energy savings.

10. Install Thermostatic Valves


They are used in addition to a room thermostat and are installed on each radiator. They allow you to modulate the heating according to the use of each room, which can result in 5 to 10% less energy consumption. Please note that these valves do not control the boiler and should not be installed in the same room as the room thermostat (if there is one) to prevent them from conflicting. This system effectively achieves the recommended and desired temperatures: 16°C to 17°C in a bedroom and 19°C in the living room.

Sound off in the comments section below, and tell us what you want to read next and if you want to read more about reducing your energy consumption.


What You Need To Know About Thermodynamic Storage Tanks

Heaters are at the heart of heating in the home. However, it is a good idea to adopt a water heater that can filter the calories present in the water. The thermodynamic balloon then reinforces the energy savings. Want to know more about this thermodynamic water heater? In this article, you will find a guide dedicated to thermodynamic water heaters.

Thermodynamic tanks: What are they?


A thermodynamic tank, also known as a thermodynamic water heater, is a combination of a domestic hot water production tank with a heat pump. The role of this heat pump is to capture calories from the atmosphere and transmit them in the form of heat to the hot water tank. In this way, the tank heats the water in it.

In short, the air in the room where the tank is installed is used to heat a refrigerant. The temperature is then raised in the tank via a compressor, and the heat produced is finally transferred to the water in the tank. Find a professional in the field who can give you more guidance on the subject.

What happens if the outside temperature is too low? No problem! An electric resistance can be used to provide additional heating if necessary, for example, during periods of extreme cold or for essential domestic hot water (DHW) requirements.

Thermodynamic balloon: how does it work?

The thermodynamic tank must capture outside air to function properly. The 3 types of air captured by the heat pump differ from each other.

1. Ambient air

The heat pump and the hot water tank are incorporated into the same body. Therefore, the heat pump captures the heat in the room around the device. It is, therefore, important to choose the right heating system for your home.

2. The outside air

The heat pump and the cylinder are different. The heat pump is placed outside the house. This is the necessary solution if the interior room is smaller. It helps to save energy in the house.

3. Extracted air from the house

This is the combination of the heat pump and the storage tank. A system of ducts then recovers the heat from the air leaving the controlled mechanical ventilation system (VMC).

The heating medium of this type of tank is very advantageous. Its advantage lies precisely in its use of air as energy to create heat and hot water.

A thermodynamic tank is, therefore, an ecological and economical choice, as air is a renewable and free energy. The tank releases 3 kWh of heat to produce hot water from 1 kWh of electricity used. As a result, your hot water bill is three times lower. Isn’t that very interesting?

Where to install your thermodynamic tank?

In order for the tank to work efficiently, you can install it in the following locations:

  • A room of at least 20 cubic metres for an ambient air heat pump
  • Outside the building for an outdoor heat pump
  • Or a living room such as the kitchen for an extracted-air tank.

Once installed and functioning, it is necessary to know how to maintain it. Its regular maintenance also allows it to function over a long period of time.

Thermodynamic tank: how to take care of it?


The maintenance of a thermodynamic balloon requires a particular maintenance such as:

  • Cleaning the ventilation grids and filters
  • Maintenance of the thermodynamic unit

It is nevertheless advisable to call on a heat pump professional to clean your thermodynamic tank. The specialist in heating solutions and professionals must be RGE certified in order to better help you install your thermodynamic tank. So don’t hesitate to tell them about your project. You will not be disappointed!

Sound off in the comments section below, and tell us what you want to read next and if you want to read more about thermodynamic tanks.

Tips for a More Sustainable Home

From the moment we design a home to the moment we hand over the keys to your new home, most of us are now committed to ensuring that the construction and operation of its developments are sustainable. And that, in the future, the impact on the environment continues to be minimal.

But, if we live in sustainable homes, let’s take this philosophy a step further. To do this, we propose these ten sustainable ideas for the home.

Consume with Awareness: The Circular Economy

When you consume, ask yourself the following questions:

– Do I really need it? If the answer is no, don’t buy it. This is the best way to save money at home.

– Where does the product come from? Costs such as refrigeration and packaging not only have a negative effect on the environment, but also increase the price. Buy local.

– Do I buy from ethically responsible companies? Let’s also try to contribute indirectly to sustainable development.

Give a Second Chance: Recycle

Make sure you buy products that can be reused or recycled and, of course, take care to do so afterwards so that your commitment to environmental sustainability is complete.

Things can have multiple lives, even for new sustainable buildings, we already have recycled building materials that are increasingly versatile.

Eat Healthy: Think Green

One of the most effective ways to reduce our ecological footprint is to incorporate more vegetables into our diets, and ideally we should grow our own garden for self-consumption. But every little bit helps, perhaps a few herbs, a few tomato plants, and also flowers that are not only decorative, but also attract pollinators like bees. Preserving the endemic species of our flora is also essential.

Artificial is Not in Fashion: Say Goodbye to Plastics

About three hundred million tons of plastic are produced each year, of which less than 10% is recycled. The rest ends up in landfills, abandoned in nature or sailing in our rivers and seas.

Switch to other more versatile or biodegradable materials, buy products in bulk, use reusable bags, plan for sustainable decoration in your home, etc.

Home Office: Forget the Paper

More and more of us work from home, and the home and office are more integrated. But wherever we work, let’s try to eliminate all paper correspondence and mark our mailboxes as not accepting advertising brochures.

Let’s get used to digital information management and, if it is absolutely necessary to use paper, let’s recycle, recycle, recycle.

Measuring and Controlling: Reducing Electricity Costs

Air conditioning and hot water systems tend to have the greatest impact on electricity consumption. Aerothermal systems are a solution of great comfort and low consumption.

But if your home is not built to sustainable parameters, the first thing to do is to measure its energy efficiency.

To reduce the cost of electricity, the use of natural light is effective, both for lighting and for regulating the temperature of the house. If artificial lights must be used, always with low consumption.

A good option is also to take advantage of sunlight by installing photovoltaic panels that capture the radiation of solar energy, a 100% renewable energy, and convert it into electrical energy.

Trust home automation. It can help you program your home’s electricity consumption according to real needs, to avoid excessive expenses.

Appliances: Choosing Correctly

When it comes to household appliances, there are two aspects to consider: their energy efficiency and their lifespan. On the one hand, it is important to know which are the most efficient appliances that will allow us to save on electricity consumption in our home. On the other hand, we also need to think about the amount of hazardous waste that is generated every time we dispose of an appliance.

And don’t forget that if you finally have to get rid of an appliance, you have to take it to a collection point or to a cleaning point.

So what are your thoughts on those tips? Let us know in the comments below.


3 Emerging Green Practices We Can Expect In The New Year

Despite the fact that 2020 saw a drop of over 8% in global carbon emissions — the sharpest drop in recorded history — the year was full of setbacks for the world’s sustainability and climate goals. On the plus side, several movements towards a cleaner, greener tomorrow are also accelerating rapidly.

Here are the top three trends that are shaping a more sustainable future for our planet.

1. Renewables And Nuclear Hold Promise For Net Zero Energy

An infographic based on the latest Climate Watch data highlights that energy usage contributes to 73.2% of global greenhouse gas emissions. This is far and away the highest contributor, with the second-highest being agriculture, at 18.4%. So, it comes as no surprise that energy generation has seen the highest levels of interest and progress. In fact, in the past year, we have seen record growth in renewable energy sources such as solar and wind, which grew at 23% and 12%, respectively.

Last year, even while all other energy consumption declined, renewable energy consumption increased by 3%, according to International Energy Agency (IEA) statistics. In fact, electricity generated from renewable sources grew 7%, and the contribution of renewable sources to the global grid rose to its highest ever share of 29%.


Another technology with rapidly mounting interest is “green hydrogen” — hydrogen fuel that is synthesized with energy from low-carbon sources such as wind and solar. The cost of green hydrogen has been steadily decreasing in recent years.

Meanwhile, nuclear power is on the rise again after a decade-long plateau in growth. China and Russia are driving the highest growth in nuclear energy generation, at 5% and 3%, respectively. Between 2020 and the end of 2021, up to 17 new nuclear reactors were slated to go online globally.

While nuclear sources currently generate only 10.3% of the world’s energy, these increases will boost nuclear’s output in developing economies to over 30%. With nuclear and renewable sources combined, low-carbon energy generation exceeds the output from coal plants for the first time ever, saving more than 2,000 million tons of carbon emissions per year.

2. EVs Lead Clean Transportation Efforts

Before the pandemic, transportation accounted for 16.2% of greenhouse gas emissions, with road transport responsible for 73.4% of those emissions. The electric vehicle (EV) is leading the charge in the quest to decarbonize transportation.

Even though global mobility was subjected to huge shocks in 2020, EVs still registered a staggering 43% growth over the previous year. This puts the number of electric vehicles roaming the world’s roads at over 10 million.

This puts into context why 18 out of the world’s 20 largest automotive manufacturers — that account for nearly 90% of global car sales — have switched or pledged to switch, either completely or significantly, to manufacturing EVs in the coming years. Volvo has announced that it will sell only electric cars by 2030, while GM has pledged to switch to a zero-carbon portfolio by 2035.

Others with aggressive electrification plans include Ford, Volkswagen, and Stellantis – the giant joint-venture between Fiat Chrysler and Peugeot. Mounting pressure from government policies to decrease carbon emissions is also an important contributor to the EV revolution.

But consumer concerns related to the limited range of EVs and the slow rate of charging (compared to filling up an internal combustion vehicle) are limiting adoption. Manufacturers are trying to address these through innovations like the solid-state battery, which promises charging times of just 10 minutes to get up to a full battery, and a range of over 300 miles on a single charge. Toyota has even announced plans to debut EVs with solid-state batteries by 2023.

Another significant innovation is the “structural battery”. Such a battery doubles as a structural part of the vehicle, thereby saving weight and promising dramatic gains in the EV range. Tesla announced that it would be using structural batteries in its new cars, reducing weight by 10% and increasing range by 14%.

3. CCUS Promises To Bridge The Carbon Gap

Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage (CCUS) refers to a set of technologies that capture carbon dioxide from industrial or other emissions, and either upcycle it by using it for other processes, or store it in geological formations to prevent it from getting into the atmosphere.

CCUS is not a new concept but has seen a surge of interest in the last four years. The number of new CCUS projects underway has more than doubled from 20 to 44, representing over $27 billion in investments. Data show that CCUS can capture more than 90% of the carbon dioxide from industrial emissions, which translates to dramatic benefits for sustainability.

For example, at a single typical coal power plant, CCUS technology can prevent more than 800,000 tons of carbon dioxide from entering the atmosphere every year. Innovation in the area of utilization of captured carbon holds the potential to transform CCUS into an economically viable and sustainable process.


The world’s first fully commercial CCUS facility was recently completed in India. At the plant, carbon captured from a coal-fired boiler operated by a fertilizer company is being used to synthesize soda ash – a compound used for a variety of industrial processes, ranging from the manufacture of glass to dyes and food additives.

A promising application for carbon utilization is in the area of building materials, where concrete blocks can be made lighter and stronger thanks to carbon sequestration. CarbonCure is a startup applying this technology by injecting captured carbon dioxide into concrete, making it stronger and also allowing the use of less cement for a given structure.


One of the silver linings of the pandemic is that environmental awareness amongst consumers, companies, and governments worldwide, seems to have heightened in its wake. A survey of over 14,000 people worldwide found that 93% report increased concerns related to sustainability and climate change, post-COVID.

Searches related to sustainable products — from clothing to food, automobiles, and even buildings — have gone up 71% in 2021. This rising tide of interest in sustainable lifestyles has been accompanied by an explosion of activity and innovation, with energy, mobility, construction, finance, packaging, and carbon capture being the biggest shifts towards a healthier planet.


Top 5 Things To Know Before Buying Solar Panels

Even today, it is worthwhile to have solar panels installed. This green energy source allows consumers to become energy independent and costs a little less each year to purchase. So the investment is well worth it! Find out our tips for increasing the yield and making the best use of your solar panels. So, without further ado, let’s dive into this blog and learn some of the things you need to know before buying solar panels.

1. Check your roof before installing solar panels


Before anything else, it is crucial to thoroughly examine your roof. Have a professional builder inspect the roof structure to be on the safe side. For example, he can determine whether your roof has the right coverage to reduce the risk of water leakage. They can also check that your insulation is suitable for mounting solar panels.

2. Choose the right roof

Not all roofing materials are suitable for solar panels. Some materials contain plasticizers that can shorten the life of your solar panels. A bituminous roofing system is always a good choice. This material guarantees extra safety if it is laid in two layers and has a very long service life. TPO is also a suitable cover for solar panels. With this material, you have a guaranteed life span of 25 to 30 years.

Both materials are also available with a white finish on the top side, including products. This significantly increases the yield of your solar panels and ensures optimal operation. After all, solar panels work best at a temperature of 20°C to 25°C. With a white background, you create an ideal temperature on the roof surface.

3. Take into account the orientation of your roof


Your solar panels will, of course, receive the maximum amount of sunlight if your roof faces south. But solar panels can also be interesting if your roof is oriented differently. Facing 30° to the west or east, they will still work well. Look at the plans for your house and if possible, choose a western rather than an eastern orientation.

4. Pay attention to the slope of your roof

A roof slope of 30 to 35° is optimal for a roof with solar panels. In principle, all roofs with a slope of 15 to 50° are suitable, but the yield will be lower. Also, consider that the angle of inclination will determine the fastening system of the panels.

5. After-sales service


For good order tracking or for any technical or customer support issues, make sure that you can communicate with the person responsible for your order and that your contact can provide a quick and accurate response. Answering a simple price query is easy, but make sure your contact is professional and can provide you with all the technical information you need, as well as explain all the details of the products.

All businesses have complaints or problems, but how you resolve them is important. Make sure your supplier has valid ISO: 9001 certifications and ask about their actual experience. Factories are often at the root of the problem and know how to solve it. It is, therefore, best to contact the solar panel manufacturer directly. Buying solar panels in China should be done with a company that is easy to communicate with.

Looking for help?

Are you in Campbellfield? Are you looking into buying a solar panel? Then look no further than Battery Stop. With over 2 decades of experience, they pride themselves on being the premier one-stop shop for all your battery needs in Campbellfield. They provide a wide range of services, from batteries to solar panels and accessories across Victoria.

So, what are you waiting for? Give them a call to learn more about their services. Solar energy saves you money on your electricity bills and is environmentally friendly. So let’s take steps in the right direction and make a difference for our planet.


The 10 Basic Principles of Lean Manufacturing

The origin of lean manufacturing can be traced back to Henry Ford’s assembly line. If there’s one thing Ford did impeccably, it was cutting waste. Yet, it wasn’t until the mid-1940s, when the Toyota Corporation picked up on the idea of minimal waste and perfected the process, that lean manufacturing really became mainstream. Toyota’s lead engineer, Taaichi Ohno, designed an operating system solely focused on reducing errors, ordering parts and supplies, shrinking inventory, and above all, eliminating waste – all with the aim of reducing warehousing costs.

The following are principles that constitute lean manufacturing. Due to the practicality and applicability of these concepts, most companies (even in office settings) try to replicate them. To help you gain a comprehensive understanding of lean manufacturing, here are 10 things you should know:

1. Levelled Production

Levelled production is simply smoothing out the quantity or type of production over a period of time. In Japanese, it’s known as “heijunka.” The idea of levelling is to optimize manufacturing capacity, allowing production that meets demands while at the same time avoiding inventory accumulation. It helps maintain minimum production lead time, manpower, capital costs, and inventories.

2. Continuous Improvement

Known as “kaizen” in Japanese, continuous improvement goes hand in hand with documenting procedures. Managers and employees work together to achieve regular, incremental improvements within processes, diligently documenting each change to achieve best practices. The ultimate goal of kaizen is to build a company culture that promotes proactive employees who are always looking to improve inefficiencies. Learn more about kaizen.


3. Efficiency Through a Customer-First Approach

Finding efficiency that helps cut waste, a manufacturer has to step into their customer’s shoes and learn about their needs and expectations. This way, the manufacturer can devise ways to cut out waste such as slow transportation, overproduction, and defective products. Deeply understanding the customer’s needs not only improves customer service, but reduces waste and ultimately increases the product’s value.

4. Total Productive Maintenance (TPM)

TPM is a management philosophy stressing the importance of equipment maintenance in the manufacturing process. The idea of the program is to eliminate any loses tied to maintenance of equipment, keeping the process flawless without any unplanned downtime. Training, safety, and office efficiency all have a role in TPM. Employee participation in improvement proposals and maintenance is critical, as multidisciplinary teams work together to improve machine reliability.

5. Streamlining Processes

One main idea in lean manufacturing is creating a streamlined process, and this means delivering products on time. This does not only entail the end product, but also includes raw materials from vendors. Keeping the sales, production, and engineering departments in fluid communication is fundamental for streamlining. They must be in sync to spot buying trends, choose reliable vendors, and determine forecasts.

6. Develop Error-Proof Processes

Poka-yoke in Japanese means “mistake-proofing.” This principle stresses error-proof processes, which should be developed to prevent unintended errors. The goal is to immediately reveal any errors so they can be addressed quickly. By doing this, workers are able to focus their energy on other important factors, rather than back-tracking to fix mistakes. Error-proof processes come in many forms, from double-checking work quality to inventing mechanisms that activate in the event of an error.

7. Focus on Quality

Lean manufacturing encourages its adherents to focus on quality as they try to eliminate waste. Companies have to develop a system whereby quality is maintained, whether in the accounting process or the product itself. After all, the goal of lean is to deliver the maximum customer value in the shortest amount of time with the highest possible quality.

8. One-Piece Flow

This principle is pretty simple. In a production line that has several workstations, one-piece flow means that one item is moved to a work station where any pending work is completed before it moves on to the next station. The idea is to ensure that the product spends as little time as possible at each station and travel time from one station to another is minimal. This process also increases quality assurance, as it is easier to trace product errors back to a single station.


9. Mapping the Value System

Value Stream Mapping (VSM) creates a visual representation of all the steps in a process. It puts on display every element required, from start to finish. In manufacturing, it’s common to find one or two steps in the process that don’t create or add value. Mapping the value system involves finding these steps and eliminating them completely.

10. Respect for Humanity

To keep things working efficiently, a company has to have high respect standards for employees, and this means not overworking them, aligning the company’s purpose with individual and team goals, and maintaining high accountability for both failure and success. If an organization wants to implement lean, they need support and participation from everyone in the company.

These 10 principles of lean manufacturing are all geared to eliminating waste and helping a company gain value while delivering quality. Big manufacturers such as Toyota have employed these principles for ages, promoting lean as a global trend. But these practices are not just for huge corporations, even small businesses, like Les Industries Capitol Inc. have adopted the over-arching mindset of what it means to be lean to great effect.

Sustainable Development

What Is Sustainable Development?


Sustainable development is the concept that defines the need for transition and change that our planet and its inhabitants need to live in a more equitable, healthy, and environmentally friendly world.

A model for the organization of society:

Sustainable development comes from the combination of two words, which define a model of the organization of society.

    – By development, we mean improving a society’s performance (economic, social, etc…).

    – The term sustainable characterizes something that is stable and resistant.

The combination of the two words defines sustainable development: the improvement of the performance of a society to make it stable in time.

Sustainable development is a way of organizing society to meet the needs of the present as effectively as possible without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. Today, this transition towards a more sustainable model is necessary to live in a more equitable world and to preserve our planet and its natural resources.

The model of a sustainable society is based on fundamental pillars and principles.

The foundations of sustainable development: The three pillars of sustainable development

A sustainable economy is a healthy management of human activities without harming humans or the environment. Sustainable development implies a mode of organization based on 3 essential pillars:

    – The environmental quality of human activities to limit environmental impacts and preserve ecosystems and natural resources in the long term.

    – Social equity ensures that all members of society have access to essential resources and services (education, health, food, housing, etc.) to meet the needs of humanity, reduce inequalities and maintain social cohesion.

    – Economic efficiency by reducing extreme poverty and guaranteeing employment for the greatest number of people in an economic activity that pays a decent wage.

These 3 pillars make up the challenges of sustainable development. These pillars are accompanied by fundamental principles to achieve a more sustainable society.

The fundamental principles of sustainable development:

Sustainable Development

    – Solidarity between countries, peoples, generations, and members of society. For example: saving raw materials so that the greatest number of people can benefit from them.

    – Precaution in decisions not to cause catastrophes when we know there are risks for health or the environment. For example: limiting CO2 emissions to slow down climate change.

    – Participation of everyone, regardless of their profession or social status, to ensure the success of sustainable projects. For example: setting up children and youth councils.

    – Responsibility of everyone, citizen, industrialist, or farmer. So that whoever damages, degrades, and pollutes repairs. For example: make the industries that pollute a lot pay a tax.

These principles are sometimes incompatible with the consumer society in which we live.

This is why many people (elected officials, associations, companies, individuals, young people…) are asking that our economic system be rethought to move towards a more sustainable society to preserve the planet and its resources.

Sustainable development is an urgent need and a real opportunity to redesign our society.

Why is sustainable development essential today?

In 1800, there were 900 million people on earth. In 2020, our planet was home to 7.8 billion people. This strong population growth was accompanied by increased demand for goods and services and production methods leading to environmental and social disorders.

In the 1970s, many experts and scientists sounded the alarm about the impact of human activity on the planet. Since the industrial revolution, our society has experienced unprecedented development, but without really measuring the consequences of the evolution of its lifestyle. To this have been added:

    – the acceleration of exchanges with the rest of the world (globalization);

    – the increase in inequalities between rich and emerging countries;

    – the demographic growth forecasts aim at 10 billion inhabitants on the planet by 2100.

Today, 80% of natural resources are consumed by 20% of the world’s population. This creates areas of great wealth and great poverty. In some areas, the inhabitants do not have access to drinking water, health care, education, and a dignified job.

But how can we ensure access to food and drinking water, health, and education for all? How can we protect biodiversity and fight against climate change?

This is why it is urgent to find a new model: sustainable development.

Human societies will have to enter a transition and rethink all their activities. Many actors are already engaged in this transition towards a mode of operation that is more respectful of the environment and human beings.

How to Have a “Green” Christmas?

How to Have a “Green” Christmas?

Christmas dates back to the original Roman holiday of Saturnia, hundreds of years before Jesus’s birth, and many of those traditions still hold fast to today’s holiday celebration. However, if you are dreaming of a green Christmas, here are some simple ideas to help you turn your dream into reality.

Sustainable Christmas gifts

Simplify the Gift Round

Simplify the Gift RoundLet’s start with a little history.

The tradition of giving gifts to children is associated with St. Nicholas, who became the prototype of Santa Claus. When the image of the saint was associated with Christmas, the customer of giving gifts to children arose and eventually ended up including adults.

For some Christian believers, Christmas represents the season of joy and love and so they would share the joy by giving away gifts to all those they love and care for. The gift-giving tradition of Christmas is popular worldwide because it is both fun and meaningful. A simple gift can unite you with a lost friend or family member and can help you remember to love, to be charitable and to be grateful for what you have. And, at some point, it would become a force or a habit and you’d even start giving gifts to all those around you. But, a long gift list also means you have to spend more and buy more, which will obviously have an impact on the environment.

Personally, I have nothing against even giving gifts away to random strangers –cause it’s Christmas – but if you want to reduce your contribution to the environmental impact of the holiday season, here’s an idea on how to simplify the gifting round.

  • Write the names of all those you want to give a gift to (excluding members of your family and close friends) on separate slips of paper and put all the slips in a hat.
  • Once you’ve decided how many people you want to give a gift to, remove the exact number of paper slips.

Your gift list has just been shortened and you can now focus on buying a special gift for the person whose name you’ve picked. And, if you and your family are in this together, take turns picking one name per person.

Make Your Own Gifts

Centuries ago, gift-giving during Christmas was a tradition. Today, we are giving presents to please our loved ones and express our love and gratitude; so, that means the gifts don’t have to be store-bought and can include more personal and unique gifts. Like DIY stuff!

Homemade gifts might cost less and might not be perfect, but they can mean more than expensive and shiny store-bought items. And, making your own Christmas gifts can also be a bit of a gift to yourself as, in the process, you’ll enjoy making creative stuff or learning new skills. So, check out these easy-peasy DIY Christmas gifts!

Buy More Locally Made Gifts

Buy More Locally Made GiftsEver since credit cards came into vogue, a lot of people have started buying imported goods like never before. It is important to remember that imported products come from halfway around the world and the impact of transportation is a key element in greenhouse emissions and global warming.

I get that you want to buy the latest Xbox console for your kid or a designer bag for your friend, but if you want to celebrate Christmas in a sustainable way, I suggest buying gifts from local shops and craft fairs.

Gifts From Recycled Sources

Nowadays, you’ll find many businesses creating products using recycled materials. And, buying from these sustainable businesses will help in promoting the concept of sustainability during Christmas.

Opt for “Re-Gifting”

Opt for “Re-Gifting”My mother told me that our ancestors used to keep a log of every wedding gift they received, including the date the gift was received and its description. This was done so that they could give away a gift of comparable value to another gift-giver.

Honestly, there’s nothing wrong or rude about re-gifting a gift as long as it is in good condition.



Synthetic Meat: Your Alternative to Animal Cruelty

In addition to being a source of cruelty, meat production is one of the main causes of pollution on the planet. However, many people are not yet ready to give up this food. To offer a sustainable and ethical alternative, many entrepreneurs and scientists are investing energy and resources in synthetic meat.

But how exactly is it produced and what are its environmental benefits? And where can it be found on the market already? Let’s discover this new food frontier together.

Synthetic Meat: How Is It Produced?

Cultured' meat could create more problems than it solves

The so-called “synthetic meat”, not to be confused with fake meat (which is obtained by using only vegetable ingredients), was born in a laboratory. The first experiment in this field was conducted by Professor Mark Post of Maastricht University, who grew the world’s first artificial hamburger in 2013. The production process of this food that does not require slaughter is based on research in the field of regenerative medicine.

This meat, which looks very similar to what we are used to eating, is obtained in the laboratory by creating stem cells: it is therefore composed of muscle fibers, fat and other animal cells, which are non-invasive.

Indeed, these tissues are taken by a harmless biopsy to be cultivated in a culture medium (also called broth) in which they grow and multiply by trillions of times.

The Environmental Impact of Laboratory-Grown Meat

lab-grown meat has a number of environmental benefits. First of all, it does not require intensive farming, which is one of the main causes of greenhouse gas pollution. Reducing the use of livestock also reduces the amount of land used to grow soybeans and animal feed.

The benefits also include the use of another valuable resource, namely water, as confirmed by a scientific study conducted a few years ago, entitled “Environmental Impacts of Cultured Meat Production”.

The results showed that the production of 1000 kg of cultured meat requires 26-33 GJ of energy, 367-521 m 3 of water, 190-230 m 2 of land and emits 1900-2240 kg of CO. Compared to conventionally produced European meat, cultured meat reduces energy consumption by 7-45%, greenhouse gas emissions by 78-96%, land use by 99% and water use by 82-96%, depending on the product.

However, at present, the scientific community is still not unanimous on the level of environmental sustainability of synthetic meat. There are still no up-to-date studies on the consequences of producing this food of the future.

In this regard, food safety researcher Alexandra Sexton of the University of Sheffield noted:

“We really don’t know what the environmental impact will be when these technologies are produced on a large scale.” Indeed, according to the expert, without decarbonization in parallel with the development of synthetic meat, “any potential climate benefits that this technology is capable of delivering would be significantly reduced.”

“For a lower carbon footprint than conventional meat, it is essential that renewable energy sources are used in its production, even during procurement, especially for the production of nutrients and other ingredients needed for laboratory culture,” points out a team of researchers who conducted a study – published last year – on synthetic meat.

For now, the main obstacle to this technology is the production costs, which are still quite high.

Where is Synthetic Meat Already on the Market?

Many people admit to being curious to try synthetic meat, but where can you buy it? The first country to approve the sale of the food was Singapore in late 2020, when it gave the green light to lab-created chicken nuggets launched on the market by startup Eat Just. It is the only nation where citizens have been granted the ability to consume synthetic meat.

Meanwhile, however, several companies around the world are investing in this sector. Among them are the American Good Meat, which announced the construction of the world’s largest bioreactors for the production of cultured meat, which will then be sold in stores and restaurants, and the Israeli start-up Future Meat Technologies.

In the U.S., another company – Bond Pet Foods – is working to produce synthetic meat for snacks and treats for dogs and cats.

These cruelty-free foods are certainly a valuable and more ethical alternative to slaughtered meat, but they won’t be enough to save the world from the scourge of pollution.


10 Festive and Sustainable Alternatives to Fireworks

At midnight, on New Year’s Eve, we shoot giant fireworks into the sky. Not only is that dangerous and scary (especially for animals), but it’s also harmful to the environment. There are good reasons to choose environmentally friendly alternatives to fireworks. Some ideas are listed below.

1) Confetti (leaves)

Confetti cannons are a big hit at parties. First a bang, then lots of tenderness and color. Why not burst confetti outdoors and help the environment? Then get ready for biodegradable leaf confetti. You guessed it, confetti made of leaves. You can find different types on the Internet.

2) Colored Powder

A word of advice: if possible, use this substitute only for outdoor fireworks. You don’t want to be dusting your home months later, do you? A good use of these color bombs can liven up your New Year’s Eve party. With the same wrappers as confetti shells, you can buy all kinds of colored powders to create a massive explosion of color.

3) Balloons

Another impressive indoor suggestion is balloons with confetti inside. A spectacular and colorful alternative to fireworks, the balloons are touched with a sharp needle in 0.00 strokes to… Ta-da! Simulate a small fireworks display. As a bonus, balloons are also a great decoration to start the New Year.

Free photos of Carnival

4) Disco Lights

Remember the old-fashioned disco lights? They will be a great addition to your New Year’s Eve celebration. When you place a dazzling, colorful disco lamp in a dark, atmospheric living room, the colors and sparkle of the light make it look like a decorative firework display, don’t you think? This is where these disco lamps come in, especially when set to the rhythm of music.

5) Twinkling Stars

There is still something magical about celebrating the New Year with the stars. Relatively harmless, it is an alternative to all fireworks. There is less waste than most fireworks, so try the stars this year.

6) Glow Sticks

A colorful alternative readily available online or in stores is glow sticks.

The plastic tubes typically glow when the chemicals inside react with them

According to, the dye inside the product makes the tubes appear to glow for about 24 hours. The retailer also states that temperature affects the durability and brightness of the sticks.

In warmer temperatures, the tubes glow brighter, but the lighting time is shorter than in colder environments.

In colder environments, the sticks will glow darker, but their glow will last longer.

7) Soap Bubbles

An eco-friendly and cheaper alternative to fireworks are soap bubbles

Typically, a liquid such as soap, forms air-filled bubbles.

These floating objects last only a few seconds and their shape is determined by surface tension.

Free photos of Soap bubbles

8) Drone Shows

A fast-growing alternative to fireworks is the drone show.

While ordinary households have one or two at their disposal, private companies specializing in shows may deploy hundreds of them to light up the night sky.

There are several cities where fireworks have been banned due to drought, so the demand for drone shows is high.

9) Wishing Lanterns

Use wish lanterns made of colored paper and let them fly in the air. It will be a much more colorful show than when you light fireworks. Moreover, these lanterns are 100% environmentally friendly and harmless to children and adults. These lanterns range from simple to elegant, with different designs and motifs.

10) Vuvuzela

Vuvuzelas were popular during the World Cup in South Africa. They are small plastic horns, two feet long, and produce a loud sound. However, since the vuvuzela sounds so loud, many people do not like it as a substitute for firecrackers.

With safe alternatives such as the above, anyone can enjoy their special occasions and parties to the fullest!