How To Create a Sustainable Workspace?

The business world occupies an important place in the lives of every one of us. People spend more time at work than they do with family and friends. With the increasing pressure of competition, the need to create a sustainable workplace is becoming more and more critical. A sustainable environment is essential to help people relax and be productive during a long, stressful day.

Eco-sustainability has become one of the major concerns in today’s business world. All companies, whether in industry or technology, are contributing to global warming and pollution. However, these companies and employees can also help design workplaces that contribute to environmental sustainability. These capabilities include incentives and opportunities to repair damage to ecosystems. Here’s a few ways you can help create a sustainable work environment!

Enough Paper

Drafting, duplicating, and reviewing documents clogs printers and creates discarded piles of papers. The green solution is to reset the method. By printing only what you need, you can reduce the waste of printing documents and presentations. Save drafts to your laptop or a shared cloud, where they can be easily be deleted with a single click.

Maximize the Use of Natural Light

Not only is natural light environmentally friendly, but it also provides excellent visibility. All you have to do is adjust your chair or desk to the best angle and adjust your curtains well. The later you turn on the lights, the better it is for your mood and the environment.

Unplug Everything

When you are done, unplug everything. This not only feels liberating, but it also saves all the power consumed by printers, computers, and mobile device chargers that are unnecessarily on standby or connected to the network.

Set Up Recycling Centers

It’s easy to say separate collection simply, but it often creates worse consequences due to negligence and lack of shared rules. That’s why it’s essential to clearly state the rules and name each container with their specific collection items to be recycled.

Smart Commuting

How do you get to work every morning? Have you ever wondered if you’re optimizing your resources? Carpooling may be the best way to save money and CO2 emissions. If possible, it is even better to use a bicycle. Most importantly, your choice should not be an isolated one. Present your transportation problems to your colleagues and create a network of smart commuters.

How to Create a More Environmentally Sustainable Office for Your Employees

Green Initiative Proponent

If you work in an office or coworking space, you can become a proponent of green initiatives and raise awareness of the people you work with and around you. You can even form a “sustainability team” with other coworkers to recommend common protocols for waste disposal, energy conservation, and products used for cleaning. Such bottom-up efforts are far more effective than any business decision.

Office Plants

Whether large or small, having a plant near your workplace will improve the air around you and remind you that there is a beautiful world out there.

No Plastic

Do not bring disposable bottles, glasses, cutlery, or plates into the workplace. Always choose glasses, plates, and water bottles that can be washed and reused.

No to Unnecessary Meetings

How many useless meetings do you have every week? How much valuable time are you taking away from your workflow to address issues that could have been resolved via email? Unnecessary meetings also impact the environment, with vehicle travel leading to environmental pollution, trash and plastic from impromptu snacks, and extra cleaning at the end of the day. Optimize your time and set up moments to confront your team and customers according to a specific agenda.

Relax and Breathe

Don’t underestimate the impact noise can have on your productivity and mood. Ensure your workspace has an area or corner dedicated to silence and relaxation. This can be a place for people to meditate, take a minute to themselves, or take a little “power nap”.

Do you have any other tips? Share it with us in the comments below!

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