Cork stoppers are one of the most versatile objects to use in decoration. Small, resistant and of an inimitable color, together or separately, they make them beautiful to create any type of object or give them a different use than the one for which they were created.
If there is a special time to use them, it is the holidays, but if we add the touch of Christmas, you will not be able to help but think of keeping them to use in these dates very close.
Christmas Wreath with Stoppers
How about welcoming your guests with this gorgeous Christmas wreath? You can use just about anything to get that festive touch we love so much.
If you’re going to the fields or forest, try to choose materials from nature, leaves, pine cones, branches … anything will fit perfectly. You can also recycle other elements that you have at home.
Centerpiece With Corks
If there is something that gives a different touch to the Christmas table, it is the candles. Ideally, they are placed in strategic locations, either with lanterns or other containers, but the table cannot miss an ornate centerpiece, including one or more candles.
You can arrange the stoppers around the sail itself, vertically or horizontally, or at an angle. To hold them in place, you can opt for a ribbon or rope, but they can also be glued, depending on the design you prefer.
If you want something lavish, feel free to add and experiment with different materials.
Christmas Tree to Hang With Corks
If you always like to place the Christmas tree in your home, then do not miss the opportunity to hang a small Christmas tree made with corks cut to give the shape of a tree between its branches.
Glue them together, and add stars or gems, or you can even paint them with glitter paint. Choose the pattern to suit your style. They are beautiful and add a very warm touch to the whole thing!
Christmas Ornaments with Cork
Spherical shapes are very attractive in decoration. They stand out everywhere and are the center of all eyes. For this reason, there is nothing better than to keep all the corks to create Christmas balls of different sizes, in order to arrange them in full view.
The first thing to do is to buy or make your own baubles. It’s best to choose the same type of corks to give that unique round effect.
Then glue them together with glue or adhesive, depending on the material of the inner ball. If you like a more rustic touch, leave them with their original color, and if not, decorate them however you like.
Dolls with Cork
If what you like most about Christmas is to have a tree full of beads of all kinds, try to make them fun figures created from corks.
With ribbons, strings, fabrics, markers and a few other materials, you can make some really original dolls. You just need to have a little patience and be clever in arranging all the elements.
Small Christmas Tree with Corks
If you are tired of having a Christmas tree in your living room that takes up a lot of space, decide to make a custom one with the corks you have accumulated.
To make one, you will need to have a base, which can be wood, cardboard, glass… which you can find circular. From there, create different layers with the corks, as if it were a large cake. Decreasing their number as you go up, and placing each top tier towards the center.
A craft that both children and adults will enjoy. For a fun afternoon any day!
Small Trees with Pineapples and Corks
It’s not hard to create a small forest at home using pine cones picked up in the field, and decorating them with green paint to mimic Christmas trees. If you add a Star of Bethlehem to the glass, you already have a complete set to spend the holidays in a cozy environment with details.