Sustainability: Not Just a Trend, but Also a Marketing Trick!

Sustainability: Not Just a Trend, but Also a Marketing Trick!

Today, it’s impossible to hit the market and not to notice the increasing range of products with green logos and eco-labels. In their quest to find staples that could feed the world’s hunger in a “sustainable” way, scientists (probably mad ones) have come up with a slew of weird food products, ranging from crunchy bugs and fried silk worms to sea slime and cockroach milk – Urgh!!!

But that’s not the only thing that have a weird sustainability claim on; researchers have designed eco-friendly remote controls, eco-friendly pet furs, eco-friendly earrings and now…eco-friendly burial systems. However, I really wonder if these new products are meant to positively contribute to a permanent change in the way the world thinks and operates or is it just a megatrend that’s fueling consumption and benefitting business magnates?

What Is a Megatrend?

Everyone knows the meaning of “trends” and sometimes we try to avoid being part of them. However, compared to trends, megatrends cannot be avoided. A megatrend is a long-term trend that has a long-lasting effect on every society and economy. It is a huge movement that has the power to shape the business world for a very long time and redefine consumer behavior. Whether you want it or not, you’ll always end up being part of megatrends (passively or actively). For example, you can decide not to be a part of a Wear-Velvet fashion fad, but you cannot decide not to be part of a megatrend because it is too omnipresent.

In the past, some of the megatrends that the world faced were rapid urbanization, automation, computing technology and social media and today, a new one is emerging in the area of the environment. It’s called “sustainability.”

Sustainability as a Megatrend

Sustainability as a MegatrendSustainability in itself is a very vast concept, which is the reason why it has become one of those words that can mean anything, depending on one’s personal opinion and emotional feelings. By default, many are unaware that sustainability is a concept that is defined by our current means of meeting our own needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. “If you burn coal to make electricity or if you use petrochemicals to make plastic, it’s unsustainable” – that’s the world’s definition for something not sustainable, but in my own words, I’d say, if you use up a resource and there is no replacement for it, it’s what I call unsustainable. Or, another way to put it, I’d say, unsustainability can also be defined as a very unhealthy over-consumption trend. And, isn’t that a reality today?

The term “sustainability” may have arose from the world’s need to protect the planet and its resources, but it has also, unfortunately, become part of a much broader and much deeper business model. The true application of sustainability is running in our society as an advocate for companies and consumer products.

Business Sustainability

Business SustainabilityDuring the last decade, an increasing number of companies have been changing their business models, business practices, industrial processes, corporate governance and much more towards a more sustainable way. Walmart, Adidas, 3M, Philips, Proctor & Gamble, Boeing and Cisco were some of the early adopters of business sustainability, but now, more leading companies like Apple, Patagonia, Google and even Amazon have pledged to reduce their carbon footprint and help in making the world a better place.

Personally and honestly, I think many of us have been “fooled” by these marketing tricks. Business owners didn’t just incorporate sustainability throughout their organizations just to protect and conserve the earth’s resources. Initially, many of them were reluctant and due to consumers’ pressure, they were forced to change their processes and products, only to realize the powerful impact of sustainability on their organizations, products and profits. Due to its tremendous benefits on customer satisfaction, community relations and profitability, sustainability has become a money-making tool for business owners. And, this marketing trick is somehow successful because consumers today are even willing to pay more for eco-friendly products

You see, the purpose of this article series is to help you understand how businesses are using sustainability to fuel consumption and reap the benefits of this consumption. And, if you want to learn more about their marketing tricks, come back for part 2!








6 New Environment-Related Jobs

The environment is the source of all our resources, so the dangers if faces are everyone’s responsibility. Society is moving more and more towards more sustainable lifestyles, more respectful of our planet and less polluting for the place where we live. This phenomenon could not be different in the labor market. Indeed, as the trend towards a greener world grows, new environment-related jobs are beginning to emerge, aimed at those who are willing to put in the work and change the course of our planet.

Do you want to know more about those jobs? Keep reading below as in today’s article, we highlight some of these professions, to which you can eventually apply for if you are truly committed to the environment. Enjoy the discovery!

1.Environmental Quality Technician

This position will require you lead, coordinate and control a company’s environmental management and set your quality standards to take care of the planet wherever you work. As an environmental quality technician, you will be able to change things from the inside out, as you’ll be able to alter the way, processes and systems of a business to start creating the change you want to see.

2.Posts in Renewable Energy Companies

If you want to work in the environmental field, but are more focused on the energy business, we recommend you look into the renewable resources sector. A wind, geothermal, or solar power plant may be a great alternative for you if you are looking for a position in this field. You’ll be able to focus on what you’re most passionate about, without giving up another great commitment: valuing, caring for and working for the environment.

3.Environmental Lawyer

If you are in the field of law and would be passionate about working in the environmental field, you are a perfect match! Find opportunities where you can apply all your legal knowledge to save the planet, its species and ecosystems. With your words and your knowledge of the law, you can do much more to take care of the Earth than you can imagine.


If you are passionate about technology, learn how to use it for the environment! Look for a position in the biotechnology field and find out how you can design, manipulate, and engineer new ideas or products that contribute to the proper use and conservation of renewable resources. So do you think you are ready to design the future of the environment?

5.Environmental Education Teacher

If caring for the environment is truly your calling, what better way to contribute than by sharing it with other minds? Consider an environmental teaching position and give the planet the best you have to give: all your knowledge. By sharing it with others, you will see how you inspire them to commit to a better planet.

6.NGO Salesperson

If you’re a natural salesperson and you’re good at convincing others with your arguments, perhaps the best way to help the environment is to give your voice. By working in an NGO that fights to protect the environment, you can contribute your two cents by facilitating resources, partners or even contacts that help the planet stay the way we want it to.

Whatever your career, if what you are truly passionate about is the environment, there will always be ways to get closer to it. Bringing an environmental approach to your career path is easy and the first step to doing so is just your love for the environment, we don’t take care of the rest.

What are your thoughts on those jobs? Do you find one more appealing than others? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below – we cannot wait to read from you.

The Sustainable Development Goals Through the Perspective of the Bible and Christian Faith (Part 2)

The Sustainable Development Goals Through the Perspective of the Bible and Christian Faith (Part 2)

Can our Christian faith or the Bible be of any help when it comes to living a sustainable life or achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)?

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) were defined by the United Nations in 2015 as a universal call to end poverty and hunger, reduce inequality, and promote sustainable economic growth and peace and justice, while protecting the planet. These goals are forever present in this contemporary world, but what about our involvement, i.e., Christian involvement. It depends on the perspective you apply. There are several Biblical scriptures that offer a wide range of perspectives on a Christian’s role in working with the Sustainable Development Goals.

A starting point would be reflecting on how Jesus assumed humanity by being born as a human child and growing as a common man. He embraced all the components of human corporeality and he came on earth to save people from poverty, hunger and illness. So, as those who are called to be “born of Christ” or “followers of Christ”, we cannot regard these issues as foreign. Faith doesn’t only mean believing that Christ died on the cross for our sins, but also believe that this earth is one of God’s creations and as His children, we have a responsibility towards protecting it.

Consequently, this article series seeks to examine and identify the involvement of Christians with the Sustainable Development Goals and if you haven’t read part one yet, here’s the link!

Sustainable Development Goal 2 – No Hunger

Sustainable Development Goal 2 - No HungerIn Christian faith, we often refer to “hunger” as the spiritual need to feed on Jesus Christ and the Word of God. However, as human beings, we need food to survive and it’s a fact that famines have been one of the greatest challenges humanity has always faced. But, let’s not forget that our mighty Lord has promised to provide for all those who would believe in Him (John 5: 36). “Give us this day our daily bread” (Matthew 6: 11) is one of God’s promises to give us our daily food.

Other Biblical scriptures, such as, “For he satisfies the thirsty and fills the hungry with good things” (Psalm 107: 9), “Then Jesus declared, “I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never go hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty” (John 6: 35), “Everything that lives and moves about will be food for you. Just as I gave you the green plants, I now give you everything” (Genesis 9: 3-4), tells us how God will never let His children live in hunger and will always feed them.

In Psalm 23: 1, we learn that we will never be in want as the Lord is our shepherd. And, again in Philippians 4: 19, we can read, “And my God shall supply all your needs according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus.” 

When people look at the world’s ever-increasing population and the extreme food shortages, they interpret famine as an alarming yet unpreventable crisis. But, as children of God, we ought to believe in God’s surpassing power and glory. Let us remember how Jesus multiplied five loaves of bread and two fish and fed 5, 000 people (Matthew 14: 15-21) or how God used ravens to feed Elijah (1 Kings 17:2-16).

The notion of God as the one who provides for us is rooted in our hearts, but we cannot either ignore our share of responsibility. As children of God, we have a very important role to play. Remember Isaiah 58: 7: “Share your food with the hungry, and give shelter to the homeless. Give clothes to those who need them…”

To learn more about global famines and about what you can do to help hungry people, take a look here!


Sustainable Living: Minimize You Gas Consumption with Healthy Uncooked Food Ideas

With the scorching temperatures we’re experiencing these days, raise your hand if you feel like getting into the kitchen. Then again, with electricity and gas costs reaching increasingly prohibitive heights due to current geopolitical tensions, getting near stoves or appliances becomes anything but inviting.

But can we create tasty, healthy, nutrient-rich dishes without turning on anything that generates heat? It’s a gamble we’ve taken ourselves and we’re showing you that it can be done – you just have to choose the right recipes and follow the seasonality of the ingredients. So let’s stop chatting and start (not) cooking to be more sustainable in our kitchen.


To start the day with the right determination and with a balanced intake of nutrients, we start with a good no-cook overnight porridge enriched with fresh (we chose strawberries, but all good) and dried fruits, oilseeds and organic peanut butter.

This recipe, vegan and lactose-free since the vegetable drink is used, is also suitable for people with gluten intolerance: just replace the classic oatmeal with gluten-free flakes and you’re done.

As an alternative to porridge, we can prepare a delicious chia pudding (“chia pudding”), again without cooking: chia seeds are rich in beneficial properties and are also very satiating – so ideal for a nutritious breakfast. This recipe is also vegan and gluten-free and can be enriched with fresh fruit or cocoa powder.


Let’s cut our appetite mid-morning with a colorful and fragrant smoothie made with fresh fruit: strawberries, melon, peaches… the summer season offers us an infinite number of flavors to satisfy the most demanding palates. To give body and creaminess to the smoothie, we suggest you mix fresh fruits with a frozen banana: it will give a fantastic creamy texture!


For lunch, we suggest a plate of carrot “spaghetti” with pistachio and basil pesto, a raw recipe that can be prepared in a few minutes and that will seduce young and old alike with its color and crunch. Remember that eating raw vegetables allows you to fill up on vitamins and “volatile” nutrients that would be lost with cooking.

If you are not a carrot lover or if you want to reproduce the idea with other vegetables, you can try making your zucchini noodles.

To the raw starter, we can combine a salad of seasonal vegetables (strictly raw), enriched with a handful of legumes (we can use canned beans, lupins or fava beans) and a bit of oilseed to give crunch and fill up with precious omega-3 fatty acids.


It’s time for a snack: a wooden skewer is enough to create a healthy and colorful snack, also suitable for children for this delicious shape. We are talking about fruit skewers, to enrich with the fruits we like most and decorate with dried fruit seeds, such as pistachio or hazelnut.


Why not end the day with a tasty chickpea hummus spread on slices of fresh bread? Nutritious and filling, this dish of oriental origin guarantees the right amount of vegetable protein thanks to its main ingredient, chickpeas.

Its preparation is very simple: you just need a jar of pre-cooked and well rinsed chickpeas, a little lemon juice, a little tahini sauce (an oriental sauce made of sesame seeds, available in the most popular supermarkets but you can omit it if you don’t have it at home), salt, oil and a clove of garlic.

We then conclude the day with a sweet hug, strictly no-bake: we make a fresh coconut and lime cheesecake with Greek yogurt. If you don’t like the pungent taste of lime, you can choose from many other no-bake dessert recipes.

There you go! Even with different meal choices, you can become more sustainable in your lifestyle. How about you? What are the steps you’ve already taken towards better sustainability? Let us know in the comments below.

How Can Shipping Companies Reduce Their Packaging Waste?

Sustainable Packaging

Sustainable packaging is on the rise and will continue to grow. More and more companies are using environmentally friendly packaging materials throughout the lifecycle, from functionality to marketing to post-use. Sustainable packaging also reduces the cost of package design.

Choosing a green supply chain is both a cost-saving and a social responsibility. Shippers are turning to innovative solutions that reduce packaging waste and emissions as a critical component of their sustainable initiatives.

Waste that come from packaging is becoming a critical issue and shippers should find ways to decrease these.

Here are some of the main points to help reduce packaging waste

1) Choose Recyclable or Reusable Materials

Choose packaging materials that can be recycled or reused. Reuse materials for another purpose, such as using excess cardboard to store office equipment. This reduces waste and avoids unnecessary purchases.

This also prevents packaging materials from being wasted or going to landfills once disposed of.

2) Use Sustainable Raw Materials

It would be a good idea to source sustainable raw materials for your packaging needs. It also helps to ensure that the packaging is sustainable. For instance, wood can be used to make corrugated cardboard, and the paper used to make packaging can come from sustainable forests. Other sustainable choices include cotton, new man-made fibers, and wood from sustainable farms.

3) Invest in an Industrial Paper Shredder

Buy an industrial paper shredder, which can shred almost anything of fiber, including paper and cardboard. Shredders can produce large quantities of shredded material, which can then be stuffed into packing boxes. Paper cushions do a great job in shielding the corners of cardboard boxes. Shredded paper is also a convenient and eco-friendly way to package and ship products.

China Heavy Duty Industrial Paper Shredder Machine for Sale - China Cutting  Machine, Office Paper Shredder

4) Use Rubber Bands for Safe Packing

When transporting products in a warehouse, using stretch film to hold products together rather than packing them in large boxes saves packaging materials and energy. Stretch film is easier to place in garbage cans and recycling containers.

For longer distance shipments, packing products with stretch film is also advantageous. This allows the packages to be shipped safely, which also helps to prevent damage to the environment. For example, it keeps spoiled and unprofitable products away from landfills.

5) Use the Appropriate Bulk Filler

Do not use large packages to send small items unless absolutely necessary. Avoid using the wrong box or bulk filler. Understand what type of bulk packing is appropriate for each type of item. Using the correct type of fill will better protect the product.

6) Keep it Professional

Online retailers are shipping in too big boxes, resulting in 2 billion kilograms of extra waste each year, and customers are noticing.

Automated packaging solutions optimize all stages of order fulfillment. In just 7 seconds, these systems scan, assemble, fill, fold, and label packages to match the size of each order.

They can also create parcels for one or more orders with different dimensions. By creating customized packages, automated packaging solutions can eliminate voids and reduce corrugated material usage by up to 20%.

Not only are customers pleased with this green initiative but shippers as well since it saves them money.

What Is Sustainable Packaging Design? | Bundle Packaging

7) Training Staff

Sometimes waste is generated or not properly disposed of because the staff is unaware of the waste disposal processes in place at the facility. This may be due to a lack of communication or adequate training with warehouse operators. Training of staff would go a long way in reducing packaging waste.

Do you have any other tips? Share it with us in the comments below!

Key Ideas to Develop a Sustainability Strategy for Your Company

In recent years, companies have realized that focusing on sustainability is essential within their practices and for this, a strategy is required. Since climate change and resource scarcity are becoming more noticeable, companies that are prepared for these changes will have an advantage.

Implementing a sustainability strategy is the way in which the company defines the path towards achieving its purpose, taking care that its impact is positive from the three main dimensions: economic, social and environmental. That’s why in today’s article, we intend to make sustainability available to everyone. Over the years, we have seen that many entrepreneurs were interested in incorporating a sustainability strategy in their companies. However, they do not feel knowledgeable enough to start this process.

For this reason, in this article we explain 6 simple steps to implement a sustainability strategy. Interested in learning more? Grab a pen and paper and take notes from our tips below. Enjoy!

Do a Materialism Analysis

It is to make a diagnosis of the issues that are most important to the stakeholders of our company. That is, employees, customers, consumers, suppliers, neighbors and authorities or institutions. A materialism analysis consists of asking these interested parties (stakeholders) which economic, social and environmental aspects are the most important due to their impact, positive or negative. From all these topics the priorities of the materialism analysis will emerge, normally between five and ten topics.

Define Objectives and Strategic Goals

Once the material issues have been prioritized, it is necessary to define specific objectives and goals for each of them. Establishing what actions we should stop doing or correct, what others we need to start doing, and what we should continue doing or reinforce. Each of these objectives and goals must be specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and have a set time frame.

Define Key Performance Indicators

In order to measure the objectives, it is necessary to set the sustainability indicators, which will help us to determine the progress in each material issue. Once defined, we must set their initial value, or starting point. As well as its target value for a defined period of time, normally one year.

Implement a Plan for the Execution of Said Objectives

The implementation of the plan requires:

• communicate the program to everyone involved,

• define individual and collective responsibilities in each goal,

• allocate the necessary resources for its execution,

• and incorporate the fulfillment of these goals in the employee performance evaluation program. So that they feel truly involved and part of the strategy.

Report and Periodically Monitor the Progress of the Programs

This is necessary to disseminate internally and externally the company’s efforts and results in terms of sustainability. For this, a sustainability report  and a control panel (or Balance Score card) must be defined that allow monitoring and seeing the progress of each indicator. There is a wide variety of sustainability reports and certifications on the market. The company must decide which one is best for it to adopt according to its commercial or public image needs.

Choose a Sustainability Management Tool

It is recommended that the company adopt a sustainability management software. In this way, you will be able to maintain, in an organized manner over time, the record of sustainability indicators.

Browse to Get Ideas

Online, you can find great sustainability strategies from established brands. For instance some well-known companies with sustainable business practice are:

  • Accenture
  • Apple
  • Estée Lauder
  • Google
  • Ikea
  • Intel
  • Patagonia
  • Unilever
  • And more

There you are! With those tips you can now develop your own sustainability strategy to help your company thrive. What are your thoughts on sustainable business practices? Let us know in the comments below.

How to Conserve Your Christmas Tree

How to Conserve Your Christmas Tree



Step 1: Choosing: cut or clumped Christmas tree?

Step 2: Buying: the right things to do right from the start to preserve it

Step 3: Installing: thinking about the location

Step 4: Recycle with an ecological conscience


Traditionally, the tree is installed on Christmas Eve and kept until Epiphany. How can you keep it, despite the falling needles?

1. Choosing: cut or root ball Christmas tree?

How to Conserve Your Christmas Tree

You can buy a cut tree (in a pot or on a log) or a root ball (in a pot or a bucket). If you choose a root ball, you can replant the tree after the holidays and enjoy it for a long time. On the other hand, cut trees do not last more than one month for some and up to two months for others:

You can keep cut spruce for 3 weeks.

A cut Nordmann can be kept for up to 8 weeks.

2. Buying: the right things to do from the start for conservation

How to Conserve Your Christmas Tree

From the start:

Delay the purchase as much as possible if you want the tree to look good during the holidays. Christmas is a time when it is generally warm in our homes, which dries out the tree.

Whatever tree you buy, so that it doesn’t suffer a thermal shock between the store and your home, leave it for a few days in your garage or on your balcony, for example. It will also have time to unfold and will not dry out too quickly.

3. Install: think about the location

How to Conserve Your Christmas Tree

First, never place your tree near a heat source (radiator, fireplace, etc.) or a bay window where the sun can shine. This will dry out the tree, which will quickly lose its needles.

Cut fir tree: keep the humidity

The foot of the tree should be bevelled to encourage water absorption through the trunk.

You can also make a vertical hole in the base of the trunk or split it vertically to slide a wet cotton ball (which will conduct the water).

Finally, you can place the tree in a bucket filled with hot water before putting it on its log: the wood will soften, and the water will be more efficiently conducted into the top of the trunk.

Potted fir

It would be best to water the potted tree as soon as the soil is dry. If you buy a tree in a clump or cut, you can also put it in a bucket of sand that you will regularly wet to keep it better.

Maintain the needles

You can spray water on the branches of your tree 2 to 3 times a week unless you have fragile or electric decorations.

Avoid artificial snow which dries out the tree.

Good to know: some people use flour to replace it.

4. Recycle with an ecological conscience

How to Conserve Your Christmas Tree

The tree is entirely biodegradable; if you want to do something ecological, you can recycle it.

Some cities organize collections: depositing your tree in specific places is up to you.

Only unflocked trees without decoration and artificial snow are accepted. Please do not put them in a bag and don’t hesitate to contact your town hall for more information.

The trees will then be transformed into shredded material to be used either as mulch spread on garden beds or as an element for making compost.

Some stores also offer the return of the purchased tree. The conditions are the same (no snow, no decoration, no bag…). They will generally use them to make compost.

Finally, the solution of the waste disposal center is another alternative.

But you can also cut your tree into sections for firewood or make a potpourri with its pine needles. Moreover, you can buy a tree with roots to replant it as soon as the holidays are over or use a chipper to obtain mulch to spread on your property.

The Most Sustainable and Ethical Clothing Brands for Guilt-Free Shopping

The Most Sustainable and Ethical Clothing Brands for Guilt-Free Shopping

Sustainability is “the” word right now and it’s more than just a passing fad. It’s a hot trend that’s been attracting lots of customers and that’s been quite the headache for many businesses. However, there are several companies, more specifically clothing companies that have been treating sustainability as more than just a trend.

So, let’s see how the fashion industry has been treating the word “sustainability.”


PatagoniaEveryone knows that summertime is the season for outdoor activities. But, did you know that the comfort of outdoor activities and your outdoor performance will depend on your fashion choice?

When it comes to outdoor clothing, many believe that fashion is not very important ; trust me, you’ll get lots of surprises if you opt for cheap jeans and tees. While you might still be searching on the net or don’t know what clothes or clothing brands to choose, at Patagonia, you will know how right your choice is.

Founded by Yvon Chouinard in 1973, Patagonia is one of the most affordable and highest quality of fashion outdoor clothing retailer. This American-based clothing retailer has hundreds of stores over more than 10 countries across 5 continents. This company provides all its customers with the most unique outdoor wear as well as outdoor accessories. It’s also one of the only stores where outdoor clothing trends come out to play with all kinds of new, innovative designs.

But, the most interesting thing about this clothing retailer is the fact that it take a very serious look at sustainability. If you visit its website, the first thing you’ll come across is its message about living sustainably or how to help and protect our environment. The company’s clothing menu is a reminder of its sustainable business practices and it has also started investing in organic regenerative practices. Social responsibility and environmental programs are always organized to raise awareness about mankind’s responsibility towards the environment.


  • Patagonia is staffed by outdoors enthusiasts who will try their very best to give good advice and help you to make the right choice.
  • Windproof and water-resistant, all the clothes are made of a highly compressible material. For example, the Nano Puff Jacket is known for being incredibly lightweight but can still keep you warm.
  • Patagonia is widely known for its chilled-out vintage vibe, rooted and designed in its clothing.
  • The company is also known for prioritizing durability; most of its clothes last for a very long time.
  • It has been proven that 87 % of Patagonia clothing consists of recycled material. Even their organic cotton stems from regenerative farming practices.
  • Sustainability is practised during the company’s whole production phase –from manufacturing to the packaging stage.
  • The company has also pledged 1% of sales to the preservation and restoration of the natural environment.

Awards and Recognitions:

Awards and Recognitions

  • In 2019, due to its sustainable business practices and policies, Patagonia won the UN’s Champions of the Earth award for entrepreneurial vision.
  • Following its voluntary work in Argentine to protect and preserve the environment, the company also won the Award for Corporate Excellence (ACE) from the U.S. Department of State for Climate Innovation.
  • Patagonia was awarded a 2006 Business Ethics Award from CRO.
  • And recently, in 2021, Patagonia was awarded with the Environmental Sustainability Award at the 2021 CFDA Fashion Awards.
  • Patagonia was a nominee for Websites and Mobile Sites Shopping 2021 as well as for Websites and Mobile Sites Best Practices 2021
  • It won the People’s Choice Award for Websites and Mobile Sites Fashion & Beauty 2021 and received the Webby award for Websites and Mobile Sites Fashion & Beauty 2021.
Customer Reviews:

“Great lightweight, wicking shirt. Keeps you cool and also can be warm in cooler weather.” – From BS

“The shorts I bought are like wearing nothing and I live in central american where its very hot and not really much AC so theses short not only look awesome they feel awesome wearing them.” – From Jason

“I’ve bought a lot of clothes from Patagonia and I just love the design.” From Leonide. E

“They have a terrible refund process. I have been waiting for ages for a refund.” – From Erika. G



Conditions Of Transport Of Perishable Food Products

All food industry professionals: production plants, restaurants, food stores, market stalls, transporters… are subject to certain standards and obligations. In order to guarantee the health of consumers, several rules have been established for the transport and preservation of perishable foodstuffs. So, without further ado, let’s dive into this blog and learn some of the things you ought to know about food transportation.

Conditions related to the transport vehicle


The export of perishable foods in a city, a region, a country, or a continent requires the use of an adequate means of transport. This is to preserve their quality and avoid loss. Road or rail transport is preferred to transport food products within the same country or continent. Of course, air or sea transport is designed for shipping food to another continent. If the products to be sold have a limited shelf life, it is better to transport them by air.

The vehicle used to transport the foodstuffs must be sound and well maintained. Similarly, the container in which the food is kept should be easy to clean and disinfect. These measures are important, especially if the vehicle transports foodstuffs of any kind or other goods alternately. After each loading, the van or truck always needs to be cleaned.

According to the decree of December 19, 2007, on the technical conditions for transporting foodstuffs under controlled temperature, the use of special equipment is mandatory for the shipment of perishable foodstuffs. These are vehicles that meet the ATP specifications, such as isothermal, refrigerated, cooling, or heating vehicles. To avoid contamination of perishable foodstuffs, products of different categories must be properly segregated in suitable, hermetically sealed containers. This applies to the storage of foodstuffs.

Conditions related to the container

The container must guarantee the preservation of the quality of the transported food. When exposed to high temperatures for an extended period of time, food products perish more quickly. It develops micro pathogenic organisms, toxins, and enzymes that harm consumers’ health. Therefore, it is essential to choose the right container in order to avoid the degradation of the food.

This is why it is essential to manage the cold chain to prevent temperature variations. Perishable foods must be transported in an insulated container that meets the requirements of the standards. This one allows keeping the temperature adapted to their conservation throughout the transport. Supermarkets, food distributors, collective restaurants, and other professionals are required to use this type of container.

There are three insulated containers on the market: refrigerated cabinets with door-type openings, cold boxes that open from the top, and small-capacity refrigerated boxes. In addition, it is forbidden to transport dangerous goods that could contaminate foodstuffs before, during, and after loading.

Conditions related to the cold chain and hot links

In order to avoid the deterioration of foodstuffs during transport, they must be kept at a certain temperature. For frozen products, the required temperature is below -18°C or even -12°C. As for refrigerated foods such as milk, meat, and cheese…, the maximum temperature must never exceed 7°C, except for certain products whose conservation temperature is determined by the manufacturer.

In any case, the vehicle used to transport refrigerated, frozen, and deep-frozen foods must be equipped with a device to monitor the air temperature regularly. The delivery of hot meals is also subject to temperature regulations. Indeed, the temperature must not be below 63°C until the arrival of the meal at the destination.

Types of fresh and frozen food products that can be transported


We offer our customers the transport of fresh and frozen products according to the required temperatures with, in each of our agencies, positive and negative cold rooms monitored 24/7. The fresh products are transported between 0 and 4 degrees in respect of the cold chain. We take care of different types of goods: meat (except minced meat), vegetables, cheese, pastries, chocolate, and oysters.

We handle all food products (ice cream, meat, vegetables…), including minced meat. Some products require specific insulating packaging (for example, for fruit and vegetables, the ideal transport temperature is +8°C). A particular process has been deployed for seafood products with a refrigerated transport between 0 and 2 degrees. For the transport of frozen or deep-frozen products, we transport and maintain these goods down to -18 degrees. Our consultants are at your disposal to explain the process and the best packaging methods.

Sound off in the comments section below and tell us what you want to read next and if you want to read more about food transportation.


Eco-Renovation: An Ideal Solution To Reduce Your Energy Bill

There are many reasons to renovate your home. The need to reduce the energy bill is one of them because it represents a large part of the expenses for a household. In this case, eco-renovation is the best solution. However, this type of work is far from easy to achieve.

Therefore, it is essential to first define the elements that most affect energy consumption, and the work to be done will then focus on the said elements. On the other hand, the work must be carried out by a specialized company, ideally certified, to ensure a realization in accordance with the environmental standards in force. So, without further ado, let’s dive into this blog and learn more about eco-renovation.

What is eco-renovation?


The eco-renovation is the set of works that consists in improving a house while aiming, in general, the following points

    • The improvement of the comfort of the occupants of the house
    • The reduction of energy consumption
    • The contribution to the preservation of the environment

The eco-renovation is primarily intended for owners of old houses wishing to improve the energy performance of the house. It is also intended for future owners who wish to benefit from a more ecological house.

We watch our water flow

Energy savings also happen in the bathroom! Before brushing your teeth, think about installing a masseur on your faucet. At around 10 $, it can reduce the water flow by 50%… This is not negligible! Finally, to avoid unnecessary water flow, a toothbrush is a must. And it goes without saying that we prefer showers to baths!

Yes, because we often prefer cool showers to hot baths in summer. So let’s look at the bright side: cooler showers tone up and put you in a “good mood”! For those of you who are a bit chilly, there are intelligent shower heads that help control water consumption. Economical and ecological, they allow you to avoid a cold shower when you receive your water bill!

What are the works to be done for eco-renovation?

In this type of project, many options are available to you. However, each work must meet a specific need of the house. Similarly, the specificity of the work also concerns the choice of materials to be used. This is one of the criteria that attests that the work meets the criteria of eco-renovation.

The energy performance diagnosis


Before starting the work, it is essential to define the essential points on which the interventions must be made. This will also allow defining the extent and the nature of the work to be done. To reduce the energy consumption of a house, the realization of an energy performance diagnosis is essential.

Energy renovation

Energy renovation is an essential component of the eco-renovation concept. It allows not only to reduce the emission of harmful gases to the environment but also to reduce the energy consumption of the house, and thus the bill. Energy renovation generally involves several types of work:

Insulation work

To save energy, it is essential to review the insulation of the house. A choice of material also accompanies this. We prefer biosourced and natural materials. In this case, wood fiber is a wise choice for exterior insulation, especially because of its performance. For floor and roof insulation, hemp can be chosen, as this material is sustainable and massively produced.

The choice of heating energy

Heating is a major expense for a household. To optimize heating and reduce its impact on the energy bill, it is necessary to opt for green energies: solar panels and wind turbines (for electricity production), solar water heaters, and, finally, wood stoves or low-temperature gas boilers.

Which company to choose for eco-renovation?


To succeed in eco-renovation and benefit from its advantages, choosing the company in charge of the work is essential. To ensure that the work respects the principles of eco-renovation, the company that will carry out the renovation must ideally be RGE qualified. This also allows the owner to benefit from state aid to reduce the bills related to the work. Choose a company that Specializes in general masonry work such as house construction and extension.

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