Save Water

The Perfect Guide For Water Saving At Home.

The average household uses roughly 94 liters of water per day, per person, and very little of it is actually for our drinking consumption. We mostly use this vital resource to wash ourselves, our clothes and our belongings, and also to flush our toilets. This article looks at ways where we can cut down on our water wastage:

Bottle, Mineral Water, Glass, Pour, Pouring
Save Water.

1. Take a shower instead of a bath

A bath uses over 100 liters of water, that will eventually be evacuated. While long, luxurious bubble baths can be fun, and in some cases, even essential for our peace of mind, try to minimize them. Instead, opt for a short shower. In addition to saving water, you use less energy because you need to heat less water.


2. Use an economical shower head

An energy-saving showerhead consumes 6 liters per minute, or even less if you’re efficient under the shower (it rinses well even if it consumes less).


3. Flush less water down the toilet

The toilet uses the most water in the house. To save water, you can replace the flush with a two-button flush. A small one for small pees (3 liters) and a large one for big pees (6 liters). This requires buying a new flush.

4. Fix Any Leaks

To determine if there are leaks in the house, read the water meter at night before going to bed (do not run the washing machine or dishwasher that night, nor get up to pee) and compare the value with that of the following day. Usually, the numbers should be the same. If they are not, there is a leak. The only thing to do is to identify where the leak is.


5. Don’t let the water run unnecessarily

If you wash your dishes by hand, leaving the water running can consume up to 200 liters per dish. It is more economical to fill both bowls in the sink.

Turn off the tap when brushing your teeth. You can also use a cup, and this will save you about 10 liters.

Turn off the water in the shower when soaping up. Every minute without water saves several liters.

Tap, Water Faucet, Open, Jet, Water, Garden
Always close the tap.


6. Choose water-saving appliances

If you are a homeowner, fitting your shower with a thermostatic mixer is a good idea. The hot water comes out faster and you save a few liters of water per shower.

When you buy big appliances (washing machines, dishwashers…), pay attention to their water consumption. The best dishwashers use less than 10 liters of water per cycle (the consumption is written on the energy label, even if it is water). And of course, you should only run them when they are full.

7. Water sparingly

You can also save water in the garden:

Replace the garden hose with a watering can;

Waterless often but for more extended periods to allow the soil to become deeply moistened. Rotating watering with alternating jets allows for “soft” watering too.

Make sure that the soil is loose enough and worked. This allows for more efficient watering since water runs off on a compacted soil;

in the vegetable garden or in the flower beds, cover the soil between the plants with straw, grass clippings, leaves, etc., to help retain water;

water in the evening to avoid waste due to evaporation (it is warmer during the day) and evapotranspiration (steam released by plants).

8. Use rainwater

Drinking water is only necessary for 5% of our water consumption, and for the rest, we can use rainwater. Depending on the use (toilet, washing machine, shower, or even kitchen), the level of filtration will be different. You should find out beforehand so as not to make any mistakes. This advice is only for homeowners…

Water is essential, so use it wisely. Let us know in the comments what you do at home to avoid water wastage…

Sustainable Business Practices

Sustainability is a simple concept that emphasizes human beings’ ability to meet their own needs without jeopardizing future generations’ ability to do the same. In layman’s terms, it refers to the coexistence of human civilization and nature.

Nowadays, as consumers are becoming more and more conscious about the environment, organisations need to adopt sustainable business practices. So, let’s take a look at the different practices that a business should implement.

#1. Understand and Incorporate the Concept of Sustainability

As a business owner, it is essential that you understand and incorporate the principles of sustainability into your company’s business goals and corporate strategies. After all, as the leader, you will need to set the example for your staff to follow. By prioritizing sustainability in all your business operations, you will be able to ensure that your team does the same thing.

#2. Partner with Your Workers

As we mentioned above, as a green business owner, your entire team should be aware of the importance of sustainable business practices. It is therefore vital to invest the time in training your employees on the importance of a green approach to business. Make sure to foster a two-way communication path when discussing the organisation’s aims and methods to conserve environmental resources with your employees. By doing so, you can even get some new and additional ideas from your employees. Believe me, sometimes you might even be surprised by the ideas that your workers can come up with.

Let me give you a simple example. A Walmart manager once noticed that vending machines in the employee’s lounge had lights that were always switched on even though workers could see the products without additional lighting. As a result, Walmart decided to turn off all the lights in all the employee vending machines. Can you guess how much Walmart saved in energy costs? $1 million!

Now, we’re not saying that every idea will save you that much money, but you never know.

#3. Water and Electricity Conservation

One of the best green business measures to reduce waste is to conserve water and electricity. There are a few easy ways to save big on your water bill. First of all, consider installing a rainwater harvesting system that will collect rainwater from the roof and then store it in a tank. The collected water can be used for other purposes, such as irrigating gardens, toilets, and much more.

Another major water saving measure you can introduce is installing low-flow toilets to reduce the amount of water each flush uses. This can help you to save approximately ninety litres of water a day. I’m sure you can do the math and see how much money that will net you in savings.

Now, let’s talk about the wonder of solar panels for electricity conservation. Do I really need to tell you that the sun is a source of clean and renewable energy? If you are wary of the high initial costs, let me reassure you that solar panels will save you much more money in the long run.

#4. Adopt a Recycling Program

It is recommended to develop an in-house program for recyclable products such as paper products, some supplies, fluorescent lightbulbs, electronics, and computers.

#5. Chemical Management

Even elementary students are being taught about the negative impact of chemicals on our environment. Therefore, it is essential that you start to use green and non -chemical cleaning products if you are in the pest control or weed management sectors. You can also train your workers on the proper use and disposal of chemicals through your chemical vendors.

#6. Use Only Environmentally-Friendly Products

If you want to adopt green business practices, it is recommended to purchase only energy-efficient and sustainable office material. For instance, it is recommended to buy computers and electronics that are EPEAT registered. What is EPEAT? It stands for Electronic Product Environmental Assessment Tool and is a label in the IT field that certifies environmentally preferable electronic products.

What do you think of these green business practices? Please share your comments!