Green and Inclusive Growth Towards Sustainable Development

Over the past 20 years, economic growth has lifted more than 660 million people out of poverty and increased the income of millions of men and women. Yet this growth is often achieved at the expense of the environment.

Multiple failures – in markets, policies, and institutions – meaning that the exploitation of the Earth’s natural capital is often inefficient and wasteful, that the social costs of resource depletion are not adequately and appropriately addressed, and that the process is not accompanied by reinvestment in other forms of wealth. These failures threaten the sustainability of long-term growth and progress in social welfare. Moreover, despite the benefits of growth, 1.3 billion people lack electricity, 2.6 billion lack sanitation, and 900 million lack access to clean, safe water. In other words, growth has not been sufficiently shared.

Should we grow at any cost, even if it means dealing with the environmental damage later? No, there are other choices for developing countries. Many useful measures can be implemented immediately: not only are clean air, water, and solid waste management among basic needs, but many environmental policies also improve productivity and poverty reduction. If poor countries are to work to meet basic needs and increase opportunities for growth, they must do so in an environmentally sound manner. Moreover, since environmental performance does not automatically increase with income, it must, in all cases, be accompanied by public policy actions. Finally, postponing the resolution of the environmental issue may be impossible or extremely costly, either because the ecological damage will be irreparable, as in the case of biodiversity loss, or because the wait-and-see attitude and the resulting blockages will have made the cost of environmental protection policies and processes, when they are finally implemented, exorbitant.

The future we want to build

Sustainable Development

When well-designed, green and inclusive growth policies enhance social welfare and take into account the needs of both current and future generations. However, policymakers are also rightly concerned about the potential trade-offs, costs, and co-benefits of green policies for growth and employment in the short term. Careful analysis on a case-by-case basis will be needed to determine optimal strategies. However, there is strong evidence that short-term costs can be minimized through well-designed regulations and market-based policy instruments that promote low-cost means of environmental protection. Green growth can thus pave the way for more sustainable development, reconciling the urgent need for sustained growth with the imperative to move away from unsustainable growth patterns and avoid irreversible environmental damage. Green growth is not opposed to growth. It implies a change in the way we manage our economies, a change that must reflect a broader conception of what constitutes efficient and sustainable growth.

The ability and willingness to value natural capital underpin the transition to greener growth. Natural capital (water, land, air, ecosystems, and associated “environmental services”) accounts for a considerable portion of a country’s wealth. Like physical and human capital, natural capital must be invested in, maintained, and managed to be productive and contribute fully to prosperity. In order to accurately measure progress in the transition to green growth, countries will benefit from applying methods of calculation that take into account the full wealth and value of ecosystems in addition to their conventional indicators, such as GDP.

In fact, there is no single model for green growth. Strategies vary across countries, preferences, and national contexts. One country’s “best practices” need to be carefully evaluated before being replicated elsewhere. Nevertheless, all countries, rich and poor, have the opportunity to make their growth greener and more inclusive without slowing it down.

How to achieve this goal

Greening growth requires policies that are inherently pro-growth and pro-environment – such as reform of energy subsidies or tariffs that protect high-polluting sectors. For governments, this means difficult pricing, regulatory, and public investment reforms on the one hand and complex changes in behavior and social norms on the other. To achieve green growth, it is important to know when to take the right policy action, even if the outcome will not be ideal from an economic perspective.

The World Bank’s Green and Inclusive Growth report presents a strategy that focuses on three main areas:

Axis 1 – Designing green and inclusive growth strategies tailored to country contexts, with an emphasis on maximizing immediate local benefits and avoiding deadlock. The optimal solutions will be different in each country, depending on institutional capacities, public transparency and accountability, and civil society’s capacity to act.

Axis 2 – Promote effective and sustainable decision-making by policymakers, consumers, and the private sector. Market-based instruments, such as pollution taxes, are important because they contribute to efficiency and stimulate innovation. A range of complementary approaches will be needed to encourage individuals to change their behavior and maximize the capacity of the private sector. Although we are still far from accurately pricing ecosystem services, we know that their value is considerable. Natural capital should be systematically included in national accounts. In February 2012, the UN Statistical Commission made the System of Integrated Environmental and Economic Accounting an international standard, establishing a generalized methodology. Neglecting natural capital, as well as neglecting human and physical capital, is detrimental to the economy and growth.

Axis 3 – Meeting initial investment needs with innovative financing tools. Given limited budgetary resources, there is an urgent need for governments and multilateral financial institutions to work to increase private sector investment in greening the economy. The establishment of public-private partnerships is essential to reduce trade barriers and achieve economic uses and decisions that are both commercially profitable and environmentally and socially sound.

Ultimately, green growth depends critically on good growth policy at, which should aim to determine fair prices and correct market failures, address coordination failures and knowledge externalities, and allocate property rights. However, it should be noted that when an economy has structural defects, green growth policies are not a panacea. Environmental protection measures cannot solve problems of macroeconomic instability, a failing labor market, an under-regulated financial system, or a hostile business environment.

Moreover, even if affordable green growth can be achieved, a country’s economy can hardly become green overnight. The rapid change would result in a sharp slowdown in growth, at least in the short and medium term. On the other hand, the prospect of a necessary and, therefore, brutal transition, in the long run, should be a strong motivation to start working on this task now.

Is It Possible to Have an Eco-Friendly Hot Tub?

Is It Possible to Have an Eco-Friendly Hot Tub?

Hot tubs are in high demand.

Over the last three years, there has been a resurgence of consumer interest in backyard amenities like spas, swimming pools and hot tubs. The COVID-19 pandemic has changed a lot of things for a lot of people. Since their daily routines have been affected, people are constantly looking for new ways to have fun, de-stress and relax. As a result, there has been a significant increase in the demand for hot tubs.

With weather conditions changing daily and people being afraid to travel and having to work at home, it makes sense that many are investing in a hot tub. A hot tub can easily turn your house into an oasis and create a more enjoyable and relaxing space. This is the reason why the global market for hot tubs crossed the $19 billion mark in 2022. In fact, hot tub manufacturers and dealers in the United States are saying that they are experiencing a surge in demand, with one dealer stating that sales in 2020 tripled compared to sales in 2019.

Soaking in a hot tub can bring several health benefits like relieving stress, reducing blood pressure, improving back pain and managing muscle aches. But, as a nature lover, when you are deciding on investing in a hot tub, you need to keep some sustainable factors in mind.

The question you need to ask is: Are hot tubs environmentally friendly?

The Environmental Impacts of a Hot Tub

The Environmental Impacts of a Hot TubWhile the idea of lounging outside in bubbling warm water may seem appealing, many overlook the environmental impact of traditional hot tubs. Traditional hot tubs use energy to heat and maintain the hot water temperature and this energy usually comes from burning fossil fuels, thus contributing to the carbon footprint.

In addition, there are some chemicals that are usually used to keep the water clean and clear. To keep the hot tub water balanced and avoid major problems like biofilm, algae and bacteria built-up, people use hot tub sanitizers like chlorine or bromine and hot tub chemicals like alkalinity increase, pH increaser/decreaser, line flush cleaner and calcium hardness increaser. When drained into municipal sewage systems or septic systems, these chemicals can have a negative impact on water sources and on the ecosystem and contribute to water pollution.

In some cases, poor insulation or a lack of a hot tub cover can result in heat loss, which can further increase energy consumption.

Eco-Friendly Hot Tubs

Eco-Friendly Hot TubsSo, hot tubs are hard to love from an eco-friendly point of view unless you want to opt for an eco-friendly hot tub.

As consumers are becoming acutely aware of how their lifestyle habits, choices and purchases affect the environment, they are willing to spend a lot of time evaluating sustainable aspects of products. Consequently, hot tub manufacturers have started adopting a sustainability focus.

Modern hot tubs, for example, include several eco-friendly features. First off, hot tubs are being manufactured through economically-sound processes that minimize negative environmental impacts. With traditional hot tubs, the shell was formed from acrylic. It would then get heated in the oven at 300 degrees until it could be molded into a shape. Traditional acrylic, however, is not environmental-friendly. This is why manufacturers have considered eco-friendly alternatives like high-density polyethylene which can produce more durable, lightweight and recyclable hot tub shells.

Secondly, a great sustainable hot tub option is designed with energy-efficient features that can reduce energy consumption. For example, an eco-friendly hot tub that uses solar-powered electricity can help in reducing energy costs.

Furthermore, it is now possible to have a chemical-free soak in a hot tub. Over the years, eco-friendly chemicals like natural sanitizers and natural enzymes have been developed to minimize the use of toxic chemicals, improve the quality of water and prolong the hot tub water’s life.


The Sustainability of Electric Cars: An Overview


Electric cars, also known as electric vehicles (EVs), have become increasingly popular as a more sustainable alternative to traditional gasoline-powered cars in recent years. As concerns over climate change and air pollution continue to grow, more people are turning to electric vehicles to reduce their carbon footprint and contribute to a cleaner environment. In this blog, we will explore how electric cars are more sustainable and eco-friendly than gas-powered cars and how they can benefit both the environment and the economy.

Reduced Emissions and Environmental Impact

One of the main reasons why electric cars are more sustainable than gas-powered cars is that they produce fewer emissions and have a lower environmental impact. Gas-powered vehicles emit harmful pollutants such as carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, and particulate matter, contributing to air pollution and negatively affecting human health.

In contrast, electric cars do not emit any tailpipe emissions and are powered by clean energy sources such as wind, solar, or hydroelectric power. By driving an electric car, you can significantly reduce your carbon footprint and help mitigate climate change’s effects.

Lower Operating Costs and Maintenance

Another benefit of electric cars is that they have lower operating costs and maintenance requirements compared to gas-powered cars. Electric cars are more efficient in converting energy into motion, requiring less energy to travel the same distance as gas-powered car. This translates into lower fuel costs and a lower cost per mile for electric cars. In addition, electric vehicles have fewer moving parts than gas-powered cars, requiring less maintenance and a longer lifespan. This can save you money on repairs and maintenance over the car’s lifetime.

Free Electric Car Automobile photo and picture

Improved Energy Security and Domestic

Jobs Electric cars can also improve energy security and create domestic jobs. Electric vehicles rely on electricity as their primary fuel source, which can be generated from various domestic sources, such as wind, solar, and hydropower. This reduces our dependence on foreign oil and improves our energy security. In addition, producing electric cars requires different skills and expertise than gas-powered cars, which can create new job opportunities in domestic manufacturing and supply chains.

Integration with Renewable Energy Sources

Electric cars can also play a key role in integrating renewable energy sources into our energy system. As more renewable energy sources such as wind and solar are added to the grid, the variability of these sources can create challenges for grid operators. Electric cars can help to address this challenge by acting as mobile energy storage device. By charging electric cars during high renewable energy generation and discharging their batteries during high demand, electric cars can help balance the supply and demand of energy on the grid. This can improve the reliability and resiliency of our energy system and accelerate the transition to a clean energy future.

One of the challenges to the widespread adoption of electric cars is the lack of infrastructure for charging stations. However, this is changing rapidly as governments, and private companies invest in building more charging stations in public areas and private homes. In addition, advances in battery technology are making electric cars more efficient and cost-effective, making them more accessible to a broader range of consumers.

Electric cars are a more sustainable and eco-friendly alternative to gas-powered cars. They produce fewer emissions, have lower operating costs and maintenance requirements, and can contribute to improved energy security and the creation of domestic jobs. In addition, electric cars can play a key role in integrating renewable energy sources into our energy system, improving the reliability and resiliency of our energy system and accelerating the transition to a clean energy future. As more people adopt electric cars, we can create a cleaner, more sustainable, and more prosperous future for ourselves and for future generations.

Where Is the Environmental Sustainability Movement Headed? Experts Offer Their Predictions.

Where Is the Environmental Sustainability Movement Headed? Experts Offer Their Predictions.

People, planet, and climate: none of these are predictable and yet there are many who have already predicted how the world or the environment will look in the future.

People Would Eat Less Meat

People Would Eat Less MeatWhile I respect people who make the decision not to eat meat or even become vegan, and while I also perfectly understand that meat production has side effects –both on the organism and on the planet – I just love to have a nice cut or stew…every second or third day. Of course, I try to buy from sources that are or have a reputation for being on the “humane” side of animal treatment.

Anyway, where were we?

Right, meat consumption varies widely around the world, with some countries consuming much more meat than others. In general, people in developed countries tend to eat more meat than those in developing countries. According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, the average global per capital consumption of meat is about 43.7 kilograms per year. However, this number is heavily influenced by high meat consumption in a few countries and the actual amount of meat consumed by individuals within a country can vary greatly. Some people choose to follow a vegetarian or vegan diet, which does not include meat (of course), while others choose to consume meat only occasionally and obviously, there are some who are great meat lovers and cannot live without it (like me).

However, according to Tim Benton, Professor of Population Ecology at the University of Leeds, UK, by 2030, people will eat less meat. Just like old times, meat would be considered as a luxurious treat rather than a staple.

Gender Equality and Sustainability

Gender Equality and SustainabilityMy views on gender equality are that the concept in itself is quite unfair and reduces both men and women into molds of sameness. Equality between men and women would be like both of them having the same sex organs, same body types, same body strength, same height and same emotions. In other words, for me, for men and women to be “equal” would mean that there’d be no men and women.

Anyway, that’s what I think, but according to Susan Adams, “educating the next generation regarding gender equality can help create a sustainable environment.”

We Will Be Able to Control the Weather

We Will Be Able to Control the WeatherExcuse me, what?

Control the weather? Really?

Weather forecast is based on rigorous, multidisciplinary sciences of the atmosphere, ocean, and land, and the interactions among them. The weather forecast that you see on TV or on your mobile app actually starts with collecting real-time data using satellites, weather radars, and ground and upper-air in situ measurements. There are now over 20 weather satellites worldwide and over 150 weather radars in the US alone. For each round of data forecast, many billions of data points are integrated into a numerical weather prediction model using a process called data assimilation.

Weather forecast is an initial value problem. To produce a forecast, a model processes today’s observed weather parameters (hence the name initial value) based on millions of highly nonlinear differential equations that evolve the dynamics, thermodynamics, and radiative processes for the entire earth surface, allowing the atmosphere, ocean, land surface, and snow and ice to interact with each other. These equations describe the earth’s atmosphere at tens of layers in the vertical, the upper and lower layers of the oceans; and the entire earth at horizontal intervals of tens of kilometers and at time steps of minutes. These models are very computationally intensive and run on supercomputers.

The accuracy of weather forecasts still has much to be desired. This is because within the description above, there are several ways (not in a particular order) that errors could be introduced. This is why weather observations are not perfect. But, apparently, it is predicted that hundred years from now people will be able to control the weather.


6 Tips for Reducing Your Child’s Carbon Footprint

As a mom or dad, you often stop and think about the state of the world, because your little one deserves to grow up on a clean planet, right? That’s why it’s essential to reduce your little one’s carbon footprint as much as possible, for example, by not buying too many things. Marketing experts have led people to believe that children need lots of stuff. But, in fact, this is not necessary. A little love and a functional bust can go a long way. Here are some ways you can help reduce your child’s carbon footprint!

1) Be Careful Not to Overbuy

To quickly show that we are serious and not just talking the talk, don’t overbuy in advance. If you need something (e.g., clothes): consider whether you can borrow it or buy it used. If you still want to buy something new, you can definitely find a list of eco-friendly and sustainable items locally or online. After use, put everything in a recycle store or fair, or give it away to someone around you who could use it.

2) Breastfeeding

Of course, we know this is easier said than done, and not everyone can do it. However, breastfeeding is the most climate-independent way to feed your baby; it takes about 10 liters of milk to produce 1 kilogram of formula. This means a lot of CO2 emissions. There are basically no requirements for breastfeeding, but of course, there are many useful aids that make breastfeeding easier.

3) Eco-friendly Diapers

As you will soon realize, if you have just had a baby, disposable diapers create a lot of waste (about 1000 kg per child!). And even though they require more washing, washable diapers are more environmentally friendly. It may seem like a hassle, but it is not that much of a hassle. Moreover, they are adorable. For example, even if you only use the type of diapers that you wash at home, they can still help a little. Not your thing? Then choose eco-friendly diapers.

4) Ecological Products for the Home

With children, hygiene becomes even more critical. Without exaggeration, children should not grow up in sterile conditions. This is to the detriment of their natural resistance. However, as babies begin to crawl and put things in their mouths, cleanliness must still be maintained. Using safe and environmentally friendly products is at least as important as hygiene. Contribute to your baby’s health and ecology by choosing environmentally friendly products to help you keep your home hygienic.

5) Open Toys

So-called “open” toys have no set pattern of play. Therefore, the “purpose” of the toy is not immediately obvious, but the children usually know immediately what to do with it. The sustainable aspect of this type of toy is that the child does not get bored quickly. This is because children are always thinking of different things to play with. That’s why they last longer. Also, choose good quality toys that are not easily broken. Wooden toys such as Grimm, Stapelstein, Wobbel, and Bilibo are good examples.

6) Ecological Baby Care

You are often burdened with many non-ecological baby care items if you give birth in a hospital. To avoid this, bring environmentally friendly items, such as washable diapers, eco-friendly wipes and or a jar of coconut oil. Simple, pure, multi-functional. Coconut oil can be used as a butt cream, bath, or massage.

Everyone is doing what they can. It is a feasible idea and worth trying. Plus, what’s good for nature is also good for your baby’s health and usually (in the long run) good for your wallet. In any case, whether you try all the tips or apply one, every little bit helps.

What are you doing to reduce your child’s carbon footprint?


Recycling Demolition Materials In France: What Do You Need To Know?

Many of these wastes contribute to environmental pollution. Among these are demolition materials. There are entities that are specialized in the recycling of these materials. Would you like to know how it goes? Find out everything you need to know about recycling demolition materials here. So, without further ado, let’s dive into this blog and learn some of the things you need to know about the subject at hand.

Some benefits of recycling demolition materials


The rules in force require that inert waste that cannot go to landfill must be recycled by companies specializing in the collection and treatment of waste from inert demolition materials. Although inert waste presents no risk of pollution or danger to humans, illegal dumping is a source of visual pollution.

However, demolition materials after construction work constitute a potential source of raw materials, and as such, they must be valued more. Their recycling has the main objectives of preserving the environment, saving exhaustible resources from quarries, and increasing the competitiveness of recycling companies. In addition, this contributes to the reduction of surfaces for the storage of waste. This makes better use of the land.

Classification of recycled demolition materials

Demolition materials from recycling are generally waste. These are classified into several categories. First, there is inert waste which does not undergo any modification during storage. They do not burn and cause no chemical or physical reaction. In other words, these materials are not harmful to human health or the environment. These materials include tiles, glazing, concrete, earth, and other types of waste without hazardous substances.

Then, non-hazardous and non-inert wastes present no danger. These are non-toxic or explosive. They come from the packaging of all kinds, insulation, untreated wood, hardware, etc. Finally, hazardous waste represents 2% of waste. They pose a risk to health and the environment. Among these wastes, you have asbestos, electrical equipment, chemicals, etc.

Recovery of demolition materials

In many countries, there is no regulatory provision defining the acceptable conditions from an environmental and technical point of view relating to the use of waste as a secondary raw material in the construction of buildings or civil engineering works. However, certain regulatory texts have been created in order to supervise each project for the recovery of certain materials. These include foundry sand, bottom ash from the incineration of household waste, and ash from coal-fired power stations.

Then, certain wastes have been used for years given their particular technical characteristics and make it possible to bring a particular property to the building materials in which they are incorporated. For this, technical standards make it possible to control the technical suitability of some secondary raw materials for recovery.

These concern the use of demolition waste in road engineering and silica fume in the production of high-performance cements. It is also fly ash from coal in the production of cement and blast furnace slags.

Texts relating to the storage of demolition materials


The storage of waste from demolition materials is governed by texts. Indeed, the decree of December 30, 2002, relating to the storage of hazardous waste, provides for the storage conditions of hazardous waste. The storage conditions for non-hazardous waste, in particular the storage of bound asbestos and plaster waste, is defined by the decree of 09/09/1997.

According to the decree of September 22, quarries in progress or at the end of operation can be backfilled with external materials. First, sorting must be done beforehand. With regard to the storage of inert waste, the decree of October 28, 2010, provided for the possibility of adapting the behavior of a precise quantity of waste in a given storage facility and the impact on the environment and health.

Sound off in the comments section below, and tell us what you want to read next and if you want to read more about recycling building material.


Everything You Need To Know About Thermodynamic Hot Water Tank

Several laws and benefits have been put in place to promote ecological development in everyday life. The methods and strategies used by construction companies in thermal insulation or in the installation of low-consumption systems are multiple. For example, the thermodynamic hot water tank is a device for supplying hot water and heat with very low energy requirements. Here is how this system works.

Benefits of installing a thermodynamic hot water tank


Nowadays, the goal of all the achievements and actions undertaken in the real estate field is to reduce energy consumption as much as possible. To this end, ecological systems have been created to meet the needs of the inhabitants. The purpose of the thermodynamic hot water tank is to produce hot water at will in a residence. Its rate of electrical energy needs is reduced to a third or even a quarter of the amount of energy burned by a conventional system.

Device operating mode

The thermodynamic hot water tank perfectly imitates the basic operating rules of an aerothermal system. The device provides continuous heating of the water by first drawing energy from an electrical source. Second, it draws it from the surrounding air. It is this principle which made possible the permanent supply of hot water with a strong reduction in consumption.

Under tension, the device brings in air and subtracts all of its heat through the action of compression. This heat is conducted to the water to bring it to a boil. It follows a rejection of fresh air, which will mix with the ambient environment to be further reabsorbed with lime. Air is an inexhaustible source of energy which makes the continuous operation of the device possible.

At the same time, the water is heated from below by the influence of the capacitor overheating by electric current. The freshness resulting from this alchemy is released in the form of cold water. The thermodynamic tank ensures the harmonious combination of the two heat sources for a hot water supply.

The advantages of the thermodynamic hot water system

Several positive consequences can arise from the use of this water heating tool. The majority of the advantages are ecological or related to the proper functioning of the device.

Simplicity in use

The device is very easy to use. Just turn it on, and you have hot water. It is neither bulky nor hot. It is very practical and does not cause you any major inconvenience if you follow the rules of use.

Low energy consumption

It is estimated that the electricity consumption of a thermodynamic hot water tank is reduced by 50% or 70% compared to a conventional system. The amounts of hot water bills are considerably reduced.

Operation time

The speed of this system to heat water is remarkable. Between 7 a.m. and 8 a.m., 250 liters of water can be heated without difficulty. This makes the adoption of this device very profitable at all points, that is to say, less energy consumed and more hot water in a reduced operating time.

Tax benefits

The State has implemented several tax reduction formulas to encourage the use of ecological systems. The energy transition tax credit, for example, is very beneficial to users of equipment recognized as energy guarantors.

The preservation of the environment

The thermodynamic balloon system mainly uses a renewable and inexhaustible source of energy. Its components are totally ecological and holy. Low gas emissions and energy consumption contribute greatly to preserving the environment.

Final thoughts


In conclusion, the thermodynamic hot water tank is water heating equipment that combines the use of two heat sources. These are electrical energy in small quantities and natural wind energy in majority. It is basically very ecological and recognized as a guarantor of the environment. Sound off in the comments section below, and tell us what you want to read next and if you want to read more about water heaters.

Veganuary: An International Campaign to Become More Sustainable

While plant-based eating has drawn a backlash over the years, particularly from the dairy and agricultural industries, the environmental benefits are hard to ignore. And as global pressure for sustainable consumption mounts, vegan diets show no signs of abating.

Greenpeace has estimated that the number of vegan and vegetarian has quadrupled since 2014, with around 1% of most countries now consuming plant products. And that’s how the Veganuary concept was born. Never heard of it? Or you know about it but want to learn more? You’ve reached the right place. In today’s article, we talk about Veganuary, this recent international sustainable campaign. Read on!

Veganuary is the name chosen by its creators in 2014 for the world’s largest project for the dissemination of the vegan choice.

It is not a diet but a different eating style to the one we are used to and which is mainly based on the consumption of completely vegetable foods and the suspension of animal proteins.

An initiative that has now gone viral: veganuary is the most searched word and has conquered curious people from all over the world, including us.

What is Veganuary?

An initiative that has also attracted many celebrities and that provides a style of nutrition completely devoid of content of animal origin. An international campaign, born in 2014, to help spread a food culture that is respectful of the planet, free of animal cruelty and an opportunity to experience this way of eating and living.

In 2020 it also comes to Italy thanks to Be Animali, a non-profit organization for animal rights that focuses in particular on the food industry.

It takes its name from Veg + January ; January precisely, the month in which the participants have to start the “challenge” as the beginning of a new year, has always brought with it goals to achieve and great willpower.

But then there is the hope that we do not stop in January and that this new “monthly” lifestyle becomes a true lifestyle that respects the environment and the animal kingdom.

The challenge is to try a 100% vegan diet for 31 days with the hope of doing so in the next few days as well.

From these bases, in 2014, Veganuary was born ; a British non-profit organization that decides to challenge the world: 31 days to discover and learn a plant-based diet, go beyond the stereotypes that still often represent it today and understand its benefits. From the United Kingdom, year after year, this challenge has managed to cross borders and become known everywhere, going from 3,000 registered in 2014 to the current 500,000; a high number that, among other things, does not take into account those who have accepted the challenge without registering on the site.

Veganuary has become a path that has been able to involve many people but not only.

Companies also play a decisive role because by promoting their offer of vegan products they can also increase awareness about this lifestyle.

Since 2020, therefore, our country has also been added to the Veganuary list and the credit goes to Being Animals; non-profit animal rights organization that gives importance, in particular, to the food industry.

The activists of this non-profit organization carry out investigative work, verifying, in particular, the conditions in which some farms live.

They take photographs and record videos to bring the images to the attention of newspapers, social networks and public institutions in order to promote a food system that ends the exploitation of animals and is more sustainable for the planet.

The organization thus becomes the promoter of this food initiative by activating a site where it is possible to register and receive, every day, advice, newsletters with practical information and events, a list of things to buy and recipes to make.

So what are your thoughts on this campaign? Are you going to join it too? Let us know in the comments below.

DIY Fertilizer Recipes Using 9 Food Scraps

Looking for nutrition for your garden plants? Just take it from your kitchen. Many food wastes are suitable for compost-making. Crush them into small pieces or turn them into plant smoothies, and your plants will grow like never before. The ultimate cheap find for your garden!

1) Orange Peels

Orange peels are a very beneficial fertilizer. Crush the orange peel into small pieces and sprinkle it over the soil or mix it into the soil. In a short time, the soil will absorb and compact the orange peel. This method is also effective in repelling insects and cats.

The addition of orange peel also acidifies the soil. This makes it ideal if you want to increase the acidity of your garden, but not so suitable for plants that require alkaline soil.

2) Eggshells

Finely ground eggshells are an excellent source of calcium. Eggshells should be washed, dried, and crushed into tiny pieces before mixing them into the soil. This not only makes the soil more alkaline but also keeps slugs away! It is especially ideal for plants such as geraniums and lavender to help them grow healthily.

Free Egg Shells Hatched photo and picture

3) Cooking liquid

We usually pour the water from cooking rice or potatoes down the sink, but did you know that there are nutrients left in it that make plants healthy? Water helps plants absorb nutrients and water, which means less fertilizer and less watering. For example, rice water contains a good amount of phosphorus and potassium. These elements are essential for healthy plant growth.

4) Coffee Grounds

Coffee grounds have several advantages. It attracts earthworms and also repels slugs. Earthworms are useful for making compost. Fresh coffee grounds are more acidic, but used coffee grounds will not affect the soil’s acidity because the PH value is neutral at 6.5 when washed in water. Therefore, they are suitable for plants that require alkaline soil.

5) Walnut Shells

Crushed walnut shells, when spread on the soil, generally prevent weed growth. Pistachio shells are also effective as a deterrent for slugs, and pecan mulch is an effective nutrient for acid-loving plants.

Free Walnuts Nutcracker photo and picture


6) Banana peel

Banana peels are a source of potassium, calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus. These minerals and nutrients speed plant growth and keep pests at bay. Boiling banana peels in water, straining the liquid, and pouring it over the plants provide a great source of potassium.

7) Cinnamon

Cinnamon is not strictly a food waste, but this popular spice works wonders on moist soil. Sprinkling a small amount of ground cinnamon on the soil’s surface can reduce the risk of mold growth. Cinnamon is a natural antibacterial and fungicidal spice, which helps protect plants from disease. Try using cinnamon on seedlings and on moisture-loving plants such as ferns and monstera.

8) Pepper Leftovers

After making homemade salsa, save the seeds and leftovers of hot peppers. These food leftovers can be utilized to create natural, cost-free bug deterrents. The pepper leftovers should simply be mixed with water, strained to remove any solids, and the liquid saved in a spray bottle. Use the pepper water to mist plants to ward off insects and pests. Just bear in mind not to touch your face afterwards!

Free Paprika Vegetables photo and picture

9) Onion Fertilizer

Onions can enrich the soil by incorporating crucial nutrients for your plant’s growth.

The leftover onion pieces should be pureed and combined with one liter of water. Give the solution a two-day break. Once the solution’s color has changed, filter it and, after diluting it with water in a 1:1 ratio, use the liquid to water the plants.

Do you have any other tips? Share it with us in the comments below!


Top 4 Things To Know About Recycling Plastic

We produce more and more waste. According to a World Bank report, the world generates 2.01 billion tons of waste per year. However, little of this waste is recycled today, which can create tensions between certain countries. This is the case of Malaysia, which recently decided to send back the tons of plastic waste that arrived illegally on its territory. So how can you contribute to more efficient recycling? So, without further ado, let’s dive into this blog and learn some of the things you need to know about recycling plastic.

1. Mechanical recycling


Sorting, grinding, and heating are the three stages of mechanical recycling, the technique used in 99% of cases worldwide. After being collected and sorted by a family of polymers with optical sorters or flotation systems, the plastics are washed and crushed into granules. And then melted down and reused. This technique does not rid the plastic of its additives (colors, etc.). Food packaging plastic cannot, therefore, return to a quality allowing it to come into contact with food.

Users are driven to make lower-quality products, such as garbage bags. The recycling loop is not complete. As a result, manufacturers prefer to use cheap new plastic rather than recycled. And a large part of the waste from developed countries is sent abroad, denounce the NGOs.

Under societal pressure, the processes are improving, especially for PET: thanks to poly-condensation, the degraded molecules are restored, and the impurities are evacuated by heating and under pressure. In recent months, water bottles made of recycled plastic have been found in Europe.

2. A molecule, a factory

Each molecule practically requires a specific type of factory and equipment. However, there are dozens of types of polymers. The most common polyethylene (PE) is used for shampoo bottles and plastic films surrounding a pack of water bottles made of polyethylene terephthalate (PET). As for their caps, they are made of polypropylene (PP)! Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) is used in construction for flooring or windows.

Polystyrene (PS) produces yogurt pots and, in its expanded form, trays, while polyamide (PA) is reserved for textiles and automobiles. Polyurethane (PU or PUR) is for foams and insulation. Hence the interest in investing upstream in quality sorting equipment to correctly separate plastics, as Japan does. This makes it possible to limit losses in nature, welcomes the WWF, which regrets, however, that this country does more incineration than recycling.

Since China closed its doors to Western waste at the end of 2018, some 70 big “plasticizers” (Dow, Exxon, Henkel, TotalEnergies, Mitsui Chemicals, etc.) united in the “Endplasticwaste” collective have supported collection and sorting projects in India and Thailand in particular, and recycling.

3. Europe, best student, but can do better


Faced with a global recycling rate of 9% of plastic waste, often due to a lack of collection and sorting infrastructure, “just over a third (34.6%)” of the plastics collected in Europe were sent to the recycling in 2020, according to the OECD.

The northern countries (Germany, Sweden, Norway) are ahead, around 40%. The specialized ENF directory lists 161 factories in Germany, 173 in Poland, 132 in Italy, 89 in Spain, and 46 in France. But according to the European Patent Office (EPO), Europe and the United States between them concentrate 60% of global patents on plastic recycling or bioplastics. Even in Europe, there is still a huge step to climb; we should at least reach 50-60%.

4. Is Chemical recycling desirable or worse?

Chemical recycling makes it possible to “depolymerize” the plastic by returning to the basic molecules (monomers) or even to go back further by remanufacturing “naphtha”, an oily compound derived from petroleum and precursor of plastic. By adding a solvent to a cake, it’s as if we come back to eggs, flour, and butter. With the basic elements, we remanufacture plastic of the same quality as virgin plastic from oil.

Its advantage is to complete the recycling loop for all molecules, PET, PE, PS, PP, etc. Its disadvantages are enormous investment costs, in particular for the collection and separate sorting of fragile parts such as jars of yogurt. However, recycling is only done if it is profitable. In addition, it requires a lot of energy and many uncertainties remain about its emissions of greenhouse gases and toxic by-products, underlines the Heinrich Böll Foundation and other experts.

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